President Trump

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Re: President Trump?

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Re: President Trump?

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Republican Karen Handel was projected to win Tuesday's closely watched U.S. House special election in Georgia, defeating Democrat Jon Ossoff in the most expensive congressional race ever. The Associated Press called the election for Handel with 81 percent of the precincts reporting and the Republican holding a 11,000-vote lead over Ossoff. :Happy: :up: :lol: :cheers: The Hollywood liberal lowlives struck out once again :!: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: Image “Democrats from coast to coast threw everything they had at this race,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a statement.

“Things are looking great for Karen H!” Trump tweeted Tuesday night. :clap: ---------------3 of the 4 polls on RCP had the jerk punk Democrat, who never even lived in the district, tied or ahead of Handel. Once again, they were DEAD WRONG because she won by at least 5 points :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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They didn't have Georgia right last election either. I'm not sure why polling that got it wrong before is trusted now

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Georgia US House General Election 6
Candidate Percent Votes
Karen Handel (Republican) 52.7%--- 128,231
Jon Ossoff (Democratic) 47.3%--- 115,126-------------------One poll had Ossoff up by 7 :!: What a joke big O :!: There is NO Trump criminal activity, and it's time the spineless Republicans END ALL of these investigations because there is nothing there :!: The Republicans maintained ALL 5 House seats in these special elections. The skunks at CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC/ABC can all spin this any way they like but once again they have been deemed IRRELEVANT in the USA :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

I'm pissed at the republicans pretty much all of them. Spineless cowards, they can't do a d**n thing because of their political calculations. They didn't want to oppose obama, they don't want to be seen as helping trump, they forget like John McCain has it's not about them it's about us, we need tax cuts and better healthcare , those idiots are willing to stall needed reform out of pride and the fact the don't like trump as head of their party.

If 2017 closes with a do nothing Republican establishment congress then 2018 will be a big change I don't necessarily mean democrats hold their seat or win I'm thinking primary challengers and maybe independents.

What Washington is missing is most don't see trump as the problem with government, it's the two parties who stoped listening to the public. They have fun little baseball games (rock and roll bands, singing groups, whatever) instead of doing their jobs

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Trump did NOT create the $20 trillion debt, the Middle East chaos, the North Korea and Iran mess, destroy the health care system, ruin race relations etc. Those ALREADY in Congress DID, such as Oh-bama, McCain, Graham, McConnell, Ryan, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, etc :!: :!: :!: :!: They think Trump is the problem? :shock: :shock: I think NOT :!: He could actually solve these problems IF the bums in his OWN party would back him :!: "Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump"--"Well, the Special Elections are over and those that want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN are 5 and O! All the Fake News, all the money spent = 0"------------watch the movie Lean On Me. Principal Joe Clark cleaned up the troubled inner city East Side High School in an unconventional manner, and it is a true story too. Trump is the Joe Clark of Washington D.C. :!: In the film, his assistant tells him "nobody knows what you are doing".........his response was "that's just the way I like it :!: " He got results and so will Trump :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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Imo trumps election was a seismic shift in this nations attitude and it also wasn't about trump himself. Republicans think they wait for pence, they be waiting 8 years. Democrats think they get Hillary in or the next corporate approved candidate in power.
I believe the ship has sailed on the old establishment candidates. Slowly new establishment will take hold booting the old system, it's happened several times in us history, we haven't had a good shake up if far to long.

Btw I think trump can be beat 2020, but not by these democrats . If somebody to the right in the democrat party could out trump trump, hell any republican could have taken all of trumps issues and done them better but they are caught in their bubble and the rest of us moved on and want real results not promises in election campaigns then retreats on policy because the smart people who make policy know better.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Big O, there are NO more sensible Democrats running for President any longer. We are in an all out war against liberal sedition :!: ------Judicial Watch today announced that the National Security Council (NSC) on May 23, 2017, informed it by letter that the materials regarding the unmasking by Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice of “the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team” were removed government possession. :shock: Specifically, the NSC told Judicial Watch: Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office. :shock: :shock: :cuss:
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Re: President Trump?

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Jill Stein called it a "pathetic" excuse by Democrats to claim her presidential campaign was used as a tool of Russian influence during the 2016 presidential race. :shock: Now Democrats say Stein was colluding with Russia :!: How pathetic a party :!: :down: "We're certainly interested in any efforts the Russians made to influence our election," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said. "There have been public reports, I think, that Jill Stein was also in Russia attending the RT function, so we're going to need to look at any efforts the Russians made through whatever means to influence our elections." This crumb Schiff from liberal California is some piece of disturbing work and a pathetic mess of a Congressman representing Democrats :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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Most average people left and right don't care and don't believe the Russia crap. It's the new birther movement

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Re: President Trump?

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Today :!: Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says he does not know of evidence that Russian hacking affected 2016 vote tallies :!: DONE :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Omega wrote:Imo trumps election was a seismic shift in this nations attitude and it also wasn't about trump himself. Republicans think they wait for pence, they be waiting 8 years. Democrats think they get Hillary in or the next corporate approved candidate in power.
I believe the ship has sailed on the old establishment candidates. Slowly new establishment will take hold booting the old system, it's happened several times in us history, we haven't had a good shake up if far to long.

Btw I think trump can be beat 2020, but not by these democrats . If somebody to the right in the democrat party could out trump trump, hell any republican could have taken all of trumps issues and done them better but they are caught in their bubble and the rest of us moved on and want real results not promises in election campaigns then retreats on policy because the smart people who make policy know better.

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Holder 2020? Ex-Obama attorney general reportedly mulls run :!: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: Bring it on baby :!: Big O, this reprobate is symptomatic of what the Democratic Party now represents :!: Do not be naive and think otherwise :!: They are pathetic leftists who live in an alternate reality and STILL do not get it :!: I live in NYC and I am in the minority in thought here so I see first hand what these people are all about. Upstate NY is more representative of the nation.
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Re: President Trump?

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Re: President Trump?

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Left Winger Michael Moore Torches DNC: Democrats Have No Leader, Plans, Or A Message :!: -----------Cher took to Twitter Wednesday to question whether Democratic House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi may have played a role in Jon Ossoff’s defeat in his race against Republican Karen Handel for Georgia’s sixth district congressional seat on Tuesday. “The Democrats f*cked up so bad in their message, and how old [the leadership] is,” she said. “You’ve got to pray that old people die before young people can get involved with the party.”-----------------On Wednesday morning’s episode of “The View,” Joy Behar admitted Jon Ossoff's embarrassing loss in Georgia's special election shows that focusing on opposing Donald Trump will continue to be a losing strategy for Democrats. "It’s a problem. A big problem." -------- :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:
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Re: President Trump?

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Pulitzer Prize winner American novelist Michael Chabon is the latest left winger to wish harm to the President. While on a radio program on Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation, The writer first asked host Goes Pinto for help in getting rid of Trump. "Every morning I wake up and hope that this is the day that trump is going to have a massive stroke"---------this is exactly why liberal sedition will fail :!: Big O, forget the Democratic party in the USA. It's lost it's moral compass FOREVER :!: Image
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Johnny Depp made a crude joke about President Trump while speaking at Glastonbury Thursday.

“When was the last time an actor assassinated a President?” the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star asked the crowd.

“I want to qualify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.”
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President Trump?

Post by Omega »

No surprise there. Actually it's kind of clever. For what it is.

It plays to the in crowd who've been talking this crap in public since W. when nut jobs said the same kind of talk about obama it was forbidden. As it should be.

I'm tired of these hipsters thinking they are edgy calling for treason.
I hope there is a backlash to it.

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Re: President Trump?

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A Nebraska Democratic Party official was ousted Thursday after audio recording surfaced of him making offensive remarks about U.S. Rep Steve Scalise.

Phil Montag, former co-chair of the state party’s technology committee, said he wished Scalise was dead.

I’m glad he got shot. I’m not f**king saying that in public. I wish he was f--king dead.

—Phil Montag, former co-chair of tech committee

Montag was relieved of his volunteer duties after Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb received audio recording of Montag’s comments obtained by The World-Herald.

“Wishing a Member of Congress or any individual dead is disgusting and has no place in our party,” Kleeb said.

In an interview Thursday, Montag said he was “horrified” by the shooting of Scalise and all gun violence and that his words were edited to be taken out of context. “I did not call for the congressman’s death,” Montag said.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Depp told People magazine today that he “intended no malice” and “was only trying to amuse.” “I apologize for the bad joke I attempted last night in poor taste about President Trump,” he said in the statement. “It did not come out as intended, and I intended no malice. I was only trying to amuse, not to harm anyone.” ---go to hell Depp :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

Whatever diverts attention away from his wife-beating, right?
"He's the one that doesn't smile" - Queen Elizabeth II on Daniel Craig
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