Casino Royale Reviews

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Post by Kristatos »

carl stromberg wrote:I don't think anyone uses the "official" definition of "homoerotic" to be honest.
I checked my dictionary, and it basically uses it as a synonym for homosexual. So you could be right.
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Post by carl stromberg »

Kristatos wrote:
carl stromberg wrote:I don't think anyone uses the "official" definition of "homoerotic" to be honest.
I checked my dictionary, and it basically uses it as a synonym for homosexual. So you could be right.
I think you are right in that people are probably misusing the word homoerotic. It's just that people use "homoerotic" when they mean "it's a bit gay". Homoerotic sounds more intellectual and more PC! :lol:
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Post by Kristatos »

carl stromberg wrote:I think you are right in that people are probably misusing the word homoerotic. It's just that people use "homoerotic" when they mean "it's a bit gay". Homoerotic sounds more intellectual and more PC! :lol:
Actually, I think the opposite. If people used it to mean "a bit gay", they would be using it correctly. People tend to use it as a contraction of homosexual+erotic. You rarely hear gay porn described as homoerotic, it tends to be used for more subtle gay content, such as the "snails and oysters" scene in Spartacus.
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Post by John Drake »

I think in Casino Royale there was an emphasis on the leading man's body - probably in response to criticisms that he wasn't as handsome as the other Bond actors - and this led to the homoerotic tag. If you do a google search by typing 'Casino royale' and 'homoerotic' there are all manner of reviews alluding to this.
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Post by carl stromberg »

Kristatos wrote:
carl stromberg wrote:I think you are right in that people are probably misusing the word homoerotic. It's just that people use "homoerotic" when they mean "it's a bit gay". Homoerotic sounds more intellectual and more PC! :lol:
Actually, I think the opposite. If people used it to mean "a bit gay", they would be using it correctly. People tend to use it as a contraction of homosexual+erotic. You rarely hear gay porn described as homoerotic, it tends to be used for more subtle gay content, such as the "snails and oysters" scene in Spartacus.
So things that could be a bit gay, such as Daniel Craig (or other actor) in a tight pair of pant, could be a bit gay, and homoerotic?
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Omega »

Skywalker wrote:Casino Royale by Skywalker.

This is my first review of the film. As most of you know I tend to post tongue in cheek on most of the threads on this great forum, but I will place my serious cap on for this.

When Daniel Craig was cast as Bond, I like many others were surprised at his appointment. Craig was introduced to us via the Thames River on a speedboat. He appeared wearing shades and lifejacket (Oh dear) and commented that he was scared sh*tless by the boat journey. Not a great start, I thought to myself. The press had a field day and many tabloid papers commented on the arrival blunder. Despite this I felt Craig could deliver something different to the role. DAD had been a bit of a disaster (Not in terms of admissions) and had left an ugly stain on the franchise. I was willing to give Craig a chance and looked forward to his first outing.

I remember leaving the movie theatre with an extreme sense of frustration. After so many great reviews and positive feedback, how could this be? Perhaps my own expectations were too high? The film in my opinion tried too hard to be different, and the end result was a totally different Bond film, more akin to the Bourne series of films.

Back to the film itself and the start had me watching in awe. The film opens up with a nicely shot black and white PTS, which I feel is a joy to watch. The inclusion of this scene is to show Bond’s initiation into the OO club. Two kills are required for Bond to attain his licence to kill status. The virgin Bond is shown violently despatching an informant for Dryden (A rogue OO Agent) that demonstrates Craig’s physical presence (I wonder if the initial criticism had led to this style of Bond character) and the tone for which Craig’s Bond would continue. This scene culminates in Bond killing Dryden and delivering a nice one-liner.

The next scene containing Craig was the free running (parkour) scene. From this point on the film went downhill. For me this whole scene epitomised the desire for Hollywood (Jerry Bruckheimer) action, with no real point or benefit to the film. Many people enjoyed it, but I just felt this did not belong in a Bond movie. Why did Bond climb into the demolition vehicle just to drive it into a wall? This is supposed to be a top class operative, not a Rambo wannabee.

The free running itself was like an episode of Extreme sports, another pointless part of the movie. Why did the villain decide to climb up the crane when surely a hiding place or the nearest car would have been better option? This whole scene makes me cringe and the site of Craig running through walls is a joke.

Yes Craig gave a tougher, more brutal edge to Bond, something that was evidently missing in the Brosnan years, but he seemed to me, to be a standard Hollywood action hero, in the same way the film was full of stereotypical needless Hollywood action.

The poker scenes were steady at best. I actually felt is was very drawn out and failed to deliver the required tension that surely should have been evident.

The inclusion of Dame Judi Dench was an extremely poor decision by EON to include her as M. As we all know, the Dame has played M throughout the Brosnan era and was introduced as the replacement M in Goldeneye with Brosnan playing the seasoned Bond. In Casino Royale it was a case of role reversal. Dame Judi was playing an experienced M with an ageing Rookie Bond in Craig. Are we supposed to accept Dame Judi is a different M to the one she has previously played? Don’t get me wrong I like The Dame and consider her to be a fine actress and a good M, but this role should have been given to someone else.

All in all I feel Daniel Craig could be an excellent Bond if directed correctly. When smooth and refined like at the start and end he showed glimpses of the cinematic Bond that I am accustomed too, but this just wasn’t enough to persuade me he is Bond as there were too many instances in the film where he looked too brash. This style of film could have perhapsed worked with a younger looking actor, not someone who clearly looks his age.

For me Casino Royale was a gamble that did not pay dividends.
Well thought out review Mr Skywalker. Very pleased to read reviews that aren't bashing Craig and aren't swallowing the tripe praising Craig.

I just finished a 4 day marathon of Bond movies with my friends. We started with TLD and went through CR with breaks for work and a few hours of sleep so we could work.

We covered a lot of ground, a lot of years 1987-2006 and yes suffered some. Contrary to what we though would happen CR was the biggest disappointment of the lot and what we thought would be the biggest lemons, DAD & LTK, weren't so bad.
I will not bore all of you with my review and impressions of all 7 movies. I will mention what we thought of DAD since that was the last of the PB movies and the one so many people try to paint as a so bad bond had to be reborn.
Overall the movie was entertaining and a blast to watch.
Cool gadgetry, tasty Bond girls! Halle Berry! Winner of Ms DVD-Pauses of the night!
I do wish that they had cut back on the sci-fi, well not the sci-fi the the sci-fi was ok. The Sun blocking device and what not was ok.

Changing a kick ass Korean bad guy in to a pasty white insomniac and the VR shooting range was not ok. Even in the world of Bond those didn't make sense.

On to CR.
CR need CPR to keep it alive. The story was one of the stupidest I've ever seen in Bond. The first 10 to 15 minutes was ok, but that was about it.
No gadgets and not one Bond girl worth mentioning.
I don't get why Craig is bond or why Bond is Craig. What I'm trying to say we didn't get why the main character who is supposed to be 007 is 007 and why he was doing the job 007 is supposed to do. d**n! Its still not saying what I intended.

Ok, I don't get why Criag was supposed to be 007, they could have walked someone else out half way through the movie, introduced him as Bond and it would have made more sense and been more believable. Craig was a spy who didn't really want to be a spy or do the job that 007 has always done without complainant and to me that isn't interesting. I don't know why on earth they would make Bond movies about Bond not being Bond.
I'd rather live through the Moore era watching them as the come out film by film than watch these tasteless, flat, drab movies.

In the end I want to say to Craig,
Mr Craig why are you wearing a tuxedo?
You are not James Bond.
You are an old, pasty, blond British dude.

This is not to say Craig is a bad actor, an overrated actor to be sure and he is a bad actor in this movie. I'm sure he can do better and I'll watch it, as long as it is fun, but this one isn't.

CR didn't win any of our other awards, Best gadget, Best explosion, Best Bond Babe, and of course the coveted Halle Berry, um, coveted Halle Berry award. But it did win one award.
You know who when you watch a movie with your buddies you start adding lines to the movies, trying to crack each other up. Well when we went through our marathon naturally we were adding lines, Wayne Newton - Dankeshane! Mr Bond!
The award CR won was for the Most One Liners, from us! I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing but there it is.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by carl stromberg »

Interesting thoughts there Omega.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Mr. Big »

Omega wrote:
Skywalker wrote:Casino Royale by Skywalker.

This is my first review of the film. As most of you know I tend to post tongue in cheek on most of the threads on this great forum, but I will place my serious cap on for this.

When Daniel Craig was cast as Bond, I like many others were surprised at his appointment. Craig was introduced to us via the Thames River on a speedboat. He appeared wearing shades and lifejacket (Oh dear) and commented that he was scared sh*tless by the boat journey. Not a great start, I thought to myself. The press had a field day and many tabloid papers commented on the arrival blunder. Despite this I felt Craig could deliver something different to the role. DAD had been a bit of a disaster (Not in terms of admissions) and had left an ugly stain on the franchise. I was willing to give Craig a chance and looked forward to his first outing.

I remember leaving the movie theatre with an extreme sense of frustration. After so many great reviews and positive feedback, how could this be? Perhaps my own expectations were too high? The film in my opinion tried too hard to be different, and the end result was a totally different Bond film, more akin to the Bourne series of films.

Back to the film itself and the start had me watching in awe. The film opens up with a nicely shot black and white PTS, which I feel is a joy to watch. The inclusion of this scene is to show Bond’s initiation into the OO club. Two kills are required for Bond to attain his licence to kill status. The virgin Bond is shown violently despatching an informant for Dryden (A rogue OO Agent) that demonstrates Craig’s physical presence (I wonder if the initial criticism had led to this style of Bond character) and the tone for which Craig’s Bond would continue. This scene culminates in Bond killing Dryden and delivering a nice one-liner.

The next scene containing Craig was the free running (parkour) scene. From this point on the film went downhill. For me this whole scene epitomised the desire for Hollywood (Jerry Bruckheimer) action, with no real point or benefit to the film. Many people enjoyed it, but I just felt this did not belong in a Bond movie. Why did Bond climb into the demolition vehicle just to drive it into a wall? This is supposed to be a top class operative, not a Rambo wannabee.

The free running itself was like an episode of Extreme sports, another pointless part of the movie. Why did the villain decide to climb up the crane when surely a hiding place or the nearest car would have been better option? This whole scene makes me cringe and the site of Craig running through walls is a joke.

Yes Craig gave a tougher, more brutal edge to Bond, something that was evidently missing in the Brosnan years, but he seemed to me, to be a standard Hollywood action hero, in the same way the film was full of stereotypical needless Hollywood action.

The poker scenes were steady at best. I actually felt is was very drawn out and failed to deliver the required tension that surely should have been evident.

The inclusion of Dame Judi Dench was an extremely poor decision by EON to include her as M. As we all know, the Dame has played M throughout the Brosnan era and was introduced as the replacement M in Goldeneye with Brosnan playing the seasoned Bond. In Casino Royale it was a case of role reversal. Dame Judi was playing an experienced M with an ageing Rookie Bond in Craig. Are we supposed to accept Dame Judi is a different M to the one she has previously played? Don’t get me wrong I like The Dame and consider her to be a fine actress and a good M, but this role should have been given to someone else.

All in all I feel Daniel Craig could be an excellent Bond if directed correctly. When smooth and refined like at the start and end he showed glimpses of the cinematic Bond that I am accustomed too, but this just wasn’t enough to persuade me he is Bond as there were too many instances in the film where he looked too brash. This style of film could have perhapsed worked with a younger looking actor, not someone who clearly looks his age.

For me Casino Royale was a gamble that did not pay dividends.
Well thought out review Mr Skywalker. Very pleased to read reviews that aren't bashing Craig and aren't swallowing the tripe praising Craig.

I just finished a 4 day marathon of Bond movies with my friends. We started with TLD and went through CR with breaks for work and a few hours of sleep so we could work.

We covered a lot of ground, a lot of years 1987-2006 and yes suffered some. Contrary to what we though would happen CR was the biggest disappointment of the lot and what we thought would be the biggest lemons, DAD & LTK, weren't so bad.
I will not bore all of you with my review and impressions of all 7 movies. I will mention what we thought of DAD since that was the last of the PB movies and the one so many people try to paint as a so bad bond had to be reborn.
Overall the movie was entertaining and a blast to watch.
Cool gadgetry, tasty Bond girls! Halle Berry! Winner of Ms DVD-Pauses of the night!
I do wish that they had cut back on the sci-fi, well not the sci-fi the the sci-fi was ok. The Sun blocking device and what not was ok.

Changing a kick ass Korean bad guy in to a pasty white insomniac and the VR shooting range was not ok. Even in the world of Bond those didn't make sense.

On to CR.
CR need CPR to keep it alive. The story was one of the stupidest I've ever seen in Bond. The first 10 to 15 minutes was ok, but that was about it.
No gadgets and not one Bond girl worth mentioning.
I don't get why Craig is bond or why Bond is Craig. What I'm trying to say we didn't get why the main character who is supposed to be 007 is 007 and why he was doing the job 007 is supposed to do. d**n! Its still not saying what I intended.

Ok, I don't get why Criag was supposed to be 007, they could have walked someone else out half way through the movie, introduced him as Bond and it would have made more sense and been more believable. Craig was a spy who didn't really want to be a spy or do the job that 007 has always done without complainant and to me that isn't interesting. I don't know why on earth they would make Bond movies about Bond not being Bond.
I'd rather live through the Moore era watching them as the come out film by film than watch these tasteless, flat, drab movies.

In the end I want to say to Craig,
Mr Craig why are you wearing a tuxedo?
You are not James Bond.
You are an old, pasty, blond British dude.

This is not to say Craig is a bad actor, an overrated actor to be sure and he is a bad actor in this movie. I'm sure he can do better and I'll watch it, as long as it is fun, but this one isn't.

CR didn't win any of our other awards, Best gadget, Best explosion, Best Bond Babe, and of course the coveted Halle Berry, um, coveted Halle Berry award. But it did win one award.
You know who when you watch a movie with your buddies you start adding lines to the movies, trying to crack each other up. Well when we went through our marathon naturally we were adding lines, Wayne Newton - Dankeshane! Mr Bond!
The award CR won was for the Most One Liners, from us! I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing but there it is.
I think Craig helped make CR drab. I wonder what CR would have been like wtih someone else playing Bond.

Craig lacks charisma, an X factor.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Dr. No »

Welcome to teh forum Omega

So… after your 4 day Bond binge LTK end up as your favorite Bond film? And you weren’t expecting much from it.
That is what I like about Bond films, they can surprise you when you least expect it.

I understand how you feel about Craig, I can't call him Bond because he is not. So I refer to the character player by Craig as Craig's Spy, because he is not Bond and he is nto Bourne.

If you like adlibbing you love the rifftrax CR. I have a copy I got as a gift from this forum and its pretty funny.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Omega »

carl stromberg wrote:Interesting thoughts there Omega.
Thank you.
Mr. Big wrote: I think Craig helped make CR drab. I wonder what CR would have been like wtih someone else playing Bond.

Craig lacks charisma, an X factor.
Didn't think about it like that. Craig was a bit bland toast and crackers

Dr. No wrote:Welcome to teh forum Omega

So… after your 4 day Bond binge LTK end up as your favorite Bond film? And you weren’t expecting much from it.
That is what I like about Bond films, they can surprise you when you least expect it.

I understand how you feel about Craig, I can't call him Bond because he is not. So I refer to the character player by Craig as Craig's Spy, because he is not Bond and he is nto Bourne.

If you like adlibbing you love the rifftrax CR. I have a copy I got as a gift from this forum and its pretty funny.
Yeah LTK came as a bit of a surprise. Before Off the top of my head TWINE was one of my favorites.
rifftrax? We rented from city market didn't notice another edition.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Kristatos »

Omega wrote:rifftrax? We rented from city market didn't notice another edition.
No, it's a commentary that you have to download from
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Dr. No »

Kristatos wrote:
Omega wrote:rifftrax? We rented from city market didn't notice another edition.
No, it's a commentary that you have to download from
Thanks Kristatos! I didn't realize how confusing it sounds if you don't know what it is. Sorry :oops:
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by stockslivevan »

I love MST3K, used to watch it all the time on Sci-Fi Channel, but the only Rifftrax so far that I thought was consistently funny was for Star Trek V.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Kristatos »

stockslivevan wrote:I love MST3K, used to watch it all the time on Sci-Fi Channel, but the only Rifftrax so far that I thought was consistently funny was for Star Trek V.
The one for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone was hilarious, I thought. Looking forward to the one for Chamber of Secrets.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by Blowfeld »

I have Sorcerer's Stone downloaded all I am lacking is the time to watch it :(
I wonder why they felt the pressing need to change Philosopher's Stone for the American market?

Their Matrix & SW Episode III Riffs were pretty good.
Eragon Rifftrax was much better than Eragon the movie.
The Transformers Riff had the possibility of being good however I couldn't stand to watch that movie again.
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by LilleOSC »

I recently read a nice review/analysis of CR (film and novel). This quote from the review struck me:
In this whirlwind, a shift in sentiment also occurred at the handful of 007 fan-boy forums on the Internet: it became vogue to bash Brosnan and worship Craig as the epitome of greatness. The whole thing was a fascinating phenomenon to behold: it reminded me of the human impulse to represent something—something even as trivial as a film—as an illusory vision of something as we would like it to appear without critical judgment; and from this point of view, we can band together and march forward, in blind adherence, to an idea—a shared idyll—that everyone has accepted, united in the solidarity of the herd. ... oyale.html
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by carl stromberg »

LilleOSC wrote:I recently read a nice review/analysis of CR (film and novel). This quote from the review struck me:
In this whirlwind, a shift in sentiment also occurred at the handful of 007 fan-boy forums on the Internet: it became vogue to bash Brosnan and worship Craig as the epitome of greatness. The whole thing was a fascinating phenomenon to behold: it reminded me of the human impulse to represent something—something even as trivial as a film—as an illusory vision of something as we would like it to appear without critical judgment; and from this point of view, we can band together and march forward, in blind adherence, to an idea—a shared idyll—that everyone has accepted, united in the solidarity of the herd. ... oyale.html
That's a great website Liile. The dismissal of Brosnan's work and the worship of Casino Royale and Craig was puzzling.

Most of the Casino Royale worshippers lost their "faith" with Quantum of Solace though. :wink:
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by katied »

carl stromberg wrote:
LilleOSC wrote:I recently read a nice review/analysis of CR (film and novel). This quote from the review struck me:
In this whirlwind, a shift in sentiment also occurred at the handful of 007 fan-boy forums on the Internet: it became vogue to bash Brosnan and worship Craig as the epitome of greatness. The whole thing was a fascinating phenomenon to behold: it reminded me of the human impulse to represent something—something even as trivial as a film—as an illusory vision of something as we would like it to appear without critical judgment; and from this point of view, we can band together and march forward, in blind adherence, to an idea—a shared idyll—that everyone has accepted, united in the solidarity of the herd. ... oyale.html
That's a great website Liile. The dismissal of Brosnan's work and the worship of Casino Royale and Craig was puzzling.

Most of the Casino Royale worshippers lost their "faith" with Quantum of Solace though. :wink:

I lost it inbetween CR and QOS- I'm a heathen :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by The Sweeney »

carl stromberg wrote: That's a great website Liile. The dismissal of Brosnan's work and the worship of Casino Royale and Craig was puzzling.

Most of the Casino Royale worshippers lost their "faith" with Quantum of Solace though. :wink:
Bond fans, Carl. Not `Casino Royale worshippers.' There is a difference..... :wink:

Re: Casino Royale Reviews

Post by katied »

Bond fans, Carl. Not `Casino Royale worshippers.' There is a difference..... :wink:

You coulda fooled me :wink: :wink:
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