President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Oh-bama committed treason in abusing his Presidency against Trump, correct?
No, I don't accept that. Treason specifically refers to a conspiracy to overthrow a government, so I don't think that plotting against a presidential candidate before he becomes president falls under that definition. It may be unethical campaigning, but so were Trump's violations of the Hatch Act in campaigning from the White House. That's not treason either, even if Joe Biden somehow miraculously becomes president.

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Re: President Trump

Post by Omega »

when select members of the of the Armed Forces commit perjury and the holdovers in the diplomatic core lie to try to impede the lawful functioning of the government. When heads of agencies publicly lie and spin stories yet when in closed session they do not back up those allegations or admit there nothing to the allegation, it’s a huge problem for our system of government.
James Comey tried to set trump up with the fake dossier, then write memoirs to himself after meeting with Trump to creat evidence, then when he got fired (which Obama should have done) he then illegally leaked memos to friends in the press. To me that’s deep state,

we have a system of checks and balances to stop abuses of power, the FISA court was abused, much of our surveillance systems are abused but the laws since the war on terror make it hard to punish these guys because congress would rather keep it all black so it can be denied. The NSA can watch every key stroke as it is typed and this was nearly 20 years ago. The government wanting the encryption to our phones is kind of deceiving because for the rest of our lives they have more access than they did when the war on terror began.

One of the lefty weirdo group AOC is in, maybe it was AOC herself said there was a cabal trying to get trump to start a war in Iran. She could be blowing things out of proportion, except I do believe there are powerful insiders who have a hand in both parties that believe war is good for business. Trump is not a war hawk like previous republican presidents have been. Even bill clintion and Obama got involved in prolonged military engagements just outside of being a war. So I could see advisors and holdovers high up people in government trying to encourage military action.

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Re: President Trump

Post by bjmdds »

Kristatos wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:41 pm
bjmdds wrote:Oh-bama committed treason in abusing his Presidency against Trump, correct?
No, I don't accept that. Treason specifically refers to a conspiracy to overthrow a government, so I don't think that plotting against a presidential candidate before he becomes president falls under that definition. It may be unethical campaigning, but so were Trump's violations of the Hatch Act in campaigning from the White House. That's not treason either, even if Joe Biden somehow miraculously becomes president.

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You are ignorant of the facts. AFTER Trump won, in January 2017, Susan Rice, Oh-bama, and Joe Biden were STILL plotting their schemes and there is proof in the emails revealed, if you would care to check that out. If you believe that using the FBI and the CIA to deliberately create a false narrative which continued after Oh-bama left is not trying to overthrow a duly elected President is not treason, then there is no point in attempting to rationalize things with you. Oh-bama should be in jail now as the head of this cabal :!: First gas chambers----now redefining treason as a plot to defeat your political opponent------that says it all. :hair:------------ Newly declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report, revealed that on Jan. 5, 2017, Yates, Comey, Biden, then-CIA Director John Brennan and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, along with National Security Adviser Susan Rice and other members of the National Security Council, attended the meeting. After the briefing, Obama asked Yates and Comey to "stay behind," and said he had "learned of the information about [then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael] Flynn" and his conversation with Russia's ambassador about sanctions. Obama "specified that he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information." A previous memo from Rice stated that Biden also stayed behind after the main briefing had ended. In an article published in The Federalist, "Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation," Mollie Hemingway wrote, “Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a Jan. 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House.” It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.”
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Re: President Trump

Post by bjmdds »

Hey Kris, how about applauding this-----History was made today at the White House as leaders from Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain met with President Trump and signed the Abraham Accords, which will normalize diplomatic relations between Israel and the two Arab nations. Before this summer, only two peace deals involving Israel had been negotiated in the last 72 years, with the most recent coming in 1994. During the past month alone, President Trump has helped broker two such agreements.--------North Korea quieter than ever--------China being tariffed and forced to do better trade deals---------no wars--------no ISIS----no daily Iraq wars------minimal Afghanistan tragedies---------and you think this guy does not get results?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Hey Kris, how about applauding this-----History was made today at the White House as leaders from Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain met with President Trump and signed the Abraham Accords, which will normalize diplomatic relations between Israel and the two Arab nations. Before this summer, only two peace deals involving Israel had been negotiated in the last 72 years, with the most recent coming in 1994. During the past month alone, President Trump has helped broker two such agreements.--------North Korea quieter than ever--------China being tariffed and forced to do better trade deals---------no wars--------no ISIS----no daily Iraq wars------minimal Afghanistan tragedies---------and you think this guy does not get results?
I have given Trump credit in the past for ending some of the wars Obama started. I have no problem praising any politician when I think they do right, or criticising them when I think they do wrong.

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Re: President Trump

Post by Atticus »

Kristatos wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:00 pm (though I am not so vain as to think that anything I write on here will provoke riots, or quell them for that matter)
Nah, you missed the whole point. What I'm saying is that, in an already volatile society, using hyperbolic blurbs like “police lynching” could help heighten the angst in those who are already prone to riot and do weird things, to say the least. Just look at what happened at the NASCAR noose fiasco. It was enough to get people to start protesting--fortunately, peacefully--just because a piece of rope tied in a garage resembled a noose. It was enough to create controversy and disruption. At that time, while statues were toppled and monuments were desecrated throughout the country, while predominantly African-American neighborhoods were attacked by rioters, looters, and arsonists, 15 FBI agents still had enough time to investigate the garage door mystery to find the intent behind those who, all the way back in 2019, tied a loop into a rope used to pull down a garage door. I'm just saying, pal. But, hey, you're free to run around and yell “police lynching” all you want.
Kristatos wrote: I don't believe that this is due to any particular devotion to the Constitution on Trump's part, however (I doubt he even knows what's in it), but because your Founding Fathers had the foresight to ensure that it couldn't.
Well, that was my whole point. The Constitution limits the powers of government, which prevents Trump or any politician from turning into a dictator. Sadly, the progressive movement is all about undermining or bypassing the Constitution. They've been chipping away at it for at least 100 years, looking for ways to get around the restrictions on government. As for Trump not knowing what's in the Constitution--yeah man, he's so clueless, which is why he's so eager to defend the second amendment. He's so uninformed, which is why he advocates border security--and that's straight out of Article 4, Sec. 4 of The United States Constitution.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Atticus »

Kristatos wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:35 am He was editor of the Harvard Law Review, so I would imagine so. Do Trump supporters have any other argument except "But Obama"?

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Don't worry, we have a lot of arguments. :D But Obama is an easy target because he easily embodies the decadence of the other side. This Harvard Law Review editorial stint is hilarious. And I think he went on to be a Constitutional lawyer. That too is hilarious. The guy is a progressive. Progressives hate the Constitution. Look at what he said in the 2001 radio interview, which surfaced around the time of the 2008 election. He complains that the Constitution is “a document of negative liberties, says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf, and that hasn't shifted.”

“A document of negative liberties.” Spoken like a true progressive. He's saying that the Constitution sucks because it limits the powers of government. He wants more governmental control, and implicit in his statement is that, if it were up to him, he'd put in a centralized autocratic government. But here comes the clincher: he complains about the civil rights movement because it lacked focus on redistribution of wealth:
"And I think one of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was that the civil rights movement became so court-focused, I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and organizing activities on the ground that are able to bring about the coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change, and in some ways we still suffer from that," Obama said.
In other words, he wants the hard-working taxpayer to cover for reparations for slavery. In this same interview, he wants the Supreme Court to "redistribute the wealth" to force "economic justice." His response to Joe the Plumber, during the 2008 campaign, that he wants to "spread the wealth around" wasn't a coincidence. That idea is at the heart of his persona. Of course, the civil rights movement is a tragedy because, as he explains, it fails to secure reparations, and he complains that the Warren Supreme Court "wasn't that radical." He wants the Court to be more "radical" by forcing reparations. This guy is a radical wack job. He goes on, babbling that "redistributive change" is his goal and should be the goal of the courts. That's the purpose of "community organizing," he says, which is to get communities "organized" to force it.

Of course, he can't keep himself from trashing the Constitution, so he points out that this “document of negative liberties” always "reflected a fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day."

So Obama wants to change it all. Through the Supreme Court. Through new legislation. Through what he calls "administrative" work. Fortunately, he didn't get to do it all during his tenure. But make no mistake. He means radical change of wealth redistribution--through socialistic big government statism--to force reparations. I bring this up not only to point out the absurdity of him being a Constitutional lawyer but to underscore how the Democratic establishment, primarily its radical component, is full of all the fascistic totalitarianism that you say worries you.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Atticus »

bjmdds wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:53 pm Did he abuse it by his treasonous actions against Trump with the corrupt CIA and the FBI?
Good rhetorical question. The shtick from Obama takes us into banana republic territory, to say the least. Now with Mueller's team, we have rogue prosecutors destroying evidence of cell phone calls and texts. What's there to hide if they didn't anything illegal?
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Re: President Trump

Post by bjmdds »

Atticus, you know your political onions for sure and we know the FACTS, not like political ostriches that bury their heads in the sand and follow the left-wing playbook to a tee. This cabal continued AFTER Trump was DULY elected :!: In the film The American President, Michael Douglas plays the President. In it, there is a line where he says "the people won't drink the sand because they are thirsty......they will drink the sand because they don't know the difference"--------it applies to the Trump haters now. The media is complicit and and arm of the Democrat party, which should be unconstitutional, don't you think?
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Re: President Trump

Post by bjmdds »

The Rasmussen poll was one of only 2 polls that was CORRECT in 2016. These other polls now all over sample Democrats deliberately so you can toss them out------------Voters now give President Trump the highest marks of his presidency when it comes to his handling of the economy and national security. He's doing better than President Obama was going into the 2012 election. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters rate Trump’s handling of the economy as good or excellent despite the pounding it’s taken this year from the coronavirus lockdown. That’s up from 39% in mid-2017 just after he took office and edges his previous high of 51% in October 2018. Thirty-seven percent (37%) say he’s doing a poor job. Forty-nine percent (49%) think the president is doing a good or excellent job handling national security issues. This, too, is up from 39% three years ago and the previous high of 47% in June of last year. Forty-one percent (41%) believe Trump is doing a poor job in this area. His overall job approval TODAY is at 52% approve, 46% disapprove. Three-out-of-four voters who’ve had violent anti-police protests in their community rate those protests important to their vote in the presidential election. Among these voters, a sizable majority like the job President Trump is doing.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Kristatos »

Obama was president for 8 years. Did he actually redistribute any wealth in that time, except to his corporate donors? This attempt to brand him as some sort of Marxist revolutionary may have worked in the 2008 election campaign, but it just looks ridiculous now. I haven't had time to listen to that radio interview, but even based on the portion you quoted, it's fairly obvious that "a document of negative liberties" is not the same thing as "the Constitution sucks". He actually explains what it means in the following sentence. His problem is that he was speaking in legalese, not anticipating that 15, 20 years later, Fox News would be waiting in the wings, eager to spin his words into "THE SCARY, SCARY BLACK MAN IS COMING FOR YOUR GUNS AND MONEY!"

Nor do I believe for one minute that a party which has no platform beyond "whatever Dear Leader says" will uphold the Constitution. The GOP is nothing more than a personality cult, and as such, will only adhere to the Constitution when it benefits Trump to do so. So, the Second Amendment is sacrosanct, because of all that lovely NRA money, but the First Amendment? That means a free press, which might ask awkward questions, making them "enemies of the people". Specifically the people named Trump or Kushner.
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Re: President Trump

Post by bjmdds »

Gas chambers--------'SCARY SCARY BLACK MAN"------No platform party---------Kris, you reside in an alternate reality. Where does RACE come into play? Oh-bama's POLICIES were PUTRID :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: Lots of exclamation points. No platform? That is your beloved DEMOCRAT party. Answer the question by the way: do you now admit Oh-bama ad his cabal acted against the DULY elected President Trump AFTER the election was over or not? There is only one response, yes or no.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Answer the question by the way: do you now admit Oh-bama ad his cabal acted against the DULY elected President Trump AFTER the election was over or not? There is only one response, yes or no.
That's two responses. I would add a third, I don't know, which is the honest answer in my case. I didn't really pay that much attention to what Obama was doing after he lost. I just assumed he would get a cushy job on the lecture circuit, like most ex-presidents.

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President Trump

Post by Omega »

I haven’t paid any attention to Obama either. My guess is he’s made the usual rounds picking up corporate money. I know they got money from netflix but so have so many others selling a project

Far as what Obama did to Trump, James clapper and others have testified and answered in interviews that they were ordered by the president to do what they did to Trump.
I gave up hoping they had real credible concerns about the incoming trump admin, from the look of it it was all political with no substantive issues.
The FISA abuse started early 2016 late 2015 and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t running the same scam on every opposition candidate that year (Democrat and Republican ) . We know Obama had the Supreme court Under surveillance on Obamacare, he spied on members of Congress for the meeting with delegates from Israel lobbying against Obama‘s ten year plan to give Iran nukes. (Which Republican senators passed bills to help Obama get that treaty through without calling it a treaty, we found out later those Republicans were under the pay of Boeing another contractors.)
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised obamas government thought hey this is how to use the powers of the surveillance state

Now how is Trump using it? I dont know. Congress is quick to re-up all the surveillance state powers and so far Trump signed them. FISA courts found all kinds of abuses and laws broken and nothing actually happened to anybody... yet?

I think democrat and Republican administrations were comfortable with the way the government was working for last 50 60 years and nobody saw anything wrong with how it was conducted. Military generals retire and work for think tanks and news networks and contractors, politicians families work for the same think tanks and news organizations and contractors, if you were in the right circle you got rich quick and were taken care of and that was the promise of government for the 2%. Bernie Sanders sold out his supporters twice and got well rewarded for it, thats aside from his senatorial career which made him millionaire several times over. And he’s one of the better ones. Harry Reid and Joe Biden are some of the most crooked in the party.

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Re: President Trump

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I was trying to figure out what BJ was referring to, and I assume he means the Russiagate investigation. Now, I think the allegations were bulls**t, but I think they were right to investigate them nonetheless, if only in order to prove that they were bulls**t.

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President Trump

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:I was trying to figure out what BJ was referring to, and I assume he means the Russiagate investigation. Now, I think the allegations were bulls**t, but I think they were right to investigate them nonetheless, if only in order to prove that they were bulls**t.

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I would agree, to a point, except they knew from the start The dossier was complete crap they also knew that Carter page was a CIA asset. That poor Bas***d (I can’t remember his name but he was a nobody) they set up in a fake speaking job in England, the f’ing fbi threatened the guys fiancé to try to get her to turn on him, essentially make something he said up for them to prosecute the poor sob with.
The Russian honey trap they tried to get Trump Junior and Jared Kushner with, she worked for one of the Democrat companies like fusion gps, with the blessing of the fbi.

It was an incestuous relationship how the federal government was getting warrants based on testimony from people they planted, or people working as democrat operatives. They leaked fake news to use as evidence to get authorization.

Trump got nothing done his first 100 day because the high ups in the republican party thought they could get ride of him with russiagate.
Interestingly it’s during this time chuck and Nancy cane over to the WH and looked like they’d work a deal with trump. Sadly for the American people whoever their masters are put a stop to it.

Trump isn’t a republican there are plenty of progressive programs he would get behind, only real difference is he want the funds going straight to the American people by passing bureaucracies.
Trumps plan for Social Security if they get rid of the Social Security tax as it exists now funded through another means, I forget if it was sales tax (like VAT) or on corporations. He wants to make more people eligible for it and at decent livable income instead of the way it works now. there are plenty of people that didn’t qualify for full Social Security payout or qualify for small payouts, it would change lives to get this done right. But whoever controls the Democrats, and whoever controls the majority Republican party don’t want that happening they want business as usual as quick as possible.

I think people forget that trump is actually more reasonable than people think. Before he took office he told the NYT he didn’t want to hurt Hillary, he was open to environmental concerns, but not to the crazy so extent with that carbon credit scam, still he wasn’t completely opposed to it. Various minority leaders have met with him and found him open to their concerns. Sadly nothing get the chance to happen because the democrat party has to follow the marching orders of whoever actually controls them. Every time there is a chance to make a deal with Trump that’s outside expectations somebody from the other side starts throwing verbal bombs making sure a deal is never cemented.

Think the Mideast peace deal , which cut out the Washington establishment and got done. We will see if it work and has any real meaning however trump is willing to make unheard of deals for the American people but the democrats are run by people like the plo who kept the Palestinians from having a seat at the table. The democrats could have gotten amnesty and immigration reforms for the price of a wall that’s going to be built anyway, but couldn’t do it.

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Re: President Trump

Post by Kristatos »

Coming back to your earlier post:
bjmdds wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:30 pm Kris, you reside in an alternate reality.
Yes, the one inhabited by everyone outside your bubble of White House-approved sources (Trump's Twitter account, Fox News, One America TV and a few others).
bjmdds wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:30 pm Where does RACE come into play?
Everywhere, Trump launched his political campaign in 2016 by promoting the racist birther conspiracy theory, and his 2020 campaign leans heavily on appealing to the racial anxieties of white suburbanites. People making snarky remarks about how he is trying to stoke fears about Biden's America by showing footage of the riots already happening in Trump's America are missing the point. The not-so-subtle message is that if you vote for Biden, black folk will start rioting in the suburbs too.
bjmdds wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:30 pm No platform? That is your beloved DEMOCRAT party.
Beloved? When have I ever said anything nice about the Democrats? And I literally posted a link to the story about the GOP not having a platform. I made sure it was from Fox News, so that you couldn't dismiss it as fake news from the lugenpresse. Meanwhile, much as it pains me to do this, here is a link to the Democratic Party Platform 2020. Linking does not imply endorsement, nor does it imply that I believe they will actually do any of the stuff they're promising, But it exists nonetheless. You can't just employ the Pee-Wee Herman defence ("I know you are, but what am I?") every time your god-king is criticised.
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Re: President Trump

Post by bjmdds »

Kristatos wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:47 pm
bjmdds wrote:Answer the question by the way: do you now admit Oh-bama ad his cabal acted against the DULY elected President Trump AFTER the election was over or not? There is only one response, yes or no.
That's two responses. I would add a third, I don't know, which is the honest answer in my case. I didn't really pay that much attention to what Obama was doing after he lost. I just assumed he would get a cushy job on the lecture circuit, like most ex-presidents.

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Re: President Trump

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:You ASSUMED?
I don't spend every waking moment obsessing over Obama, unlike some people. Nice to see that you've sorted out your video embedding woes, anyway.

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Re: President Trump

Post by bjmdds »

No I did not. You were able to place the video. I was not. How is that possible?-------who obsesses over the Oh-bama? He should exit stage door left and get out of the limelight. When the media and 'others' here fail to give the same treatment to Trump that they did to "O", it will be referenced. YOU sir, as do ALE, have a hatred for the guy and you never gave him a chance from day one because your collective hatred clouds your judgment. Your "gas chambers" statement defines your psychotic opinion of who he is. Maybe you can comfort ALE off off he ledge she will be teetering on once Trump HOPEFULLY wins re-election. At this point, NOBODY has a clue as to how this will turn out but I am hopeful people will judge his "results" and not the sideshow he creates for himself. His POLICIES are what should define him. You probably want Harris to supplant Biden quickly if he wins as she has your thoughts on the world. Good luck with that if she ever becomes President.
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