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Re: Hillary

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Prominent Democrats are increasingly riled by attacks from Bernie Sanders' supporters, whose demands for ideological purity are hurting the party ahead of the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election, they say.
Already preparing their excuses, I see.
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Re: Hillary

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:
bjmdds wrote:Prominent Democrats are increasingly riled by attacks from Bernie Sanders' supporters, whose demands for ideological purity are hurting the party ahead of the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election, they say.
Already preparing their excuses, I see.
they maybe starting to get the idea they don't want to lose trump as president. President pence would be a disaster to more of us than trump, trump is more a FDR/JFK democrat than a bush republican.

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Re: Hillary

Post by bjmdds »

Big O, Trump is no disaster :!: If they would back his ideas, the economy will boom. He is better than Oh-bama on foreign and domestic policy issues. Trans-gender bathrooms, gay rights, and removing old statues, are the only things Democrats are pushing :!: They have NO policy ideas except tax the rich. That's it. McConnell and Ryan are now worried that Trump will work more with Pelosi and Schumer then he will with them. I would love to hear any millennial tell us how they would deal with the Middle East madness, terrorism, grow the economy, and North Korea :!: Just give them their cell phones to play with all day and they are happy.
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Re: Hillary

Post by Kristatos »

Omega wrote: they maybe starting to get the idea they don't want to lose trump as president. President pence would be a disaster to more of us than trump, trump is more a FDR/JFK democrat than a bush republican.
I was thinking more in terms of who they are going to blame for their losses in the midterms, and possibly 2020 as well. For the Democratic establishment, winning elections is just a bonus, their main raison d'etre is parting big-money donors from the contents of their wallets. But if those same big-money donors think that those election losses are their own fault, they might start asking awkward questions. That's why they need a scapegoat.

Having said that, it probably doesn't hurt from a fundraising point of view to have an opponent who they can paint as a terrifying bogeyman. It's like how televangelists are always telling their marks how the world is full of evil and that's why God needs their money to help fight this evil by buying said televangelist a private jet or whatever.
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Re: Hillary

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:
Omega wrote: they maybe starting to get the idea they don't want to lose trump as president. President pence would be a disaster to more of us than trump, trump is more a FDR/JFK democrat than a bush republican.
I was thinking more in terms of who they are going to blame for their losses in the midterms, and possibly 2020 as well. For the Democratic establishment, winning elections is just a bonus, their main raison d'etre is parting big-money donors from the contents of their wallets. But if those same big-money donors think that those election losses are their own fault, they might start asking awkward questions. That's why they need a scapegoat.

Having said that, it probably doesn't hurt from a fundraising point of view to have an opponent who they can paint as a terrifying bogeyman. It's like how televangelists are always telling their marks how the world is full of evil and that's why God needs their money to help fight this evil by buying said televangelist a private jet or whatever.
maybe, I meant they already have a democrat president in trump just not a crazy left or Obama democrat. Republicans screwed up trying to impede trump's agenda and not to forget all the promises they made. We all know they were never going to do anything, they would threaten a government shut down during disaster relief to make a point fiscal conservatism whatever the hell that is.

Trump is the first president in 70 years maybe more who does not owe either party, media or special interest. He can go with the democrats on funding and republicans on security, he can play both against each other and pick off stragglers on other bills. There is potential there, more presidents should do it. If Obama had he would have accomplished more. Clinton did and accomplished a lot.

I'm not say trump can't be hated, disliked whatever just he is open to bills the democrats say they want to do. I'd bet a form of legalization is not too far off. As long as he builds a wall and has some standard for merit based citizenship his base will support it.

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Re: Hillary

Post by bjmdds »

The London Telegraph reported that "Amazon has been monitoring and deleting reviews after Hillary Clinton's new book was greeted with a torrent of criticism on the day it was released." :!:
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Re: Hillary

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bjmdds wrote:The London Telegraph reported that "Amazon has been monitoring and deleting reviews after Hillary Clinton's new book was greeted with a torrent of criticism on the day it was released." :!:
This sounds worse than it is. They are restricting reviews to verified purchases in order to ensure that the people leaving the reviews have actually read the book. I suspect a lot of them were just hit and run troll posts.
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Re: Hillary

Post by bjmdds »

Right after the Las Vegas shooting massacre, this b---h tweets this :!:
Replying to @HillaryClinton

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.
(talk about politicizing a tragedy :!: )
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Re: Hillary

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bjmdds wrote:Right after the Las Vegas shooting massacre, this b---h tweets this :!:
Replying to @HillaryClinton

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.
(talk about politicizing a tragedy :!: )
I hate to defend Hillary, but you can't simply brush this stuff under the carpet. The usual excuse is that it's "too soon", but mass shootings are now so frequent that it's always "too soon".
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Re: Hillary

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:
bjmdds wrote:Right after the Las Vegas shooting massacre, this b---h tweets this :!:
Replying to @HillaryClinton

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.
(talk about politicizing a tragedy :!: )
I hate to defend Hillary, but you can't simply brush this stuff under the carpet. The usual excuse is that it's "too soon", but mass shootings are now so frequent that it's always "too soon".
Ah, it’s Hillary grandstanding off the back of a tragedy hoping beyond all hope it makes her relevant.

Silencer wouldn’t have made much difference except for reducing the effectiveness of the rifle. In a city or canon, if there is a noticeable sound it confused by echoes and sound diminished by wind and distance.
I haven’t watched the videos so I don’t know how much sound the victims heard. But it doesn’t matter really, bullets are not like in the movies where you’re aware of them like Star Wars laser blasts flying past you. Even with tracers for every one bullet seen there are twenty more behind and in front of it.
If someone tells me how far he was shooting from and how loud that shots were I’d have an idea about the weapons used. Scariest would be 50 cal sniper. Talk about automatic weapons is confusing the facts, Semiautomatics are legal, full automatics are limited to military and out militarized police forces, civilians do not have the right to bare those arms.

If someone on the floor of that asshole had a gun, maybe housekeeping, they could have capped his ass early one and saved lives. But that is as specious a argument as what if‘s about gun control.

Btw for all the grand standing the democrats will do republicans ought to have a pucker factor, president trump is not shy of gun control if I remember correctly candidate trump was for psychological screening in background checks. Not the completely democrat position of only the police force should have guns (guess they are forgetting black lives matter and the fascist state) but trump is not the mind number pro nra republican either. Maybe good reforms might come of this tragedy.

Obama better pray the guns used aren’t his has and furious weapons he and holder let lose.
If this guy was a convert to Islam and swore to Isis all bets are off for political ramifications.

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Re: Hillary

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I believe that most law-abiding gun owners support things like background checks. The absolutist position of Wayne LaPierre is not necessarily the position of rank and file NRA members.
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Re: Hillary

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Ok that joker used 223 and 308, both could be ar-15 semiautomatics Or Bolt action rifles. At-15 are Decent enough rifles not really sniper class. Thank god that jackass didn’t have s 50 cal.

Sheriff said 500 yards which is incredibly close, any marksman can hit that with iron sights.

What bothers me a lot is this guy had a plan even took time to set up shooting platforms. Maybe surveillance too. Very unusual.
My gut says Isis ties might be correct. If it is the girlfriend will likely be a co-conspirator, possibly they one who converted him. If there is any truth to that rumor at all.

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Re: Hillary

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:I believe that most law-abiding gun owners support things like background checks. The absolutist position of Wayne LaPierre is not necessarily the position of rank and file NRA members.
true. I personally hate the NRA, but have to admit without them lobbying to the far extreme presidents like Clinton and obama would have no opposition from the politicians on gun control.
Too many far left democrats want to make gun ownership illegal, the same celebrities who have personal guards with guns cause they can’t wait for the police the rest if us are supposed to trust implicitly.

Then you get the far right who want mandatory gun ownership and the right to bare Nuclear arms.

IMO there is room for a middle ground without being too intrusive. Trump might be the guy to find it. And not everyone should own a gun. At the same time (perceived) absence of guns does not make anyone safer.

About the response to the shooter, I do believe the police were too slow, but in their defense they had to clear the floors going up to that guy because they though he could have moved or had others with him.
But give any former service man or woman the police M4 rifle in the trunk of their patrol car and they could have either shot the sniper or kept enough fire on him to save lives, it is only what our military has done since 2003.

Maybe the police didn’t want to return fire because they were worried about stray shots in a crowded hotel.

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Re: Hillary

Post by Omega »

Here is a well researched article on gun control.
One thing muddying the facts is 49% of suicides are with guns, white men count for 7 out of 10 suicides. Women don’t typically use guns for suicide but attempt suicide 3x more than men.
As awful as this is and we should be doing more to help people, the suicide rates in Asia and Eastern Europe are far higher than in the USA.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... 56529af528

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Re: Hillary

Post by bjmdds »

BOOM! Sen. Grassley Launched Investigation Into Clinton-Uranium One Deal Last Week :!: :!: :clap: Prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by The Hill :!: :!: :!: The FBI's Muller and Rosenstein BOTH knew it and said nothing at the time :!: :cuss: Comey wrote Hillary's exoneration 2 months before he went public to boot :!: :!: :!: $145 million went to the Clinton foundation from her involvement in the Russia deal :!: :!:
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Re: Hillary

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John Solomon and Alison Spann of The Hill:

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill. The Department of Justice decided to continue investigating this for four years without Congress or the public knowing, according to The Hill’s reporting.

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the same time the State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investments UNANIMOUSLY approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear company Rosatom, ultimately giving Russia 20% of U.S. Uranium. :cuss:
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Re: Hillary

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Former Secretary of State and two-time losing Democrat candidate for President Hillary Clinton was spotted meeting this weekend with figures who feature prominently in an investigation into corruption, spearheaded by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Tony Podesta and Sidney Blumenthal both appeared at Clinton’s 70th birthday party held at Elizabeth Frawley Bagley’s house in Washington, DC, on Sunday, Politico reported. Podesta’s appearance is uncomfortable for Clinton because he and his brother, Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, are currently a focus of Mueller’s corruption investigation with their political consultancy business, the Podesta Group.

The Podesta Group came under the microscope for working with lobbyist Paul Manafort who Mueller indicted on Monday for tax evasion and other charges. Long before he joined Trump’s campaign, in 2012, Manafort worked with the Podestas to lobby Congress on behalf of Ukraine’s bid to join the European Union.

Only hours after news of Mueller’s indictment of Manafort broke, Tony Podesta announced that he was stepping down from the firm that bears his name. :Bonk:

Podesta handed over the operational reins to firm CEO Kimberley Fritts, according to reports on Monday afternoon.

Podesta reportedly said he felt he needed to confront the Mueller investigation as an individual and not while representing the Podesta Group.
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Re: Hillary

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Last year's presidential primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was rigged by the Democratic National Committee - just as Sanders' supporters suspected - to hand the nomination to Clinton, according to a bombshell claim by Donna Brazile. The onetime Clinton confidante, CNN commentator and former interim party boss made the explosive claim Thursday while touting a new book that could sever her ties to Team Clinton for good.

“I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested,” Brazile wrote in a piece for Politico Magazine. “By Sept. 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart,” Brazile said.

The proof, according to Brazile, was a joint fundraising agreement document between the DNC, the Hillary Victory Fund and Hillary for America. It had been signed in August 2015, four months after Clinton announced her candidacy and a year before she officially secured the nomination over Sanders. “The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and Robby Mook with a copy to Marc Elias—specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised,” Brazile wrote. “Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff.” :hair: :shock: :shock: :shock: ---Tell ALE this, the Hillary lover :!: :down:
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Re: Hillary

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I was just about to post the same thing. Pity Brazile couldn't have been as honest before she had a book to sell.
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Re: Hillary

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., agreed Thursday during an interview with CNN, that the Democratic National Committee was "rigged" in favor of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic primary.

"Very quickly Senator, do you agree with the notion that it was rigged?" Jake Tapper asked Warren.

Yes," Warren answered empathically.
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