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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Oh-bama today: Obama in Malaysia Slaps U.S. for Hypocrisy, ‘Growing Inequality,’ Problems in ‘Our Political System’-----Hypocrisy:

“Now, keep in mind, the United States, we always have to be a little careful because we're such a large country and we have a lot of influence. I think there are times sometimes when people say they don't want us meddling in their internal affairs. And the United States has to have some humility because there have been times where we did the wrong thing. There have been times where we have problems in our own country. And so we will want to go tell other people what to do, but then back home we're not always doing what we say we should do.”

“But when you go to the United States, I think there are still some anxieties. And I would say that, number one, in the United States, there is a growing inequality that I think is a real problem not just for the United States but around the world. And some of this has to do with technology is replacing low-skilled jobs, and automation, and so it's harder for people, if they don't have good educations, to make a living. There's more global competition--that's putting pressure on middle-class families. And when people feel economic stress and inequality, then I think politics become harder because people are afraid for their futures and sometimes politics can become much more divided than it used to be.”
“Also what happens is when there's more inequality, the people who are powerful can influence the political system to further reinforce their privilege, and it makes it harder for ordinary people to feel that they have influence on the political process. And so people become cynical.
‘Our Political System:’

"Now, these are all problems that can be solved, and I'm confident we will eventually solve them. But right now, our political system does not work as well as it should. And what I would say to young leaders, what sort of pitfalls should you avoid, I would say, number one, it is very important to avoid any political system where money overwhelms ideas. And the United States politics process has become so expensive and it lasts so long, and even though I was successful at it, we spend hundreds of millions of dollars in television advertising and in all the things that go into a U.S. presidential campaign. But it's also true for members of Congress. And when politicians have to raise so much money all the time, then they start listening a little bit more to the people who have money, as opposed to ordinary people.”
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Re: Oh-bama

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Re: Oh-bama

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The New York Times reported last week that military officials had told Congress that some email and documents may have been deleted before they were turned over to investigators, citing a senior congressional official, and said that current and former officials have made similar claims.

At the heart of the analysts’ allegations is what they describe as a persistent effort by Grove and his team to downplay or even change reports that that questioned how much progress a U.S.-led coalition is making in the Obama administration’s stated goal to degrade, destroy, and defeat ISIS.

Draft reports that contained a more pessimistic view, or that questioned the efficacy of hitting certain targets, were sent back to the analysts for more extensive rewriting.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

Obama compared Syrian refuges to pilgrims because of thanksgiving.
Except they are nothing alike. The pilgrims couldn't go to a neighboring county that was a state based on their religion.

But the thought struck me is trun it around just a little who were the big losers for unchecked immigration at Plymouth Rock ?

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Re: Oh-bama

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

Obama is going to make a speech from the Oval Office today. IMO he has to because he was so out of touch trying to blame terrorism on work place violence again and putting his weird agenda ahead of most people's worries , he's out of touch with reality because he lives in a armed secured little bubble where he does not have to worry about his safety cause he has the best guarding him

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Re: Oh-bama

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Re: Oh-bama

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Jet-lagged from a long overseas trip, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel had just sat down with his wife for a quiet dinner at an upscale Italian restaurant in northern Virginia when his phone rang. It was the White House on the line. President Barack Obama wanted to speak with him.

It was Aug. 30, 2013, and the U.S. military was poised for war. Obama had publicly warned Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad that his regime would face consequences if it crossed a “red line” by employing chemical weapons against its own people. Assad did it anyway, and Hagel had spent the day approving final plans for a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missile strikes against Damascus. U.S. naval destroyers were in the Mediterranean, awaiting orders to fire.

Instead, Obama told a stunned Hagel to stand down. Assad’s Aug. 21 chemical attack in a Damascus suburb had killed hundreds of civilians, but the president said the United States wasn’t going to take any military action against the Syrian government. The president had decided to ignore his own red line — a decision, Hagel believes, that dealt a severe blow to the credibility of both Obama and the United States.

“Whether it was the right decision or not, history will determine that,” Hagel told Foreign Policy in a two-hour interview, his first extensive public comments since he was forced out of his position in February. “There’s no question in my mind that it hurt the credibility of the president’s word when this occurred.”

In the days and months afterward, Hagel’s counterparts around the world told him their confidence in Washington had been shaken over Obama’s sudden about-face. And the former defense secretary said he still hears complaints to this day from foreign leaders.

“A president’s word is a big thing, and when the president says things, that’s a big deal,” he said.

Hagel, now that time has passed and he’s willing to discuss his tenure in office, cited the episode as an example of a White House that has struggled to formulate a coherent policy on Syria, holding interminable meetings that would often end without a decision, even as conditions on the ground worsened and the death toll grew steadily higher. The 69-year-old former Nebraska senator and Vietnam War veteran, speaking for the first time about his treatment by the Obama administration, said the Pentagon was subject to debilitating meddling and micromanagement by the White House — echoing criticism made by his predecessors, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta. Looking back on his tenure, Hagel said in the Dec. 10 interview that he remains puzzled as to why some administration officials sought to “destroy” him personally in his final days in office, castigating him in anonymous comments to newspapers even after he had handed in his resignation.

Although he does not identify her by name, Hagel’s criticisms are clearly aimed at Obama’s national security advisor, Susan Rice, and some of her staff. Hagel’s former aides, and former White House officials, say the defense secretary frequently butted heads with Rice over Syria policy and the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Washington (CNN)A new report that the National Security Agency spied on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is highlighting the Republican divide on civil liberties and national security.

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that the NSA maintained surveillance of Netanyahu and other U.S. allies, despite a promise from President Barack Obama two years ago that he would end the practice. The paper, citing current and former U.S. officials, also said that communications between members of Congress and Netanyahu may have been collected in the surveillance.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: Oh-bama

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White House: President Obama To Visit Cuba, Won’t Attend Scalia’s Funeral--------------Piece Of S--T :!: Screw this Bas***d once and for all :!:
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Utter lies :!: http://money.cnn.com/2012/10/05/news/ec ... bs-report/ No way this was ever true in 2012 :!: " Unemployment unexpectedly fell to 7.8% in September, down from 8.1%, as a survey of U.S. households showed "873,000" :shock: :shock: more Americans had jobs compared to a month earlier."
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Kristatos »

It may be true, but when I read things like that, I always ask "What sort of jobs"? I'm guessing they're not secure white-collar jobs, more likely hourly wage jobs in fast food or retail.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

A report from 4 years ago?
Unemployment numbers are a joke and every admin acts like their numbers are good. Before the 2008 recession there were democrats saying the job rate was awful, it wasn't any worse than clintons, then Obama and now it's the republicans are saying how bad it is and democrats defending it. Point is I believe the governments as led by the admins cook the books to look better than it is.

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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Big O, my point was what a liar Oh-bama is and these results are so out of line even 4 years later. In 87 months in office, only 1 month had results like that and it was the month before the re-election in 2012 :!: How convenient?
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

While Brussels burns, Oh-Bama is doing this: [video][/video]
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth.

According to Louis Woodhill, if the economy continues to perform below 2.67% GDP growth rate this year, President Barack Obama will leave office with the fourth worst economic record in US history.

Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

The Obama administration secretly airlifted $400 million in cash to Iran in January at the same time Tehran was releasing four jailed Americans, payment that a top congressional Republican is calling “ransom.”

The Wall Street Journal, citing U.S. and European officials and congressional sources, reported that the administration procured the money from central banks in Switzerland and the Netherlands. The money was stacked on wooden pallets and flown to Tehran in an unmarked cargo plane.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

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