Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond Film

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Veronica »

by Veronica » 08 Oct 2015 10:28 am
Kristatos wrote:Tweet from Angry Salmond (an Alex Salmond parody account): "It's good to know Daniel Craig feels the same way about playing James Bond as I do about watching him as James Bond."
:mrgreen: :lol: exactly.[/quote]
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by shaken not stirred »

Postby shaken not stirred » 08 Oct 2015 01:01 pm
Kristatos wrote:Tweet from Angry Salmond (an Alex Salmond parody account): "It's good to know Daniel Craig feels the same way about playing James Bond as I do about watching him as James Bond."
:cheers: :martini:
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by James »

Postby James » 08 Oct 2015 01:06 pm ... -back.html
Please can we have the fun James Bond back?

So, Daniel Craig is threatening to wash his hands of James Bond.

In widely reported news this morning, the 47-year old said he would rather "slash my wrists" (and presumably his contract, which runs for another film) than play 007 again.

"The ‘classic’ Bonds (Connery, Moore, Brosnan) are defined by their Teflon attitude, but Craig’s is all about vulnerability"
Joel Snape

Putting aside the fact that only last week Craig inferred that he would keep going "As long as I’m physically able", today's quotes are largely in-keeping with the actor's apparent dislike of Bond – not the role, but the man himself.

Craig (probably fairly) seems to think that 007 is sexist and misogynistic, and says that "there’s a great sadness" to the way he deals with women. While the actor confesses that he would go for an unnecessarily-shaken martini (or a clumsily product-placed Heineken) with his alter-ego, "it would have to be early doors ... what goes on after hours I’m not too sure about."

This, on the face of it, seems ridiculous. Bond, whatever you think of his morals, would definitely be interesting to go boozing with – assuming you didn’t get fed to a shark or painted gold. He's the sort of chap you wouldn’t invite to your wedding, but you’d definitely want at the stag do: all swagger and bravado and winning at cards and knowing how to order wine and wear cufflinks properly. Yes, he’s sort of awful, but he’s also impossible to dislike: the ultimate combination of posh imperialist overconfidence and the karate skills to back it up.

Has Craig taken leave of his senses? Well, no. Consider it for a second, and it makes sense: because you’re thinking about Fun Bond, and Craig’s version of the character has the distinction of being the Least Fun Bond ever.

Craig’s Bond, when you consider it, has a terrible time. When he’s not being forced to watch his leading ladies die, he’s brooding and questioning everything he’s ever known and being lashed in the genitals with a rope. He bleeds after fights, doesn’t do one-liners and his theme tunes scan like bad sixth-form poetry (‘A million shards of glass/haunt me from my past’, Sam? Really?) Even his adversaries aren’t the sort to lark about: Scaramanga has a funhouse full of waxwork cowboys and a flying car, while Javier Bardem’s Raoul Silva has a facial disfigurement and PTSD.

The ‘classic’ Bonds (Connery, Moore, Brosnan) are defined by their Teflon attitude, but Craig’s is all about vulnerability: he’s the only one to cry since Lazenby, and the only one apart from Dalton to care about revenge more than Her Majesty’s national interests. Craig’s run, while two-thirds full of objectively good films (so far) has not been much fun. And fun is what Bond needs to go back to.

This isn’t Craig’s fault, by the way: nobody’s questioning the fact that Fun Bond had to go away for a while. Austin Powers was poking holes in the formula at the same time as Bourne was punching lumps out of it, and the last few Brosnan films only made matters worse. The series hit its nadir in Die Another Day, a film where Bond surfs twice – first as an improbable way to infiltrate a North Korean military base, later down a CGI tidal wave via parachute. When you’ve cast Madonna as a fencing genius in the same year that the pitch for your biggest box office rival is ‘Amnesiac Matt Damon beats up the entire French police force,’ you know it’s time to dial up the grittiness a notch.

Also, it’s true that the Craig films are maybe the closest in spirit to Ian Fleming’s Bond books, where Bond is a haunted, driven man. But Bond, like Batman, is a character defined by reinvention: just like Bob Kane’s original Caped Crusader had no qualms about using guns or killing people, Fleming’s original 007 also regards Koreans as ‘lower than apes in the mammalian hierarchy,’ says ‘Bitch’ too much, and has decided that lesbians only exist because women were given the vote. Say what you like about that writing being a product of the times – and even that’s a tough sell – you wouldn’t make Daniel Craig blurt any of it out after a delicious Belvedere vodka.

So: Bond can be whatever we like, and what we need now is fun. In 2002, when terrorists were actually pulling off schemes worse than anything SMERSH has ever concocted, it seemed wildly out of touch to be cracking jokes and flirting with Rosamund Pike. Now, after more than a decade of war and austerity, we could all do with cheering up a bit.

Other films already sense this: Mark Millar’s Kingsman doesn’t so much mock the super-spy formula as update it, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. plays with the men-in-suits formula to pleasing effect. But nobody does it better than Bond – to paraphrase Ms Simon slightly – and, right now, it should be on Bond to cheer us up. Where’s the man who’ll upbraid Robert Shaw for ordering red wine with fish, or cheerfully flirt with Grace Jones with his girdle just out of shot? The one who’ll ignore his bosses to have zero-gravity sex in a spaceship, or crack a joke after he straps an exploding cake to a hitman? For pity’s sake, where’s the Bond who keeps a bottle of champagne in his iceberg submarine?

Well, he hasn’t turned up in any of the Craig films yet. So here’s the campaign to get behind, whether you’re rooting for more Craig, Elba, Cavill or (maybe not) Hoult: Bring Back Fun Bond, because we've had enough grittiness. Bring back Fun Bond, because the properly English response to hard times is an overarched eyebrow and a terrible one-liner, not just a stiff upper lip. Bring back Fun Bond, because men want to be him, and women want to roll their eyes at him.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by James »

by James » 08 Oct 2015 01:08 pm ... James-Bond

Backlash as Daniel Craig says he'd 'rather slash his wrists' than play Bond again

DANIEL Craig has sparked controversy by claiming he would rather "slash his wrists" than play James Bond again.

The actor is currently promoting the eagerly anticipated Spectre, but has made it clear that this will be his last Bond film.

In a shocking interview, Daniel joked that he would rather kill himself than step into 007's suit one more time.

When asked by Time Out if he could imagine doing another instalment, the 47-year-old said: "Now? I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists.

"No, not at the moment. Not at all. That’s fine. I’m over it at the moment. We’re done. All I want to do is move on."

There was understandably a bit of backlash against the suicide joke on social media, particularly ahead of this Saturday's World Mental Health Day.

One reader cited the Mental Health Day and tweeted: "And Daniel Craig says he would rather 'slash his own wrists' than play Bond again, helpful stuff."

Another called the response "unnecessary", while a Twitter user wrote: "Insensitive much?"

Elsewhere in the expletive-laden chat, Daniel, who has taken the lead role in Casino Royale, Quantum Of Solace and Skyfall, said that he couldn't "give a f***" who plays Bond next.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by James »

by James » 08 Oct 2015 01:23 pm

"Craig's London thug take on the Bond character was cool and refreshing for one movie but it got old really fast with Quantum of Solace. His character is way is often too brooding and charmless. Then there's the repeated "Bond gone rogue" storyline over and over again with a pessimistic theme song that's either about death or the end of something (and someone please put Sam Smith out of his misery!)"

"Agreed. These last two bond films were far too dour and sexless."

"Confession: I do not like Craig as Bond. I have never had the urge to rewatch any of those movies."

"Yeah, I've never much liked Craig's. He's just too gruff, thuggish, and charmless. I think the movies have been interesting but it's essentially been the British Bourne Identity."

"This guy is such an asshole. And a lousy actor to boot. He hasn't changed his expression in ten years and every non-Bond film he makes bombs. He has all the charisma of a dead squirrel. He should count his lucky f**king stars."

"How about that stupid pucker mouth sour puss he always puts on."

"Bond gone Rogue is a writing problem, not Craig's. But I'd agree that I kinda miss the debonair of Connery or Brosnan."

"For real, Craig always looks very uncomfortable in the suits and tuxes."

"I do not get his appeal. Even going back to LAYER CAKE and other pre-Bond s**t. I don't get it."

"If only he'd made the decision that he didn't want to be Bond before he took the role."

"Honestly, Sam Mendes is a pretentious, clueless twat and that's why. I can't stand the heavy handedness that permeates his work and feels extremely false. He's like a shitty Darren Aronofsky with the tone he tries to achieve. It's as though he thinks brooding and sad sack = deep, but it's simply because he doesn't have the confidence to make it fun. He's the kind of guy who can never nail the tone and the true realism and character studies of people like Sidney Lumet no matter how hard he tries cause he doesn't get it. He's not open to tell stories the way he thinks he's telling them and failing miserably at... his films are closed off and inert, and that's why they'll be forgotten."

"Time to fix the franchise and return to brassy gadget romps. Craig's films should be burned, and all those involved forced to apologize for their rape of the franchise."

"No offense to Craig, but why the venting over a revered property? Couldn't he just as easily said: I need to move on with my career, it's a younger man's game, etc?"

"Why the need for all the negative references? Let alone say "it's all about the money" even if we know it to be true ...."

"Get Fassbender on the phone."

"On the plus side, if Craig quits making Bond films now, then at least we won't have to see him at fifty-seven wheezing through action scenes and using a bunch of stunt doubles like Roger Moore did in A View to a Kill."

"I don't f**king care who you cast. I honestly don't. What I do care about is: can we please have a story about Bond doing some actual spy s**t, without the usual bulls**t additions and twists on the spy genre or confining the whole f**king movie to one hotel. I am not interested in Bond's psychological and emotional trauma, nor in seeing MI6 turn against Bond and now he's on the run. f**k off with that bulls**t."

"SKYFALL had a Home Alone style conclusion where it's Bond and an old lady at his childhood home. That movie f**king sucked. Next movie maybe his parents will pop up at the end to put a hole in the bad guy's forehead with some MacGyver s**t. WOn't that be memorable and worthy of the greatest spy franchise. I honestly think this is the low point of the entire series, the end of SKYFALL. I feel like the whole world is on drugs from the positive reactions to that dumb f**king movie."

"If the next Bond films are going to suck the life out of the 007 Franchise like Skyfall did. Then yes, cash your last check and run."

"If you like your Bond watered down, boring with little action, no gadgets , no sense of humor, failed missions and lame then buy 'Skyfall' on Blu Ray and enjoy."
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Blowfeld »

by Blowfeld » 08 Oct 2015 01:30 pm
James wrote: ... James-Bond

Backlash as Daniel Craig says he'd 'rather slash his wrists' than play Bond again

DANIEL Craig has sparked controversy by claiming he would rather "slash his wrists" than play James Bond again.

The actor is currently promoting the eagerly anticipated Spectre, but has made it clear that this will be his last Bond film.

In a shocking interview, Daniel joked that he would rather kill himself than step into 007's suit one more time.

When asked by Time Out if he could imagine doing another instalment, the 47-year-old said: "Now? I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists.

"No, not at the moment. Not at all. That’s fine. I’m over it at the moment. We’re done. All I want to do is move on."

There was understandably a bit of backlash against the suicide joke on social media, particularly ahead of this Saturday's World Mental Health Day.

One reader cited the Mental Health Day and tweeted: "And Daniel Craig says he would rather 'slash his own wrists' than play Bond again, helpful stuff."

Another called the response "unnecessary", while a Twitter user wrote: "Insensitive much?"

Elsewhere in the expletive-laden chat, Daniel, who has taken the lead role in Casino Royale, Quantum Of Solace and Skyfall, said that he couldn't "give a f***" who plays Bond next.

What a touchy profane actor. He has never like the role, the character, the accompanying fame, perhaps the people he is forced to work with, always been a nasty git however this is too much. Beyond biting the hand that feed him, I can't fathom why he is still has a "opened ended contract" in EON's mind.

I don't like Daniel as 007, this behaviour is well beyond ungrateful towards the fans and franchise. No actor promoting say the Avengers would do this, other comments trying to be funny that don't work sure, this kind of vitriol I have never seen from a actor building up a movie. I really do wonder if his bridges have already burnt to the ground before this and nobody on our side of the fence (fans) knew it.
"Those were the days when we still associated Bond with suave, old school actors such as Sean Connery and Roger Moore,"
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Blowfeld »

Postby Blowfeld » 08 Oct 2015 01:43 pm
Kristatos wrote:Tweet from Angry Salmond (an Alex Salmond parody account): "It's good to know Daniel Craig feels the same way about playing James Bond as I do about watching him as James Bond."
May need to update my signature! :)

I'm glad people noticed this, it is churning up a bit of controversy. As it should this is a slap to the face of the franchise, it's history, and the fans. I expect and walk back any moment (which should not be accepted, and it probably will be), along with a reaffirmation of support from the studio and EON.
I'm truly tired of the Daniel Craig Circus, since they beginning they (EON, Sony, MGM, advertising partners) bent over backward in a PR blitz after blitz to build this man up. Always when afforded the opportunity he would knock the PR house of cards over saying the exact wrong thing and doing the wrong thing, yet somehow getting away with it.
It really is time for Daniel to leave. I am under no illusion the EMO Bond meme at EON will die out, however it is time for this actor to go.
"Those were the days when we still associated Bond with suave, old school actors such as Sean Connery and Roger Moore,"
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by James »

Postby James » 08 Oct 2015 01:44 pm
Yup, and according to this story, he's making £39 MILLION for Spectre! ... Bond-films

"Daniel's deal means he'll bank $24million (£15.66m) for acting, around $6million (£3.82m) for endorsements and $30million (£19.58m) if the financial projections are on course."
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Blowfeld »

by Blowfeld » 08 Oct 2015 01:45 pm
You are on fire today James! :cheers:
"Those were the days when we still associated Bond with suave, old school actors such as Sean Connery and Roger Moore,"
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by James »

by James » 08 Oct 2015 01:54 pm
Too much time on my hands for part of the afternoon. :shock: I wonder what £39 million is in dollars. DC is laughing all the way to the bank. Or moaning and swearing all the way to the bank anyway.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Kristatos »

Postby Kristatos » 08 Oct 2015 01:57 pm
James wrote:I wonder what £39 million is in dollars.
As a general rule of thumb, $1=about 60p.[/quote]
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Blowfeld »

by Blowfeld » 08 Oct 2015 01:59 pm
James wrote:Too much time on my hands for part of the afternoon. :shock: I wonder what £39 million is in dollars. DC is laughing all the way to the bank. Or moaning and swearing all the way to the bank anyway.
Close to $60 million usd.
The man could comfortably never work another day in his life.
"Those were the days when we still associated Bond with suave, old school actors such as Sean Connery and Roger Moore,"
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Veronica »

Veronica » 08 Oct 2015 02:14 pm
Amazing. Not so long ago you could read articles about "oh-so-amazing-grittines" of these films and now it's "bring back the fun Bond". I for one think the appeal of James Bond as a character is timeless and I don't think there was time when it was needed to change the whole series. The movies needed to get better,yes,but change the whole franchise-? NO.
As for Craig's statement,while for me it was obvious he doesn't care much about the role I think this is what is going to finish his run as Bond. Even if Barbara really is that crazy for him that she would pass over something like this,she would still need to do what needs to be done
because IT JUST NEEDS TO BE DONE.IT'S SHOWBUSSINES and you can not have a man who says he would rather smash his wrist than be in another movie
presenting something. Let alone such an iconic character.
But then again,the PR could probably mash something up like "It came out wrong" or something and of course Craig would confirm it because more millions would be on his bank account.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by shaken not stirred »

shaken not stirred » 08 Oct 2015 03:27 pm
I like this quote from a poster on daily mail about craig: Its difficult be excited about the latest film when the star is busy telling everyone how much he hates it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

As for complaining about being bond and having a job, I'l tell you what I'd love one right now, I'm struggling still to find one and it's not easy and yet people like this moan over getting paid millions and hate having to interact with their fans, if you want to be bond guess what that's what happens or any other popular character.

I never liked craig as bond to begin with this just cements it even more, reminds Me a lot of most of our english football team (overpaid, overrated, still get paid even if they hate what they're doing and would rather not be there), I'd gladly take the role of bond if I could, I grew up with it and until cr era was a massive die hard fan, much like Capaldi with Who we need a real bond to come back (if I already said Capaldi I apologise), I'm glad this is over the internet and news you never bite the hand that feeds you.

Veronica: You're correct craig mentioning slitting his wrists is something Barbera will have to deal with, no actor is bigger than the franchise and this is no exception and if craig is kept on after this I don't think a lot of people will even bother with the next one let alone this one.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Daltonite Toothpaste »

Daltonite Toothpaste » 08 Oct 2015 03:53 pm
Oh dear... :lol: I've just realised that Craig is the Gerald Ratner of Bonds.

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by kater23 »

kater23 » 08 Oct 2015 03:59 pm
Blowfeld wrote:
James wrote:Too much time on my hands for part of the afternoon. :shock: I wonder what £39 million is in dollars. DC is laughing all the way to the bank. Or moaning and swearing all the way to the bank anyway.
Close to $60 million usd.
The man could comfortably never work another day in his life.
Well, do you hear about him getting offered any other roles? Not like they're exactly flooding in, is it? _./// I mean, what happened with the second Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movie he was so high on(and at various points it's been a go that he was going to do? Nothing.)

At the very least he should have a very long vacation to sit down and think about whether he really, truly wants to keep doing this for one more movie-because I could see him going "no, I'm fine"(which he *isn't*!) and we see a repeat of this before his last(?) Bond film comes out.
I have no time for No Time To Die :lol:
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by shaken not stirred »

shaken not stirred » 08 Oct 2015 04:02 pm
I especially like this comment on dm

Oh cheers Daniel, f # * k you too!!!

Bet the marketing dept love him after that

For some people the world is not enough.

"I'd rather break glass and slit my wrists" than make 15 million dollars over 6 weeks shooting another bond film. No body knows the trouble I've seen, no body know's my sorrow....

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by FormerBondFan »

FormerBondFan » 08 Oct 2015 04:34 pm
Even if DC leaves, Babs is at large.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by dirtybenny »

dirtybenny » 08 Oct 2015 04:40 pm
Problem is up until now Babzy never understood that the character of Bond is larger than the man who plays him. (in Dan's case much larger) That's why she's been throwing writing and producing credits as well as piles of cash at him to keep him around. She believes the franchise's relatively recent success is tied directly to him, despite history showing otherwise. Now that Craig has dropped this tremendous egg on the role she's finally going to have to deal with that fact.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Veronica »

Veronica » 08 Oct 2015 04:56 pm
dirtybenny wrote:Problem is up until now Babzy never understood that the character of Bond is larger than the man who plays him. (in Dan's case much larger) That's why she's been throwing writing and producing credits as well as piles of cash at him to keep him around. She believes the franchise's relatively recent success is tied directly to him, despite history showing otherwise. Now that Craig has dropped this tremendous egg on the role she's finally going to have to deal with that fact.
These films made money and were successful because they had James Bond in the title. it's as simple as that. She just needs to look around at other films that have been huge success because of Craig...there aren't many are there?
People are always going to watch James Bond movies no matter who plays him.
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