My site deals with all things GoldenEye including the video games (sadly, CoDenEye with Craig as well, can't go against history). My site was always projected as a space where we can celebrate Ian Fleming's 007 without silly critiques or things that "didn't go well" and remember the good old days. Unlike Time To Die, where Bond is effaced right from the gunbarrel sequence to the actual film where he commits suicide. GoldenEye showed us that Bond could still have a place in an ever-changing world without betraying his essence. EON and IFP are offering us a Bond-less world for the next couple of years: EON killed him, IFP is giving us a trilogy of some sort of "new generation" 00 agents in a context where Bond is missing. I want to count with you to celebrate this bombastic and spectacular return of our beloved secret agent in 1995 and next year sees the 25th anniversary of the Nintendo 64 game, for which I'm preparing a couple of special things. I know many people became Bond fans after playing that game.
The point is... my site is everyday trying to be less inclined to the Bond "community". We like two completely different characters named James Bond, I'm not comfortable with them anymore and what they like for the character goes completely against my principles - even if EON or IFP approves that as they did a month ago. So you are more than welcome there if you want to remember the good old days.
Besides of this small self-promotion, I thought of opening this thread to share all things related to GoldenEye. Not sure if there was another thread before, in which case, I apologize.

Long live the real James Bond 007!