Scott Walker for President 2016!

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Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by bjmdds »

Image So far this is my candidate for President in 2016 :!: :cheers: Dr. No and Omega, are you on board yet?
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by bjmdds »

Presidential stage newcomer Scott Walker, the conservative reform pit bull who inspired death threats from the left, has become the one to watch in the race for the Republican nomination a year out from the Iowa caucuses.

At 15 percentage points, he leads a big, tightly packed field of potential contenders in a new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll of likely Republican caucusgoers. The caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 1, 2016.

The Wisconsin governor is also the No. 2 most popular choice for likely caucusgoers who want an establishment candidate, and he's the No. 2 for those who want an anti-establishment candidate, the poll shows. "He's in a sweet spot," pollster J. Ann Selzer said. "People who don't want an ultra-conservative think he's OK. People who don't want a moderate think he's OK." Scott Walker is running second to Jeb Bush in a new poll of Republican voters in New Hampshire. Walker rising in NC:PPP's newest North Carolina poll provides further evidence that Scott Walker is the momentum candidate in the Republican Presidential contest right now. Walker is tied with Ben Carson and Jeb Bush for the lead in the state at 14%, followed by Mike Huckabee at 13%.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by bjmdds »

The campaign for 2016 has started to heat up, with many politicians starting to make moves signifying their interest or disinterest in taking the GOP nomination. Lots of focus over the past few weeks has been on Jeb Bush, but is that who conservatives really want to see in office? According to a new poll by The Drudge Report, the answer would be a resounding “NO”.

Instead, the clear frontrunner is Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker with 46% of the vote.

Who else is in the lead?

2. Ted Cruz 13%

3. Rand Paul 12%

4. Ben Carson 9%
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

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With less than one year before the critical Iowa caucuses, Scott Walker is gaining strength among Hawkeye State voters, according to recent polls.

The Wisconsin governor holds a commanding double-digit lead among a packed Republican field with 24 percent, according to a Feb. 12-13 Townhall/Gravis poll of 969 registered Iowa voters.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul are tied for second at 10 percent. A Gravis poll conducted January 5-7 found former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ahead of the field with 21 percent and Bush with 14 percent.

"We see Scott Walker leading; he clearly took the Mitt Romney vote. The debates the Republicans will have that start later in the year will be much more important than previous years," said Doug Kaplan, the managing partner of the Florida-based firm.

"It is hard in a large field to get a real number, when out of a dozen or more possible candidates, only six or eight will be viable Jan. 5, 2016, the day of the Iowa caucuses," he added.

Walker also leads in a recent Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll, which was taken before Romney announced he would not run for the nomination, with 15 percent and is the second-choice among caucus voters who favor an "establishment" candidate. Paul was one point behind Walker.

Outside of Iowa, Walker's prospects also are brightening. The National Journal has bumped him up to second on its GOP Presidential Power Rankings survey, which rates potential candidates' chances of winning based "on their individual strengths and weaknesses, political organizations, poll numbers — and on the odds that they even decide to run."

Bush was rated first in the first Power Rankings survey, a position he continues to hold, but Walker has moved from fourth place into second, in part due to his strong showing at last month's Iowa Freedom Summit.

"The question now is how Walker handles the scrutiny of being a perceived front-runner. Already this past week, the Boston Globe and Washington Post published lengthy stories digging into Walker's college years. (He didn't graduate from Marquette University.)
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

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As conservatives and Republican Party officials eye up the possible presidential field for the 2016 elections, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is pulling ahead of the pack, according to two new polls out this week.

A Quinnipiac University poll released on Tuesday determined that in the early caucus state of Iowa, Walker holds a significant lead on his potential in-party competition as 25 percent of GOP voters there said if the election were today they would vote for him. The next closest Republican was U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky who polled at 13 percent.

Walker's popularity is strong among those identifying as "very conservative" or as tea party members, with 30 percent and 33 percent respectively saying they are currently supporting his potential presidential bid.

The Quinnipiac poll, conducted from Feb. 16-23, has a 3.9 percent margin of error.

A national poll conducted by the Democratic Public Policy Polling also concluded that across the country, Walker is currently the Republican of choice among party members. Walker pulled 25 percent of the national vote, followed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 18 percent; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 17 percent; and ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 10 percent.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

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I thought we were supporting Jesse Ventura?
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by Omega »

Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:I thought we were supporting Jesse Ventura?
after what that nut job did to the American snipers family and said about him I'd never consider the jackass for sewer inspector. I hope Kyle's widow gets the verdict overturned the counter sues for the crap Ventura said about Kyle . I know it's a joke about supporting Ventura but he's the one 911 truther nut job that really pisses me off.

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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

Omega wrote:
Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:I thought we were supporting Jesse Ventura?
after what that nut job did to the American snipers family and said about him I'd never consider the jackass for sewer inspector. I hope Kyle's widow gets the verdict overturned the counter sues for the crap Ventura said about Kyle . I know it's a joke about supporting Ventura but he's the one 911 truther nut job that really pisses me off.

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I don't understand the case. Ventura won because the other person said he punched Ventura in a book? Did Ventura go over the top in suing?
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Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by Omega »

Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:
Omega wrote:
Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:I thought we were supporting Jesse Ventura?
after what that nut job did to the American snipers family and said about him I'd never consider the jackass for sewer inspector. I hope Kyle's widow gets the verdict overturned the counter sues for the crap Ventura said about Kyle . I know it's a joke about supporting Ventura but he's the one 911 truther nut job that really pisses me off.

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I don't understand the case. Ventura won because the other person said he punched Ventura in a book? Did Ventura go over the top in suing?
Once Kyle was murdered he could of let the case drop instead he filed against the estate .. As I understand it not sure all the details .
In the book Kyle never names Ventura . Instead says some loud mouthed former seal was in a seal bar bad mouthing the fallen saying along the lines of we deserve to take a few losses and s**t like that Kyle gets up decks the Jackass knocking him out cold in one punch.
Kyle dunno if he said or hinted it was Ventura on a radio show promoting his book.
Ventura demand apology and wants it out of the book Kyle says no it happened. Ventura sues.
After the movie comes out and certain people were comparing it Nazi propaganda Ventura does it too. Saying all kinds of crap about Kyle, some of it similar to what Kyle said Ventura did in that seal bar years ago..

Ventura is fun in a way because he is so obviously crazy. He has or had a crazy conspiracy theory tv show and even crazier radio show maybe it's a internet show.

What pisses me off was he couldn't be man enough to let it drop with Kyle . Doing something that hurts a widow and family is low. Even if Kyle was a liar which I don't believe.

Obviously with the movie money the widow will be ok. I don't know what other businesses Kyle had after retiring but a seal does not make any kind of money if they don't hit 20 years they have no retirement to speak of and they beat their bodies all to hell doing their job. That's why most special forces go work for private contractors and sell books.

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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

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John Kasich for vice president could be ticket for a 2016 GOP Ohio win.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

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Wisconsin Dems used battering rams against Scott Walker supporters – literally. ... literally/
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by Kristatos »

Bad news for Walker: he may have lost the royal blessing.. Apparently, the Koch Brothers will be holding court some time in the summer to decide who your next president will be, and it may not be Scotty. He favours a more protectionist immigration policy (a long way from BJ's fantasy of tearing down the Statue of Liberty, but aimed at protecting American jobs from cheap foreign labour nonetheless), that might interfere with Their Royal Highnesses' profit margins. Uh-oh.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

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Tearing down the Statue Of Liberty Kris? Explain that statement.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Tearing down the Statue Of Liberty Kris? Explain that statement.
As I recall, you want to abolish all immigration, legal or illegal, so that subsequent generations don't get to enjoy the opportunities that your ancestors did (unless you're 100% Native American, in which case I apologise). It was a metaphor for scrapping the message of "Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Or economy class passengers as we call them nowadays.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by bjmdds »

We need a 10 year moratorium on legal immigration and a zero tolerance on illegal immigration here. We owe $18 trillion. We cannot afford to allow anyone else in here, and give them goodies citizens here do not even get who work. Let your country take them all if you like. The shortage of jobs here and the overinflux of illegals is wrecking the economy here. People who came here a century ago did not have to be watched by the USA government because they did not come here to destroy it, like a lot who are here now plot to do damage. Desperate times require desperate measures.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:We need a 10 year moratorium on legal immigration and a zero tolerance on illegal immigration here. We owe $18 trillion. We cannot afford to allow anyone else in here, and give them goodies citizens here do not even get who work. Let your country take them all if you like. The shortage of jobs here and the overinflux of illegals is wrecking the economy here. People who came here a century ago did not have to be watched by the USA government because they did not come here to destroy it, like a lot who are here now plot to do damage. Desperate times require desperate measures.
You won't be surprised that I'm going to argue with you on this, but contrary to what you might think, it's not for purely self-interested reasons. I have since moved back to the UK, as you know, and my wife and I have both agreed that if we had our time over again, she would have moved here in 2003 instead of me moving there. A total ban on immigration would have actually stopped us making a mistake. However, the personal circumstances of one couple are no basis for public policy, so I still think you're wrong, for a couple of reasons.

American jobs: People don't have to come to America for good jobs any more, the well-paying jobs are coming to them. Remember that guy you supported in the 2008 election who made his fortune (or at least the part of it he didn't inherit) doing just that? Yes, there are still people coming to America for work reasons. I'd estimate that the British expats group I was a member of in Columbia was pretty much evenly divided between them and people like myself who came for reasons of love and marriage. However, the people who came for jobs were usually only intending to stay for a few years and then move back. The only reason the company went to the trouble and expense of bringing them over is that they couldn't fill the position locally - hardly surprising as we were in South Carolina. What are they supposed to do, give a science and technology job to one of the local yokels who, to steal a line from Tina Fey, believes that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church?

Terrorism: of course America needs to protect her borders, but a total immigration ban for 10 years (Why 10 years? Is the terrorist threat going to disappear after that?) is way beyond what is needed to achieve that. It's like trying to abolish murder by not only banning guns, but only allowing people to use plastic cutlery and write with crayons, so that no-one has access to anything that could conceivably be used as a murder weapon. I find it interesting that no presidential candidate is proposing such a total immigration ban, even in the early stages of the Republican primary, which are often a competition to see who can say the craziest things in order to appease the Tea Party base. It suggests that there's no real support for it anywhere.

I do agree with you about getting tough on illegal immigration, though. I jumped through hoops to get my green card, why shouldn't they? I can understand it in cases where people are fleeing war and disaster, but even then, there are proper channels. I partly wrote Jhaakob Comes to Earth in order to help refugees and asylum seekers understand the legal process, the one you want to abolish.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by bjmdds »

The 10 year ban is until we get our debt reduced to a more reasonable level. This country cannot absorb any more growing debt and give benefits to millions more or else we will go belly up as Greece did, and then the world economy will collapse.
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:The 10 year ban is until we get out debt reduced to a more reasonable level. This country cannot absorb any more growing debt and give benefits to millions more or else we will go belly up as Greece did, and then the world economy will collapse.
The amount that welfare benefits to immigrants contributes to the debt is practically zero. It may be less than zero - I haven't researched the figures, but I know that most immigrants contribute to the economic pot rather than taking from it. Despite what you may have heard on Fox Noise (a network owned by an Australian immigrant), new arrivals to the US are not showered with benefits. In fact, you have to go into great detail about how you're going to support yourself, and to have a sponsor, before the Department of Homeland Security will let you have a visa. This is something I do know, from personal experience.

Not that any of this matters to you, I'm sure. The way the justification for this ban keeps skipping from terrorism to American jobs to welfare says to me that it's all just a pretext to cover the real reason you want to completely seal America's border, whatever that might be (I think I can guess, but shall say no more in order to avoid making unjust accusations).
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Re: Scott Walker for President 2016!

Post by bjmdds »

Two days after Clinton vowed to expand on President Obama’s executive actions to shield up to 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was the only leading Republican 2016 contender to forcefully strike back, calling it a “full embrace of amnesty” that is “unfair to hard-working Americans.”

By contrast, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie did not weigh in publicly on Clinton’s remarks, made Tuesday during her campaign stop in Las Vegas. A spokesman for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), one of Obama’s most vocal critics on immigration, said Clinton had “doubled down on amnesty and lawlessness,” but the senator himself did not speak on the issue.
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