Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond Film

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:
Omega wrote:Whenever they say don't judge it before you see it they are punting the problem and hoping to score as much money as the can before public opinion crucified the movie , I've heard it so often im sick of it
But has there never been a time when you've been dragged along to a movie not expecting to enjoy it and ended up being pleasantly surprised?
you know I have , dredd 3D , John wick , pacific rim , and a few other not as awesome
I don't remember them trotting out the don't judge us argument maybe they did and I missed it.

The thing about the don't judge Craig before you see him crap even when before cr is was easy to see where they were going and how bad a choice Craig was is the don't judge us pr is the next best thing to a straw man as the studios can get, that's why I hate it that's why I call it crap.

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Kristatos »

My first reaction on seeing the publicity photo of Craig that was released with the announcement of his casting was "*That's* James Bond?" But I did at least consider the possibility that once I saw him in action, I might change my mind. Needless to say, it didn't work out that way, but it could have.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Captain Arthurs »

I see Daniel Craig's interview style where he swears and pretends he does not like making Bond films and wants to leave the role has come back to haunt him. :lol:

When he was cast as Bond I was annoyed as he is a dour actor who does not look the part. He is also a luvvie actor who takes himself seriously and I knew he would always try to pretend the role was beneath his dignity.

I knew I'd hate his bond portrayal. But, everyone loved Casino Royale and said it was one of the greatest films of all time. I thought I must be wrong and was mildly interested to see it. Of course Casino Royale was part one of the dreadful, neverending Daniel Craig era. Craig will be back for Casino Royale V in three years.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Daltonite Toothpaste »

When Craig was announced, I was actually curious. I knew i'd seen him in something, I just couldn't remember (it was Tomb Raider). I didn't start to form my opinion that, whatever the hell it was that they were doing, it wasn't Bond, until QOS. Also when he was announced, I went and sought out some of his work (Archangel, Layer Cake, Sword Of Honour, Enduring Love, The Mother), I can't say that I was that impressed by any of them, but I give Craig a chance all the same. To be fair to him, it's not just his performances that haven't appealed to be, but the writing of his films too.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by John Drake »

shaken not stirred wrote:
John Drake wrote:Now that everyone has their hopes up .
What the hell is wrong with these people, he literally beeped on his fans and it's like they've just said more please, any other actor said what he said that they would be gone, screw it if/when I ever get another job I'll do what this guy says and I'm sure they'll open Me with welcome arms, bloody minion mentality.

I saw it in 2005. So many people said he wasn't Bond material and and then did an about turn as soon as he was cast. They just couldn't face being out in the cold. If Barbara had cast a cabbage as James Bond there would've been a parade of muppets on the forum declaring that a cabbage was obviously Ian Fleming's James Bond incarnate.

The worst one was a site called Dr Shatterhand's Garden (or something like that). He spent months telling us that Brosnan would be back or Cavill would be cast and that we should relax about Daniel Craig because someone who looked like that couldn't possibly be James Bond. There is no way on earth he'll get the part. Guess what? As soon as they cast Craig old Dr Shatterhand fell into line and seemed to completely forget that he'd told us Daniel Craig was not Bond material . He just couldn't face not being part of the pack anymore.

Another thing too, the MI6 forum, which bashes Brosnan all the time, was desperate for him to come back when the Casino Royale casting hoopla was playing out. As soon as Craig was cast Brozza suddenly became the worst Bond ever in the history of the universe. They'll stick up for DC until he's no longer Bond and then drop him like litter on the breeze to fawn over the next incumbent. If you have a view about something then express it at the time. Don't flip flop around to stay in with the herd.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by shaken not stirred »

John Drake wrote:
shaken not stirred wrote:
John Drake wrote:Now that everyone has their hopes up .
What the hell is wrong with these people, he literally beeped on his fans and it's like they've just said more please, any other actor said what he said that they would be gone, screw it if/when I ever get another job I'll do what this guy says and I'm sure they'll open Me with welcome arms, bloody minion mentality.

I saw it in 2005. So many people said he wasn't Bond material and and then did an about turn as soon as he was cast. They just couldn't face being out in the cold. If Barbara had cast a cabbage as James Bond there would've been a parade of muppets on the forum declaring that a cabbage was obviously Ian Fleming's James Bond incarnate.

The worst one was a site called Dr Shatterhand's Garden (or something like that). He spent months telling us that Brosnan would be back or Cavill would be cast and that we should relax about Daniel Craig because someone who looked like that couldn't possibly be James Bond. There is no way on earth he'll get the part. Guess what? As soon as they cast Craig old Dr Shatterhand fell into line and seemed to completely forget that he'd told us Daniel Craig was not Bond material . He just couldn't face not being part of the pack anymore.

Another thing too, the MI6 forum, which bashes Brosnan all the time, was desperate for him to come back when the Casino Royale casting hoopla was playing out. As soon as Craig was cast Brozza suddenly became the worst Bond ever in the history of the universe. They'll stick up for DC until he's no longer Bond and then drop him like litter on the breeze to fawn over the next incumbent. If you have a view about something then express it at the time. Don't flip flop around to stay in with the herd.
True, sadly that's the herd mentality, I was never that keen with Smith as doctor who (but obviously he's liked and that's great, just didn't click with Me until Capaldi showed up recently) but some were keen to mock Capaldi the minute he came on just because he wasn't Smith, again Smith was ok but not doc who to Me but if you said that at the time on some places you'd be ripped apart but Capaldi was a big return to form for doc who (thankfully not against the actors before but the lovie dovie stuff had to go it's not doc who period).

Funny thing is on some sites and articles about what craig said recently a lot are saying how great Brosnan was and wish he could come back as like Connery and Moore he had the class and the rest.

I have nothing against anyone who is a fan of Craig as bond however what I do hate is that after that interview it's like a lot have forgiven him, if I saw an actor at a convention and they threatened to punch Me (as an earlier article stated) or swore at My friends or said being such and such was below Me I'd be really upset about it, it feels like the episode in the simpsons where they have a cult and the guy in charge drives past everyone covered in dirt by the guy and they're thankful for him doing that to them, if someone did that to Me I would think otherwise.

True I could imagine a cabbage being called Flemings bond if given a chance back then, to be bond you really have to look the part, have the presence, enjoy playing the character and really believe yourself to be him (much like Capaldi with doc who (who's almost like a modern Tom Baker now :D ).

Back on topic, if people want to continue praising an actor who couldn't care less then there really is no hope for some people, there are 1 or 2 celebrities I met once who seemed nice when you spoke to them once then very different the other time and couldn't really care less, but most part most celebrities I've met have been great people (met the borg queen, most of the red dwarf cast, the guy who played predator in the later films, most of the knightmare cast).

Yeah it's a real shame Brosnan didn't get one more chance to shine, dad wasn't his fault (first half was excellent, 2nd half felt like an entirely different movie with spy kids style cgi thrown in to one area (funny that people hate the tsunami surfing scene (which I agree was bad) but the parachute jumping scene in qos gets a free pass, same with bond running through a wall as if he was the incredible hulk, silva knowing exactly where a train would be in london (that was London....empty...does not compute), cgi komodos, a villain who relied on cobloodyincidences, took down m16 by hacking it (because q is now stupid and exploding pens are lame and like austin powers put silva in an easily escapable place).

Perhaps bond shoud've ended after Brosnan for 10 years before they went back and a reboot wasn't the right idea, I hate bourne and I didn't want that in a bond movie, that's what we have bourne for but I digress.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Veronica »

It's true,the next Bond whoever he might be will also probably be called "the best since Connery". When we are talking about that you could say others come and go but Connery's shadow will always be there. There wasn't Bond for whom critics claimed to be better than Connery and I doubt there ever will be.
The mentioned herd mentality is definitely the problem but there is the media influence as well. If you read enough times how Craig is "the best since Connery" and how Skyfall is "best Bond ever" some people are blindly going to believe. The media influence is simply huge(hence why the TND plot wasn't ridiculous as some Craig fans like to say)...
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Daltonite Toothpaste »

There's a big difference between Matt Smith and Craig, Smith was a great Doctor, who left the role early, as opposed to Craig.

I like Capaldi, but I think Smith was a better Doctor. I'm not a fan of Tom Baker, I don't get the appeal, the 4th Doctor is one of my least favourite Doctors.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Blowfeld »

Daltonite Toothpaste wrote:There's a big difference between Matt Smith and Craig, Smith was a great Doctor, who left the role early, as opposed to Craig.

I like Capaldi, but I think Smith was a better Doctor. I'm not a fan of Tom Baker, I don't get the appeal, the 4th Doctor is one of my least favourite Doctors.
Matt Smith, left the role fulfilling his contract and never let the fans down with the exceptions of those who wanted him to do more shows. There were rumours he wanted to leave to make it big in Hollywood I don't know how true those were. He was only OK in my book getting better as the show went on, his best show for me was 'The Doctor's Wife', so much about the episode was done well. His final performance was very good as well.
I like Capaldi and think he as the potential to be great.
The Tom Baker era was a golden age of alien adventures (thanks to Douglas Adams and other clever people) which really helped cement The Doctor as eccentric bohemian alien, those stories are some of my favourites. I can understand not taking to Tom, he's an odd fellow on the best days, he also had all sorts of issues in his personal life, turning this back to Daniel unlike Mr Craig Tom Baker was always kind to his fans (usually children), however like Craig by the time he left he was sick to death of Doctor Who.

Christopher Eccelston is a closer fit for Daniel's self important aggrieved attitude. Eccelson claims he saw bad, bad things on the BBC set, well it was RTD production and maybe there was something to be upset about, to me it seem like he didn't like working as hard as any actor doing the role would have to. How Eccelson talks about the show really bothers me, he thinks the big deal was he did the show and made Doctor Who matter again, yet he refuses to be apart of anything else to do with it.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Blowfeld »

Judging from the official response so far I think they are going to ignore this (Craig's meltdown) completely. The puff pieces by the usual suspect of willing accomplices disguised as "journalists" are starting to trickle out. Maybe they hope those doting stories will cover up the disdain Daniel has for Bond.
Scottish Daily Record is trying desperately to resuscitate Craig's image; don't cha know he just loves playing Bond. These friendly stories down playing the cost of the movie, the funniest part to me is they act like not much is know about it and how they can't wait to see it. :shock: How can anybody pretending to be a journalist pretend SPECTRE is a mystery? Even ignoring the major leaks so much of what this film is about in known right out in the open.

These "stories" are closer to advertisement than journalism. It's to be expected, it is how the franchise has done it for decades, however it more glaring than usual because they are desperately tying to ignore the headline (Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond Film) that is still playing around the world. If they were spontaneously penning these stories it would have a mention of the biggest Bond story out there, the fact they don't make it clear these stories are pre-ordered and pre-scripted.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Atticus »

John Drake wrote: The worst one was a site called Dr Shatterhand's Garden (or something like that). He spent months telling us that Brosnan would be back or Cavill would be cast and that we should relax about Daniel Craig because someone who looked like that couldn't possibly be James Bond. There is no way on earth he'll get the part. Guess what? As soon as they cast Craig old Dr Shatterhand fell into line and seemed to completely forget that he'd told us Daniel Craig was not Bond material . He just couldn't face not being part of the pack anymore.
I remember that clown. He had a budget web site. Very cheap-looking. If I remember correctly, he insisted that Sam Worthington was cast as a young Brosnan Bond, appearing in the opening sequence. He promoted it on his site as some kind of inside scoop. Then he did jump on the Craig bandwagon and put up an article where he's admonishing fans to "chill" when the Craig backlash began. He's another excellent example of a useful idiot.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Daltonite Toothpaste »

Blowfeld wrote:
Daltonite Toothpaste wrote:There's a big difference between Matt Smith and Craig, Smith was a great Doctor, who left the role early, as opposed to Craig.

I like Capaldi, but I think Smith was a better Doctor. I'm not a fan of Tom Baker, I don't get the appeal, the 4th Doctor is one of my least favourite Doctors.
Matt Smith, left the role fulfilling his contract and never let the fans down with the exceptions of those who wanted him to do more shows. There were rumours he wanted to leave to make it big in Hollywood I don't know how true those were. He was only OK in my book getting better as the show went on, his best show for me was 'The Doctor's Wife', so much about the episode was done well. His final performance was very good as well.
I like Capaldi and think he as the potential to be great.
The Tom Baker era was a golden age of alien adventures (thanks to Douglas Adams and other clever people) which really helped cement The Doctor as eccentric bohemian alien, those stories are some of my favourites. I can understand not taking to Tom, he's an odd fellow on the best days, he also had all sorts of issues in his personal life, turning this back to Daniel unlike Mr Craig Tom Baker was always kind to his fans (usually children), however like Craig by the time he left he was sick to death of Doctor Who.

Christopher Eccelston is a closer fit for Daniel's self important aggrieved attitude. Eccelson claims he saw bad, bad things on the BBC set, well it was RTD production and maybe there was something to be upset about, to me it seem like he didn't like working as hard as any actor doing the role would have to. How Eccelson talks about the show really bothers me, he thinks the big deal was he did the show and made Doctor Who matter again, yet he refuses to be apart of anything else to do with it.
I heard that Smith wanted to take his career to Hollywood. I thought he was a superb Doctor in all of his stories, but it was his stories that fluctuated wildly. Most of his best stories for me, were in series 5. Series 6 was disappointing. Series 7a was an improvement. And Series 7b was better still, but not as good as series 5. I think Smith could have done another series, at least, but I guess that it's better to go out while he's still wanted.

As for Baker's Doctor, I just don't get his appeal.

Eccleston is another of my least favourite Doctors. I've seen him also give the reason that he was never a fan of Doctor Who growing up. Either way, at least he dropped out to let someone else have a crack at it. Or he could have stay on, moaned and whined after every series that he want's to leave. But because of no other roles, he stays on. :wink:
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by shaken not stirred »

Daltonite Toothpaste wrote: Series 6 was disappointing. Series 7a was an improvement. And Series 7b was better still, but not as good as series 5. I think Smith could have done another series, at least, but I guess that it's better to go out while he's still wanted.

As for Baker's Doctor, I just don't get his appeal.

Eccleston is another of my least favourite Doctors. I've seen him also give the reason that he was never a fan of Doctor Who growing up. Either way, at least he dropped out to let someone else have a crack at it. Or he could have stay on, moaned and whined after every series that he want's to leave. But because of no other roles, he stays on. :wink:
I agree series 5 was great (didn't like eleventh hour though for some reason not too sure why) but it set up a good series, series 6 on the other hand......started so well then fell flat on its face (river song almost outdid rose on being a terrible character), also agreed on the doctors wife that was a good episode, I feel Smith had potential but just like Tennant was given more of the lovey dovey stuff at points, I liked that he was more alien than Tennant (Tennant again did well with Tate (no lovey dovey stuff but had an awful master (same as now with missy.....).

Series 7 I wasn't keen on clara was once again this assistant who fell for the doctor and I think she made a real improvment as a companion in series 8 (well part of it apart from her ruining a few good things the doc should've done his life) but she's a bit more grounded now then she was (have a crush on Jenna Coleman however her character has run it's course and I think she worked much better with Capaldi as she wasn't gushing over him). I think Smith worked best with amy and rory in the first series ( I enjoyed where the ark led to), the 50th could've been great but sadly with the exception of Hurt I wasn't that impressed (along with Capaldis cameo which was awesome), the 50th should've had all of them (suitable actors could've played Hartnell and other deceased actors if need be and I was gutted Mccoy never made an appearance in this (only the one Davidson helped make).

I think who need another male companion similar to rory (but dies a lot less :lol: ), I hope that Skinner is one of them or the guy who did graffiti portals or psy (guy who can hack into anyones mind, hack to open doors etc)....or all of them.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Kristatos »

I don't think it's fair to compare Eccleston to Craig. He keeps a discreet silence on Doctor Who in interviews, but at least he doesn't trash it. In fact, he has said several times that he is proud of his work on the show.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Kristatos »

From today's Metro. I took a photo of the letters page with my phone - I hope it is readable. Image
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Omega »

Wow! Don't they know they are supposed to cover it up ?

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Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond Film

Post by Omega »

Studio executives are pissed

Check it out ... ond-movie/

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Kristatos »

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Veronica »

Seriously? This is laughable.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Kristatos »

Veronica wrote:
Seriously? This is laughable.
The Daily Mash is a satirical site, a sort of British version of The Onion.
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