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Re: Hillary

Post by bjmdds »

A top Clinton ally’s political organization reportedly gave nearly a half-million dollars to the campaign of the wife of an FBI official who would go on to help oversee the probe into Hillary Clinton’s email practices – a tangled web likely to fuel Republican complaints about the investigation.

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night on the connection. According to the Journal, finance records show Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s PAC gave $467,500 to Dr. Jill McCabe’s 2015 state Senate campaign. The Virginia Democratic Party spent an additional $207,788 on the campaign, the Journal reported.

McCabe, who ended up losing to Republican incumbent Dick Black, is married to Andrew McCabe – the FBI’s deputy director.

At the time of the campaign and of McAuliffe’s support, McCabe was associate deputy director. He later was promoted to deputy after the campaign ended, assuming an oversight role in the Clinton email investigation.
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Re: Hillary

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Apparently, Wikileaks has reported that Hillary thinks Doctor Who is "boring garbage". Any last shred of respect I may have had for her is now gone.
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Re: Hillary

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Re: Hillary

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CNN has severed ties with Donna Brazile, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, and a longtime contributor on the network, after hacked emails revealed Brazile provided debate questions in advance to Hillary Clinton's campaign during the Democratic primary debates on CNN.
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Re: Hillary

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Re: Hillary

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Re: Hillary

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Feel the excitement:
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Re: Hillary

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The DNC has elected Clinton lackey Tom Perez as its new chair, thus ensuring that the slow death of the party continues.
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Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:The DNC has elected Clinton lackey Tom Perez as its new chair, thus ensuring that the slow death of the party continues.
I think you're right.
Two people I know of warned the democrats about 2016 one was bill Clinton the other was Michael Moore. (Wrote Roger out of habit)
It's fine to be equal opportunity, just don't ignore the rest of the country to pander.

IMO the government gives priority to the wealthy and the rest of the country living outside the bubble of care struggle to live. That's the message I think the democrats will win with. Equal rights, equal protection, equal opportunity for all.

Instead I think they are going to beat the last election like a dead horse, like they did with al gore. They'll lose the next two elections because of it.
This is the result of The vanity of the Clintons and Obamas, they can't let it go and can't let it not be about them.

The Seachange of the last few year should have favored the democrats, if trump can drag the republicans into the 21st century (remember trumps not really a republican and not a full blooded democrat) he has the potential to be the new FDR, JFK. DJT maybe? People in this economy need a break and want to feel the government is listing to them. Never had a president more accessible to the average citizen he speaks the common American tongue better than the media, The professionals.

We'll see how he does if he actually does give school choice to the poorest Americans, put a trillion in to infrastructure , real shovel ready jobs, FDR CCC kind of deal. I don't think he'll be stoppable in reelection. Of course he's got obama care and taxes up first.

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Re: Hillary

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The Dems are so clueless, they probably won't even realise that this tweet is meant to be sarcastic.
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Re: Hillary

Post by bjmdds »

The former Democratic presidential candidate cited Russian meddling in the election, FBI Director James Comey's involvement toward the end of the race, WikiLeaks theft of emails from her campaign chairman, and misogyny as the reasons she lost to Trump...........this rancid bitch STILL does not get the REAL reason she lost :!: She is HATED :!:
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Re: Hillary

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She lost because of who she is. To my generation and those after a woman running a correlation, governor, other elected offices is not a big deal. She made the mistake thinking she embodies all women's dreams and all women had to support her.

Comey is just weird, I don't get what his deal is. I think they need to clean house at the FBI and justice department and come clean about a lot of things. Including the Hillary and trump investigations. There is a lot of doubt about how honest these investigations have been and how politically motivated they are.
Even the spook houses need to be cleaned out, NSA, CIA, next random gathering of letters in the federal alphabet soup.

Part of the reason she lost is status quo, like at those agencies. There's a feeling of corruption from those in power that Hillary fit in with too well.

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Re: Hillary

Post by bjmdds »

Comey is an Oh-bama supporter. Comey is a lying P.O.S. :!: Hillary should be in jail. There is NO Russia-Trump collaboration whatsoever, and they know it. In regards to Comey/Susan Rice/Valerie Jarrett (the brains) /Oh-bama, as Lt. Gerard said to Cosmo in The Fugitive, "Cosmo, he's dirty"...........Cosmo's reply, "yes Sam, he is".................the 4 amigos tried to screw Trump and it backfired big time and I want all 4 of the conspirators in jail :!:
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Re: Hillary

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Andrew Sullivan on the Democrats feeling sorry for Hillary: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/20 ... elligencer
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Re: Hillary

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A new book looks inside the Clinton campaign, and it ain't pretty: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/fe ... gn-w477978
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Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:A new book looks inside the Clinton campaign, and it ain't pretty: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/fe ... gn-w477978
dodged a bullet, with her penchant for blaming others, spying on her staff, making enemy lists then working to put them out of office. The police state would have expanded to new levels.

Obviously this reviewer hates Trump, but the alternative of another bush or Clinton was too d**n much for the country.

What I wonder is how did they have the juice with the democrat part to target other democrats so they couldn't challenge Hillary? Why didn't Obama remake the party cutting the Clinton hacks out?

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Re: Hillary

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Most likely explanation is that the SoS job was payoff to stop her torpedoing his campaign once it became obvious that he had won the 2008 primary.
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Re: Hillary

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I still don't get why he put up with the Clinton's. Essentially the Clinton's single handed my poisoned the democrat party to give Hillary "her turn", they have no bench as the political know it all like to say and the Clinton and Obama are why

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Re: Hillary

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Maybe Obama didn't have a "machine" to rival the House of Clinton. The Clintons basically own the Democratic Party, and remaking an institution like that in your own image is harder than it looks. Look at the pushback that Pope Francis is getting from the old guard in the Vatican. And he's supposed to be infallible.
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Post by Omega »

I suppose. Hell trump can't drag the losers riding on his coat tails to do their d**n job, the party officially is some what supportive but his fellow republicans are still trying to figure out how to get Jeb! in office.
The Clinton's did have a machine but there was so much support for obama, president drone strike literally could do no wrong, Nobel prize winner. I'd think if anyone could drop kick the Clinton's it would be him. But as I think about when he staffed the White House he recycled the Clinton's choices. In retrospect he should of let the FBI pop the Clinton's for the emails and their crooked charity in 2013-4 by 2016 the democrats could of been contenders, although they seriously thought they couldn't lose.
Then their were the rumors 2012 that obama had to make a deal to get bill Clinton's help getting re elected. I don't think he need anybody's help to be reelected, obama is a cult personality.

One thing about trump I appreciate is it's finally ok to not like the president again, the press and congress to lesser extent are starting to do their jobs again.
It's been 3 presidents where the press were supportive of the official narratives, yeah bush f'ed up not defending the wars he sent our friends and family to die and be wounded in but the press were the biggest cheerleaders for the wars. Hillary and her democrat friends were pro war too.

Just to be clear I do think Iraq was a worth while endeavor, the s**t that was found in Iraq may not be the promised wmd, put it like this there was a lot of nuclear stuff we transported to Canada, not to forget about the chemical weapons material found. There was a lot of it. Hell there were soldiers hospitalized because of contact with it... rockets and other s**t too..
But in the end all that was accomplished was thrown away because bush never bothered to defend the his wars, he left the republicans as dead as obama has left the democrats. The democrats demonized the Iraq war, some of their criticisms were legitimate, why Rumsfeld couldn't get fired I'll never understand, but much of it was political fodder, fair enough but when the president ignores it he lets the soldiers and allies sacrifices he belittled.

On a side note I never got why some like obama considers Afghanistan to be the "good war", we should have gone to Pakistan, our supposed allies.

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