Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

General Bond discussion from Sean Connery to Pierce Brosnan
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

Thank you for the compliment Capt, yes Vedmetoo does sound like an Indian dish, of course this recipe is by Daniel Craig so it'll be bland, flavorless and under done.
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John P. Drake
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by John P. Drake »

dirtybenny wrote:Ruled By an Iron Fist in an Iron Gove Wielded By an Iron Lady

Barbara “Babzy” (she actually calls herself that folks) Broccoli the woman who egotistically states she rules her production company, EON with an “Iron Fist” and that all her employees had “better be afraid of me!” Yes that is the way to run a business, by driving your workers before you, crushing their souls and listening to the lamentation of their spouses! And before you accuse me of being a sexist misogynist dinosaur; it’s pretty d**n stupid for a man to behave that way too!

Let us step back and take a look at the “Iron Lady of EON” for a moment. She’s made it pretty clear she dislikes Bond, saying he’s “developed some pretty distasteful past times” and putting him (in the guise of Craig) in drag for a public service announcement. It’s quite obvious she’d much rather be doing anything else than making another dirty testosterone fueled Bond picture. Then why does she do it you ask? Because without Bond she’s nothing in Hollywood and she knows it. Bond makes money no matter how garbage the product. Bond in general has been living on 50 years of nostalgia and Craig’s Bond in particular on one film and 15 years of reruns. But that’s beside the point, Bond makes money therefore Babzy is a player in tinsel town.

So if anyone believes for a second Babz is ever going to step away from Bond, they got another ting coming. But I believe she already has… Not officially of course, and never will! But I do believe she has this money printing machine on auto pilot. Why else would she continue to hire the hack services of Neal Purvis and Robert Wade two “film writers” so inept they’ve barely ever finished a script on their own. I don’t mean individually, rather than the duo working as a team. No I mean these two hacks who only work together, have written eleven films and in all but three needed a third party to step in and “help” (read actually write) their work. The one Bond film they did do on their own? Die Another Day, let that sink in for a moment. So why does she do it? Because they’re cheap and available (I wonder why?) and who cares about a plot we’ll just find some guy or gal to step in at the last minute to slap it together.

Exhibit B, she’s kept Craig on for an eternity. Even Dan’s most ravenous fan boys have to admit he’s gotten a bit long in the tooth by now. After 15 years the 51 year old needs to hang it up especially since he himself stated he hates making the films (but not the huge payday). OK so again why? Because first recasting is too much work to invest in such a “mundane and tedious” franchise and more importantly Craig has essentially become the sole producer. He’s acting obnoxiously on set pushing the director around, turning cast and crew against him with his boorish behavior and apparently he can add any writer he likes to the script no matter how far along the production is. While he does this I assume Babzy is working on her tan in the Caribbean sunshine. Craig runs the show; Babz is only the whip he wields to make the puppets dance.

Just look at her haggard nonplussed appearance in the promotional non announcement video released in April; she looks like she’s attending her own funeral! Even Craig who was obviously bored to tears was able to feign some amount of excitement. I guess it’s all that Shakespearian training.

One has to wonder just how much of the ridiculous content in the recent spate of films ol’ Danny’s responsible for. He started with Casino Royale in which he was nothing more than the starring actor, most of the production was done before he even got there leaving him with little input on the finished product other than his performance and whatever he may have contributed on set.

Quantum of Solace (QOS) saw Dan’s rise from thespianic gun for hire to pre-production contributor with the writer’s strike which had befallen production at the time. If only EON had their head in the game before hand and had writers working on a script other than the highly overrated and apparently delusional Paul Haggis they may have had something worth working with come production time. Instead Craig along with Director Marc Forster were forced to write on the fly while shooting, a style EON has taken as routine since. QOS, stuffed to the rafters with trite polemics against western governments, the value of oil and water conservation could have been chalked up to Forster’s hand alone, however with the themes of the following films coupled with Craig throwing his hat behind the socialist United States Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in 2016, one can’t help but believe Dan had a say in that decision.

Skyfall finds Craig’s “Bond” calling in to question his loyalty to Queen and Country as well as his own sexuality in a nihilistic Technicolor triste. Given Craig has at this point been given a producer credit coupled with the dramatic shift in tone from the films that preceded his employ one must wonder. Also consider the graduation from Martin Campbell journeyman director extraordinaire through semi auteur Forster to supreme auteur Sam Mendes whom Craig worked with previously, again we must wonder who’s calling the shots and to what end.

SPECTRE also directed by everybody’s favorite legend in his own mind Sam Mendes, sows more useless drama in the form of the ridiculous brother Blofeld plot. Craig who once again holds a producer credit must surely have had a say on this garbage even if he didn’t write it he definitely signed off on it.

Bond 25 or as I like to call it “the Bond film that dare not speak its name” started with an additional auteur seduced in to the underworld of popular film. Danny Boyle, another pretentious leftist eager to display his politics in celluloid was initially signed to helm Craig’s fifth film. Once his vision of Bond was deemed too extreme for EON and their star/producer Craig, he was jettisoned like an unwanted passenger in an Aston Martin DB5. Funnily enough rumors abound that Craig could only be wooed back for Bond 25 if his buddy old pal Mendes was ousted. I can’t say I fully abide by this rumor as Mendes said early on he would not be back, I assume because his sensibilities can no longer take the punishment of not being able to rail against American suburbia. Regardless, a lesser director in Cary Funknwagnels was brought in to steward the film, yet seems beholden to Craig’s ideals as evidenced by rumors and photos claiming Dan pushes the young director around on set.

So as we track Craig’s ascension from mere actor to co-producer, as well as iron Babzy taking a more hands off approach, we also see a rise in anti-western polemics and social justice clap trap which seem to mirror his own politics, coincidence? Perhaps not.
This post needs an outright applause. You should write a book on this topic, old boy. :cheers:
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

John P. Drake wrote:This post needs an outright applause. You should write a book on this topic, old boy. :cheers:

Thank you very much my friend! :cheers:

To be honest with you I've been feeling uninspired lately, just not feeling the gumption to write, but comments like yours are what keep me going, I thank you again!
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by bjmdds »

Keep it up DB :!: 'Do not ask for whom DirtyBenny's tomes toll Ms. Broccoli--------they toll for thee :!: '
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by Omega »

I look forward to the rants. DB has been way a head of the rest of the entertainment industry, especially now that some of social media question Craig like everybody here has been doing since 2006 it’s fun to see the DB echo syndrome out there.

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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

I thank you my friend! I will try to put together this current rant in the near future, it's a two parter so it's taking longer than usual and the Bond 25 malaise has set in as well so I'm feeling uninspired. But because you and John P. as well as others enjoy them I will power through!
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by John P. Drake »

dirtybenny wrote:
John P. Drake wrote:This post needs an outright applause. You should write a book on this topic, old boy. :cheers:

Thank you very much my friend! :cheers:

To be honest with you I've been feeling uninspired lately, just not feeling the gumption to write, but comments like yours are what keep me going, I thank you again!
You're very welcome! :)

It's always a pleasure reading your thoughts on this pickle Mizz Broccoli seems to have put us through for fifteen long years, because they always hit all the marks right on the spot!

Keep 'em coming, my friend. Looking forward to your next piece.
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

New rant, but be forewarned, it's a long one so clear your calendar, settle back with a beverage of your choice and enjoy.

http://danielcraigisnotbond.com/index/b ... en-of-eon/
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by Omega »

DB I read it three times over, its so good I couldn’t think of anything that is missing.

Brosnan era was a better era for the depiction of women in the stories, and that was part of the sexual harassment age but also part of Fleming’s Bond too. In the 50 & 60s he had women as part of the stories in roles not appropriate for the time. Although sexual harassment was probably Ian Fleming’s middle name.

Part of the bond movie saga is Cubby and Saltzman used beautiful women provocatively dressed as part of his draw for bond in the era of playboy centerfolds wearing more clothes than most young women at the beach today. Cubby copied a B movie trick to help boost his movies over the top to A movie status. It just happened to also fit Ian Fleming’s style as well. I kind of think babs is confused by this and having never really got what bond is relies on what her peers in the movie industry tell her it is. She chose the most uncharismatic man she could find when it was her turn at the franchise and then made the movies about personal bond histories and motives that Ian Fleming not only never wrote but would never have allowed be filmed.

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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by Veronica »

"Berry, fresh from her Oscar for best performance in a soft core porn..."

Oh Benny, you magnificent Bas***d. :D

"Sad but colorful end."

I see what you did there. :mrgreen:

I have to say Miranda Frost is one of my favorites for the simple reason she has a last name Frost and is played by Rosamund Pike. And she feels right at home in an ice palace. She always reminded me of a famous Hitchcock blondetype so there you go.
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

Part two posted:

[glow=red]http://danielcraigisnotbond.com/index/b ... -misogyny/[/glow]

Veronica wrote:"Berry, fresh from her Oscar for best performance in a soft core porn..."

Oh Benny, you magnificent Bas***d. :D
Thanks V, I recycled that from a previous rant but it never gets old, it's so appropriate!
Veronica wrote:"Sad but colorful end."

I see what you did there. :mrgreen:
Yes indeed, pun intended! :wink:
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

New rant published!

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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

I loved the white Lotus, and the similar Lotus's of the time. I looked at the latest Lotus models on Wikipedia and they look awful.

Here is a clip of Lewis Collins driving a Lotus in Who Dares Wins in 1982. If you want to imagine Collins in a Bond in the early 80s then this is a good clip.

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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

Finally sat myself down and concocted a new rant, enjoy!

http://danielcraigisnotbond.com/index/b ... o-peeking/
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

Latest rant for your consideration:

http://danielcraigisnotbond.com/index/b ... full-stop/
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

dirtybenny wrote:Latest rant for your consideration:

http://danielcraigisnotbond.com/index/b ... full-stop/
Is this rant by Lord Alfred Hayes? :twisted:

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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by dirtybenny »

Another new rant for your consideration:

http://danielcraigisnotbond.com/index/b ... tamp-down/
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Re: Dirty Benny's Weekly Rant

Post by Veronica »

So I've been out of the loop for a while and... A tampon, really?
For who are you doing this bloody film for? Football moms?
Also do NOT tell me there's talk about Craig returning again. This is lile a nightmare I can not wake up from.
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