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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Dr. No »

Unemployment always has been a lie. Years ago I had the impression they had good numbers for this by good numbers I mean actual data on who worked and when, turned out this is all done by phone survey of a small sample. That sample is cooked under specific conditions to be even more generous to the government. Both parties benefit by the selective treatment for the numbers.

Obama's inability to acknowledge Islam has extremest is going to be his legacy, he can't call a terrorist a terrorist but he will try to shame Christians for something that happened hundreds of years ago. He can't get tough on Iran or Russian but the Republican party and turncoats in the Democrats he will go to war with. Something bad will happen because of his inattention, he'll be talking about an imaginary war on women when the bad guys hits us again using terrorist he freed.

IMO Obama early childhood makes his prodigious towards Islam, that would be fine if he could get past his own beliefs and deal with what is happening now. Today's Islam is not the Islam he grew up around. Most main stream Christians will not support the nuts who murder abortionists and other insane things like burn Korans and harass soldiers family's at funerals, they have a right to their belief but they do not have a right to force others to conform to it.
Chief of Staff, 007's gone round the bend. Says someone's been trying to feed him a poisoned banana. Fellow's lost his nerve. Been in the hospital too long. Better call him home.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter on Friday to DHS Sec. Jeh Johnson questioning whether the suspected killer of Mirjana Puhar, a former contestant on “America’s Next Top Model,” was an illegal immigrant who applied for amnesty under President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez, a 19-year-old reputed gang member, was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Puhar, also 19, and three others in Charlotte, North Carolina earlier this week.

“Mr. Rangel-Hernandez allegedly applied for and received deferred action under the President’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,” Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, wrote to Johnson.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Dr. No »

Obama says if your like you state of Israel you can keep it. :roll: He must really be angry with Israel he is treating them like the repubs even pulled out his finest straw man, "nothing new",told them to shut up and wait for a singed sealed deal that I (Obama) say is fair. Yep the middle east is in big trouble.
Chief of Staff, 007's gone round the bend. Says someone's been trying to feed him a poisoned banana. Fellow's lost his nerve. Been in the hospital too long. Better call him home.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

You could say that the Chicago way met the New Jersey way yesterday, as the Obama administration moved to neutralize a critic who stands in the way of its Iran policy (which seems to be ensuring that the mullahs get their apocalypse-seeking hands on nuclear weapons). In an administration that abhors leaks, CNN was given the story that Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) is going to be charged with criminal corruption, just days after he prominently opposed the Obama administration on its Iran policy and supported Obama’s bête noir, Bibi Netanyahu.

The Justice Department is preparing to bring criminal corruption charges against Sen. Robert Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, alleging he used his Senate office to push the business interests of a Democratic donor and friend in exchange for gifts.

People briefed on the case say Attorney General Eric Holder has signed off on prosecutors' request to proceed with charges, CNN first reported. An announcement could come within weeks. Prosecutors are under pressure in part because of the statute of limitation on some of the allegations.

With no specific charges to respond to, Sen. Menendez is unable to defend himself, except in general terms. But now, a cloud hangs over him, casting a shadow on his veracity and weakening his ability to oppose Obama.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

[video][/video] This is what tax dollars pay secret service trips for :!: :cuss:
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Dr. No »

I never thought I'd wish for Neville Chamberlain to be our negotiator. Obama and Kerry will be remembered as monsters who plunged us in an soon to be inevitable world war. The Iranian deal is so bad I can't imagine why it is being pushed by us. I believe the leaks and defectors who say the USA is essentially persuading the other nations to accept the Iranian terms while Iran gives up next to nothing.
Chief of Staff, 007's gone round the bend. Says someone's been trying to feed him a poisoned banana. Fellow's lost his nerve. Been in the hospital too long. Better call him home.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

You said it No :!:
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Kristatos »

"He's the one that doesn't smile" - Queen Elizabeth II on Daniel Craig
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

An investigative report published this weekend accuses President Barack Obama of lying to Americans about how Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011.
Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh claims Obama's narrative of what went down on May 2 four years ago as well as the events leading up to it were false.

The White House dismissed the report Monday morning, calling the claims "baseless." Hersh alleges that Pakistan had been holding the terrorist leader prisoner in the compound since 2006 and that the White House was told about his whereabouts by a Pakistani intelligence officer hoping to score the $25 million bounty, which casting doubt on the claim that the U.S. learned the information by interrogating an al-Qaeda follower.
The explosive report also claims there was no dramatic SEAL team firefight involved in bin Laden's killing when they made their move to capture him. The only shots fired were those that killed bin Laden, whom Hersh described as a "feeble, unarmed man."

Hersh further alleges in the report that after he was killed, bin Laden was not buried at sea, but in Afghanistan.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Dr. No »

Man the Dems running away from the trade deal and the Repubs suddenly supporting it scares the hell out of me. Nobody can say what is it in for sure, Obama is doing his standard of not telling what he is doing but for all of us to trust he knows best and will not sign a bad deal. He has a long history of being accused of wanting to do one thing while he promises another, he denies attacks mercilessly whoever reported it then months later he does what he was accused of wanting to do without the authority to do it.

The Iran deal alone is enough to scare off any deal this man may negotiate.
Chief of Staff, 007's gone round the bend. Says someone's been trying to feed him a poisoned banana. Fellow's lost his nerve. Been in the hospital too long. Better call him home.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

The vast $700 billion US trucking industry, with its 3.4 million drivers who hauled 10 billion tons last year -- 69% of the nation's freight -- is an early warning system for the overall economy. And it's been making the wrong rumbling sounds.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

During his speech at the Coast Guard Commencement ceremonies, President Obama warned that climate change was part of the reason behind increasing violence in countries around the world. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Obama pointed out that under his administration, the Pentagon had begun identifying climate change as a “threat multiplier” in world conflicts, although he was careful not to put all the blame on changing weather patterns.

“Understand, climate change did not cause the conflicts we see around the world, yet what we also know is that severe drought helped to create the instability in Nigeria that was exploited by the terrorist group Boko Haram,” he said.

He also claimed that climate change was partially responsible for the brutal civil war in Syria. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

“It’s now believed that drought, crop failures, and high food prices helped fuel the early unrest in Syria, which descended into civil war in the heart of the Middle East,” he said.

Obama explained that the United States armed forces would now have to factor in climate change in upcoming missions.

“You need to be ready,” he said to the graduates.................(mush for brains and barren of grey matter.)
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday in favor of 26 states challenging President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration, potentially paving the way for a Supreme Court decision on the issue.

Two judges on the three-judge panel ruled that the executive action, which would grant an estimated 4.7 million undocumented immigrants relief from deportation, should remain on hold while the government appeals its blocking.

The immigration order was first put on hold by Texas Judge Andrew Hanen in February after the states, all led by Republican governors, alleged that taking in migrants would be overly burdensome.

"The President’s attempt to bypass the will of the American people was successfully checked again today," Texas Governor Greg Abbott said in a news release.

The case has become the focal point of Obama's efforts to change U.S. immigration policy.

Seeing no progress on legislative reform in Congress, Obama announced in November he would take executive action to help immigrants. He has since faced criticism from Republicans who say the program grants amnesty to lawbreakers.

The White House said the two judges who ruled against the administration on Tuesday chose to "misinterpret the facts and the law."

"The president's actions... are squarely within the bounds of his authority and they are the right thing to do for the country," White House spokeswoman Brandi Hoffine said.

The Justice Department is evaluating the ruling and considering next steps, a U.S. official said on the condition of anonymity. Clinton has said she would like to see Obama's action expanded to shield even more immigrants from deportation.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

[video][/video] This is all you need to know about the lowlife in the White House :!:
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

You cannot see a doctor, or receive your free Obamacare without ID to prove it’s really you. A health insurance card won’t do the trick, simply because the medical office needs to prove you are in fact the person whose name is on the insurance card.

They questioned the nurses at both offices. They verified no one can collect their “free” Obamacare services from any doctor without showing ID. And since everyone is now required to have health insurance (or is given free insurance), the government is requiring that EVERYONE have a photo ID.

Does that make Obama and the Democrats racists? No, what it makes them is hypocrites who are in total fear of fair elections that they know they have no chance of winning – no chance, that is, unless they cheat. Don’t look now but Obamacare just opened the door for Voter ID.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

Update on my healthcare saga . I was supposed to be canceled this summer , that was extended by 6 months to a year , with another large rate increase still cheaper than Obamacare with better coverage . The Obamacare plans that are better cost almost $500 a month I don't know what it would be after the subsidy because it's not enrollment season . Although I have an exemption because of my grandfathered coverage so I could get a plan now if I call in but I'm not sure I want to stay with blue cross

The Obama plans have all gone up, without a subsidy I can not afford one. With out the best plan available with a low deductible I lcan not afford to get sick either . Even $2500 would hurt but $6000 deductible would ruin me. If I didn't die from whatever caused to use the coverage .

Honest it might be better to have no coverage and put money aside to buy one when I need it

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

You said it big O yet the Oh-bama keeps praising his law as great with decreases in costs, which is all a lie, like he is. He spews lies every time his lips move.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified on Capitol Hill today about a series of ongoing immigration, illegal immigration and security issues. When asked about whether the Obama administration had reached out to the family of Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman who was killed in San Francisco two weeks ago by an illegal alien who had been deported five times, Johnson had no idea who she was.

"Has the administration reached out to the Steinle family, to your knowledge?" Rep. Steve Chabot asked Johnson.

"To who?" Johnson replied.

"To the family of the woman who brutally murdered by this individual who had committed seven different felonies in four different states and to my understanding had been deported, kept coming back, has the administration reached out to that family?" Chabot asked again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that question sir," Johnson said.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

July 22, 2015 3:00 pm

The Obama administration is moving forward with plans to expand a waiver program that will allow additional illegal aliens to remain in the country rather than apply for legal status from abroad.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a proposed rule on Tuesday that would make changes to a waiver program created by President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration in 2013. The action created a waiver that primarily allowed illegal immigrants with a U.S. citizen spouse or parent to stay in the country instead of having to leave the United States and be barred from returning for three or 10 years, if they proved their absence would create an “extreme hardship” for their spouse.

The new rule expands eligibility to a host of other categories of illegal immigrants beyond those with citizen spouses and parents.

“DHS proposes to expand the class of aliens who may be eligible for a provisional waiver beyond immediate relatives of U.S. citizens to aliens in all statutorily eligible immigrant visa categories,” the proposed rule stated. “Such aliens include family-sponsored immigrants, employment-based immigrants, certain special immigrants, and Diversity Visa program selectees, together with their derivative spouses and children.”

The waivers allow illegal immigrants to stay in the country while they await visas, and avoid a penalty under U.S. law that bars persons who entered the country illegally from returning for at least three years.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Challenger, Gray & Christmas has released its monthly job cuts for July, and it is ugly. The 105,696 job cuts was the highest number since 2011. To put this in perspective, the July job cuts total is a whopping 136% higher than the 44,842 job cuts reported in June, as well as 125% higher than the in same report a year ago.
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