President Trump

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Re: President Trump?

Post by Dr. No »

Kristatos wrote:Do you think that if the party rank and file chooses Trump as the nominee, the GOP establishment would organise some sort of coup to replace him with someone more acceptable (to them)? And if that were to happen, do you think he'd run as an independent?
The only way I see the establishment avoiding Trump nominee is if he fails at the ballot box if there is any reasonable expectation of a Trump nomination they will be too scared of the fallout to dare. Trump is essentially running as 3rd party now he's using the hollow husk of the republican party as his shield so he only has to fight one political party for the presidency. He has proven too dangerous to go after for the candidates, the press attacking has only made him stronger. If they had left him alone ignoring him they might have gotten their wish. Unless the polls are way off I don't think Trump fades away packing it up. That's never going to happen even if he is in last place. For two reasons first is Trump has lost a lot of money because of lost deals and has been tared and feathered by both political parties called every name under the sun his only vindication is to win, something. Second I think he wants to be King or kingmaker, he'd bee snubbed most of his life so much he shamelessly self-promotes I think he wants the kind of power nobody can ignore.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

Dr. No wrote: The only way I see the establishment avoiding Trump nominee is if he fails at the ballot box if there is any reasonable expectation of a Trump nomination they will be too scared of the fallout to dare.
I suppose it depends on what they're more scared of - their own base, or a presidential candidate they can't control.

Edited to add: I have Democrat friends who say the same about their party's establishment. One of them told me that he thought the DNC would rather let Republicans take the White House and both houses of Congress than have Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee. I reckon the DNC and RNC bigwigs are cosier with each other than they are with the rank and file members of their respective parties.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Dr. No »

Kristatos wrote:
Dr. No wrote: The only way I see the establishment avoiding Trump nominee is if he fails at the ballot box if there is any reasonable expectation of a Trump nomination they will be too scared of the fallout to dare.
I suppose it depends on what they're more scared of - their own base, or a presidential candidate they can't control.

Edited to add: I have Democrat friends who say the same about their party's establishment. One of them told me that he thought the DNC would rather let Republicans take the White House and both houses of Congress than have Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee. I reckon the DNC and RNC bigwigs are cosier with each other than they are with the rank and file members of their respective parties.
Well could be a point to this, after govoner (Haley) sold almost everybody out with her response to the State of Obama speech. State of the Union speeches are never important, the last one to have any real heft was George HW Bush after the first Gulf War. Those speeches lack the meaning of pardoning the turkey. It's a political show the party running the white house puts on.
(Before her Ryan rolled over and played dead to get a oil company deal though congress in that budget.)

I believe Haley's speech is symptomatic of everything wrong with both political machines, they think "hey we admitted we are part of the problem so the voters have no reason to be angry anymore lets forget about the top three candidates and get serious about family legacy candidate payed for by special interests".
We had a much higher opinion of the govoner before her speech,. If it were conceivable that anything coming out of her mouth were her true beliefs I might give her a pass but everything she said felt scripted by somebody elses interests. Much like listening to Jeb Bush and Hillary take a side on a important issue.

If this is what the Republicans seriously think is the answer they are so out of touch they deserve to have Trump take over their party. Sanders I disagree with on some important issues but he is a real person who like Trump say whatever is on his mind, I didn't used to think the Repubs would try to steal the nomination judging by that speech they are desperate enough to try it and bluff their way until the rabble who votes for them calms down.
I can't see the Dems allowing Sanders either, I'm not sure he could win outside of Yankee land but if he got momentum going by winning up there maybe he could.

I doubt either party is dumb enough to in this day try to steal the primary process but I see how anyone could believe it is possible with how the bigwigs are acting.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Dr. No, don't get me started on that witch Nikki Haley :!: She is DONE as a future political candidate :!: The base of the Republican party is outraged against her statements and I emailed both Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus that they can go to hell with their party now after telling Haley to sell out the leading 2 candidates. Haley can take her Indian heritage and shove now :!: She is toast :!: Let her live with all of the refugees Trump wants to stop from entering this country. These minority candidates from both parties seem to be the flavor of the election cycles, when it does NOT matter where they came from or who they are, but WHAT they believe in to make America great again :!: Trump has exposed the Washington insiders on both parties as the frauds they are :!: Talk radio is incensed against Haley now and rightfully so. Oh-bama is a delusional waste, as is the entire Democratic party. The Republicans have now lowered themselves to be at the same level. Trump has a great shot at being the next President as flawed as he is, because the previous so-called political experts that have been in Congress for decades have created this mess we are in. No more political correctness. Just state the facts and if people don't like the truth, TOO DARN BAD :!: Sweden and Germany have seen the light with sexual assaults against women going on all over the place. These "refugees" (Ha :!: ) do not want to assimilate. They cause havoc wherever they wind up.
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Re: President Trump?

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The National Review, which stands for pretty much everything that Trump does, has now decided that He Must Be Stopped, because reasons.
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Re: President Trump?

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It is already backfiring on them. They are spoiled brats. They are now disinvited as a sponsor to the February debate on CNN. Trump all the way now, with or without Iowa. Bush has his MOTHER doing commercials now for him :!: ---------Today on The Laura Ingraham Show, Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR), former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, Reagan biographer Craig Shirley, and conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly denounced National Review for it’s controversial editorial, “Against Trump.” The 29-page editorial features articles by 22 conservatives - including Glenn Beck, Rich Lowry, Erick Erickson, and Brent Bozell - who believe Trump is not deserving of Republican support, or the GOP nomination. Buchanan was baffled by NR’s piece, saying, “National Review has a right to endorse or not endorse or impose anyone it wants, but I don’t think it’s really relevant to what’s going on.” Craig Shirley echoed Buchanan’s sentiment, claiming NR made a tactical mistake by compiling the articles, rather than releasing a steady drip of anti-Trump articles. Even Gov. Huckabee came to Trump’s defense, labeling the crusade a “fool-hearted errand on the part of National Review.” According to Phyllis Schlafly, “National Review is not the authentic Conservative.” She referenced Bill Buckley’s support for giving away the Panama Canal and NR’s refusal to report on the Equal Rights Amendment, suggesting this background prevents NR from being an “authority on Conservatism.” Further, Huckabee said, these attacks are “completely out of touch with what conservatism means these days,” He continued, saying this morning’s publication aligns National Review with the interests of big business and Wall Street, proving “just how disconnected they are from the voters in this election cycle.” Buchanan labeled the authors of National Review’s piece “Davos conservatives,” suggesting their viewpoints are more closely aligned with those at this week’s World Economic Forum. However, he continued, “the whole western world is saying wait a minute, it doesn’t look like this is working from any standpoint.”
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Re: President Trump?

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Not sure who they are endorsing. Cruz?
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Re: President Trump?

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Beck wants Cruz.
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President Trump?

Post by Omega »

I'm not sure cruz can lead in DC even as president. Everyone hates him in the senate. There's a rumor he helped the house oust that crying guy speaker.
If he were elected he'd be just like Obama writing executive actions all the time.

I get not liking Trump nobody knows what his motivations truly are. But there are a lot of democrats who feel just as screwed over by the system and might vote for trump as well.
The checks and balances are broken. Courts tell the Feds to stop doing something they don't they ignore the courts. So many people believed the Supreme Court would protect their rights instead got a lecture from them on how it's our fault for electing congress and the president.
The Epa spills toxic waste in to pristine waters ignore led in the water of major cities, the irs acts political, fbi and cia, nsa run wild over people rights.

The only people the system works for us the 1% with money and political power.

If trump can f' the system over I might vote for him.

Part of why nobody cares what trump says no mater how crazy, or what party he is. It's not about him, it's become about how pissed off everyone is with the system. Which was carefully rigged to favor those in power by both parties.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Big O, I hope you DO vote for Trump and spread the word throughout your land and to all the inhabitants thereof :!: Vote Trump :!: Screw Washington D.C. :!: He has exposed both parties as the frauds they are and I predict we will have the biggest voter turnout EVER on the Republican side, and even legal minorities and Democrats will vote for him. Hillary is a pathetic candidate as well as a human being.
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Re: President Trump?

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Fox and trump are fighting again. What the hell was with the press release from fox?

I wonder if trump does abstain will any one else follow his lead?

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds » ... ERVIEW.mp3 Roger Ailes hates Trump and has his network do his bidding. Megan Kelly can get lost.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

bjmdds wrote: ... ERVIEW.mp3 Roger Ailes hates Trump and has his network do his bidding. Megan Kelly can get lost.
that press release is insulting.

I don't know why fox is so queer for Megan kelly.

I hope he win the presidency just so kelly and ailes have to suck up to trump.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Watch CNN tonight big O, 9:00pm eastern time, for Trump's rally, instead of the crummy Republican losers debate. I hope Trump beats them in the ratings. Huckabee will be with Trump and will be his VP choice. :up:
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Re: President Trump?

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I wonder what trumps ratings will be. I saw a little of the aftermath and cnn was gleeful at the strife with fox. Can't fault them for that really.
They were shocked at the amount of people who showed up and how far some traveled.

It comes down to votes. And caucusing whatever the hell that is.

The fox commentators were pissed trump ditched them, but none of them would mention the press release the head of Fox News put out mocking trump. It's fine to make fun of him God knows everyone does it. But they wouldn't of dared to do that to Obama, Hillary, bush, palin.

I'm not sure trump loses by telling fox off. The debates he was going to be the target by the moderators and loser candidates like bush.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

What channel(s) is the Trump rally on?
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Re: President Trump?

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I watched it on C-SPAN. After, they take calls from democrats, repubs, independents. ALL said they are voting for Trump :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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TV by the Numbers says the Republican debate drew 12.5 million viewers. I didn't see a rating for Trumph of the Will - does CSPAN even have ratings?
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

No ratings for C-Span at all.........DES MOINES REGISTER AND TRIBUNE COMPANY

Donald Trump has muscled ahead in Iowa, regaining his lead on the brink of the first votes being cast in the 2016 presidential race.

Trump stands at 28 percent, while rival Ted Cruz has slid to 23 percent. But there’s still a strong case for Cruz in this race — he’s more popular and respected than Trump, the final Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll shows.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

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