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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Which one? He placed a photo but no comment.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Which one? He placed a photo but no comment.
Sorry for the blind link. I meant to go back and add some context, but I got distracted by something else. It was an 8-second video of Melania smiling at her husband, but her face turning to a "help me" expression as soon as his back is turned.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-one percent (41%) disapprove.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kiwichris »

"My job is to shut white people down"

errr, doesn't America have a thing called freedom of speech???
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

Kiwichris wrote:"My job is to shut white people down"

errr, doesn't America have a thing called freedom of speech???
Well, the rest of the quote is "...when they want to interrupt". Which is part of the job of a chairperson.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found the new president’s job approval hitting the mid- to upper 50s.

Voters overwhelmingly followed Trump’s Inauguration Day, but Republicans understandably were a lot happier with it than others were.

Some media commentators were highly critical of Trump’s use of the phrase “America First” in his inaugural address to describe his trade and foreign policy agenda, but most voters feel the new commander in chief is on the right track.

In the same speech, the president charged the Washington, D.C. establishment with long profiting at the expense of the average American, and voters strongly agree.

With that in mind, voters by a two-to-one margin favor Trump’s plan to cut spending up to 10% and cut staffing up to 20% in some federal government agencies. One area they don’t want him to touch, however, is the taxpayer subsidies for PBS and NPR.

Trump’s powerful anti-establishment speech was reminiscent of his not-so-distant overflowing, raucous campaign rallies.

Most voters welcome the president’s decision this week to scrap the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) mega-trade deal and agree that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada needs to be reworked.

Trump opposes these trade deals which lower tariffs on certain nations, saying they kill American jobs because U.S. goods cannot compete against those made overseas by workers making significantly less pay. Supporters of free trade argue that it makes products cheaper for U.S. consumers. By a 73% to 16% margin, though, Americans believe it is more important to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States than it is to keep prices low for U.S. consumers.

Americans strongly believe in buying things made in the U.S.A., and most don't think the government protects domestic businesses enough.

Republicans historically have been the biggest fans of free trade deals, and the president is likely to run into resistance from congressional members of his own party. But GOP voters identify a lot more with Trump than with the average Republican in Congress.

The president this week also told business leaders that he hopes to cut regulations on corporations by 75% or more because current regulations “make it impossible to get anything built.” Few voters defend the current level of government regulation.

Trump put the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines back in play, too. Most voters have long supported the Keystone project, perhaps in part because 62% believe an oil pipeline like this can be built without significantly damaging the environment.

Among several executive orders he signed this week, the president ordered planning to begin on the wall he intends to build on the U.S.-Mexico border to help stop illegal immigration. Voters are closely divided over whether the United States should build the wall, but most think it’s likely that Trump will dramatically cut the number of illegal immigrants entering America.

Stopping illegal immigration has long been voters’ number one immigration priority.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto cancelled a meeting with Trump scheduled for next week over the U.S. president’s insistence that Mexico pay for the wall, even proposing a sizable tariff on Mexican-made products if necessary. Just 21% of Americans think the Mexican government wants to stop its citizens from illegally entering the United States, and 50% believe Mexico should be asked to compensate U.S. taxpayers to offset some of the costs to this country of illegal immigration.

But voters did balk at Trump’s threat this week to send federal law enforcement to Chicago if the city fails to stem its rising murder rate. Most voters think the feds should butt out of local crime.

Voters are more comfortable than ever with the amount of power the president now holds.
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Re: President Trump?

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Image Also, a plurality of voters said they would support requiring immigrants from Muslim-majority nations to register with American officials. Fifty-three percent agreed and 41 percent opposed such an idea. :cheers:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

I think that will be the case as long as these refugees are doing harm.
Biggest problem is there are the real refugees who want to come here and become Americans but they threatened by the Isis scum hiding amongst them.

Then their are the refugees in Europe who want to take over by "breeding " keeping in isolated camp and not integrating.

I feel bad for many of the muslim people who just want to live in safety. Seen a great number in Iraq and Afghanistan who I'd be proud to have as neighbors , sadly we betrayed them with our policies.

BTW Obama had a ban on refugees from Iraq because they were infiltrated by terrorists, this kind of ban is nothing new.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Senator Schumer even backed Oh-bama's ban and now he is crying in public when Trump does it :!: I actually met Schumer who did the toast at my friend's wedding years ago and he was the same shmuck then that he remains today.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending January 26.

That’s up nine points from the previous week and the highest level of optimism in over 12 years of regular surveying.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 50% of American Adults now believe the economy will be stronger a year from now. That’s a 16-point jump from 34% in October and the highest finding since regular surveying began on the question in 2009 just after the Wall Street meltdown.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

The federal judge who blocked implementation of President Trump's 120-day ban on the entry of refugees and nationals from seven mostly Muslim nations had a record of helping refugees for free — and promised to continue "that experience" from the bench.

James Robart, United States District Court judge for the Western District of Washington State, told the Senate during his 2004 confirmation process that he did pro bono work for refugees from Southeast Asia, a large source of immigration into the Pacific northwest.

His work for refugees was raised by the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Orrin Hatch. On the day Robart was confirmed, Hatch offered up his work for refugees as a key reason he should win a seat on the federal court.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds » ... ation-sotu VIDEO by big Billy Clinton :!: Gee, it's sounds just like our new President :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

Yes the democrats 20 years ago don't resemble the democrats today. That's why I say trump is a JFK , FDR democrat. But it's easier to hate a caricature than it is to realize you've lead you're party to ruin, like George W did the republicans.
I think what the parties had in common was they took care of the same core Constituents, the money markets l, if that meant open borders and world economy so be it. The votes for change never more than a ripple on the surface the undercurrent never got disturbed until nov 8. I believe if trump gets his way he'd Usher in a new deal for every citizen, very unrepublican. He gets the bread and circus better than anybody in 100 years. I think if given a free hand he'd over turn the system to give back to people in some way. Make welfare better rather than cut it, cut the waste but not the aid. What can I say I'm not much of a republican either.
Needles to say both parties will try to stop him. But I only care if my guess about him is tight

Funny in retrospect how many people democrats and Republican told us Trump didn't want to be president that he would let his VP control The policies ,be president in name only. Yeah guess that was complete horse s't.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

A Texas man whose life sentence on drug charges was commuted by former President Obama is back behind bars after cops caught him with more than two pounds of cocaine following a high-speed chase, according to a report.

Robert M. Gill, 68, had been imprisoned in 1990 for for cocaine and heroin distribution before Obama set him free along with other non-violent federal inmates in 2015, the San Antonio Express News reported.

During his eight years in office, Obama commuted 1,715 prison sentences, more than any other president.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

More Democrats are more familiar with Stephen Bannon than 35 year Congress veteran Charles Schumer, Democratic minority leader now in the Senate :!: :shock: :Bonk:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

President Trump held up Intel's plan to invest more than $7 billion in an Arizona factory as a win for his economic agenda. The mayor of Chandler simply calls it a win for his city where the plant is expected to generate thousands of jobs. (Feb. 8) AP
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Image The United Nations Relief and Works Agency is under fire yet again over employees who publicly promote terrorism, praise National Socialist mass-murderer Adolf Hitler, support violent jihad, and foment hatred of Jews. According to a statement released by UN Watch, the investigation found more than 40 Facebook pages operated by UN school teachers, principals, and other employees that incite terrorism and anti-Semitism. The document shows, among other examples, UN officials celebrating terrorist kidnappings of Jewish children, cheering rockets fired at Israeli civilians, erasing Israel from maps, and even praising Nazi dictator Hitler for his role in killing Jews.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

WITH ONLY DAYS until Donald Trump takes office, the Obama administration announced new rules that will let the NSA share vast amounts of private data gathered without warrant, court orders or congressional authorization with 16 other agencies, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Department of Homeland Security.

The new rules allow employees doing intelligence work for those agencies to sift through raw data collected under a broad, Reagan-era executive order that gives the NSA virtually unlimited authority to intercept communications abroad. Previously, NSA analysts would filter out information they deemed irrelevant and mask the names of innocent Americans before passing it along.
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