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The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Omega »

Well he d**n near crashed the stock market. Which is interesting on its own because it suggests the big money people the both parties listen to dont want trump gone yet if at all.

Like I said about beliefs, these reporters believe certain things about trump are true so run with it, it’d be like us running with a story about Craig nobody backed up. We’d believe he harassed and demanded sex from a actress, if someone supported what we already believe we’d be quick to jump on the story. So many fake stories in the last year that fit the mould of being secret government sources say what they already think is true. Look at the Japan trip, some times they don’t need to be fed the story they make it up on their own. Even freaking jimmy carter think the press is biased.

In a way I don’t mind a critical press but these guys have been on vacation for 40 years while the government ran wild getting us intowars that the press only cared about having favorable access to.

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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Kristatos »

Omega wrote: Like I said about beliefs, these reporters believe certain things about trump are true so run with it, it’d be like us running with a story about Craig nobody backed up. We’d believe he harassed and demanded sex from a actress, if someone supported what we already believe we’d be quick to jump on the story.
I think we've been pretty cautious about prefixing references to the Sigman allegations with "if the story is true" etc.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:
Omega wrote: Like I said about beliefs, these reporters believe certain things about trump are true so run with it, it’d be like us running with a story about Craig nobody backed up. We’d believe he harassed and demanded sex from a actress, if someone supported what we already believe we’d be quick to jump on the story.
I think we've been pretty cautious about prefixing references to the Sigman allegations with "if the story is true" etc.
yeah but if a source told us it was the gospel truth or some tabloid ran with it we would be more tempted to make a big deal out of it pushing the story as much as possible. If it were about Brosnan or dalton we’d want more proof.

My only point is if you already believe something even a questionable source could be latched on to as proof. When we as humans believe something our whole perspective is altered. And by believe I mean anything we use to get through the day from why we get up to go to work to who we pray to and what flavor of the mouthwash . Every one believes in something as just a base line for operating as a self conscious life form. We naturally look for confirmation of what we already hold to be true.
This is the trap I think reporters are in now, they and the political establishment believe they know the right way to run government and the flaws of who’s in the job now. They aren’t even trying to check for bias, they became the new birthers early one November morning and failed to notice.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Byron York of the Washington Examinerreported Saturday that the committee had subpoenaed the FBI in August for information about why Strzok was dropped from Mueller’s team. Over the next three months, the FBI repeatedly refused to turn over the requested information. Nunes met and spoke to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, York reported, to no avail. Nunes and the committee continued to pursue the matter right up through Friday, Dec. 1.

The following day, the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that Strzok had been kicked off Mueller’s team because of anti-Trump text messages that he was found to have exchanged with FBI lawyer Lisa Page during the 2016 presidential election. Strzok had also worked on the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s storage of emails, including classified information, on an illicit private server. She was not prosecuted.

In addition, Strzok and Page were found to have carried on an extramarital affair. Page worked for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who conservatives have long complained had a conflict of interest because his wife received campaign funding from Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a close ally of the Clintons for decades.
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President Trump?

Post by Omega »

What bothers me about Strzok and page is why and how their text messaging came to fbi attention. This seems unusual to me, I’d think that two things happened one I think they were using company phones to communicate if they had used personal phones I doubt we’d know what they said, second is possibly did these communications come to light because of their adultery like a spouse divorcing them or ethics complaint.
It’s unusual to have text messages come out, for the last 15 years obama and bush government used text and other new combination to hide those communication out side the official records and beyond subpoena.

Other weird thing fbi did was while raiding manafort’s house, they woke his family up at gun point, obviously picking locks a such but nobody mentions that the government must have used their power to some how bypass his home security. Unless you don’t believe a sleaze bag like manafort wouldn’t be paranoid enough to own a security system and use it every night. So either the government comprised ADT/whoever to let them in without alerting the home owners, or they stole his pass code or used sophisticated electronics to compromise it. Most likely to me is the government pressured the security company.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

A rabidly anti-Trump FBI agent who was fired from Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation relied on claims made in a largely unsubstantiated and highly salacious dossier provided by Washington DC-based opposition research firm, Fusion GPS – which enlisted former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to assemble the 34-page ‘Dirty Dossier’ in mid-2016. :cuss:
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Re: President Trump?

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to President Donald Trump by allowing his latest travel ban targeting people from six Muslim-majority countries to go into full effect even as legal challenges continue in lower courts. The court, with two of the nine justices dissenting, granted his administration's request to lift two injunctions imposed by lower courts that had partially blocked the ban, which is the third version of a contentious policy that Trump first sought to implement a week after taking office in January. 7 of the 9 justices AGREED with President Trump :!: :cheers: :happy spin: :Happy: Screw the lower left-wing liberal courts :!: Big O, break out the martinis :!: :martini: :martini:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

The Wall Street Journal editorial board again called on special counsel Robert Mueller to step down from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

In an editorial published Monday night, the editorial board argued that Mueller's investigation was biased, pointing to the recent reports that one of the top investigators on Mueller's team was fired over text messages that reflected negative information about President Donald Trump.

"The latest news supports our view that Mr. Mueller is too conflicted to investigate the FBI and should step down in favor of someone more credible," the editorial board said. "The investigation would surely continue, though perhaps with someone who doesn't think his job includes protecting the FBI and Mr. Comey from answering questions about their role in the 2016 election."

The op-ed claimed that there were massive conflicts of interest, saying the agent exchanged texts with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who worked with the deputy FBI director, whose wife has tangential ties to allies of then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and that as the former FBI director, Mueller knows former FBI Director James Comey.

Further, the piece argued that the investigation has not been revealing enough to Republican-controlled oversight committees in Congress.

"All of this reinforces our doubts about Mr. Mueller’s ability to conduct a fair and credible probe of the FBI's considerable part in the Russia-Trump drama," the editorial said. "Mr. Mueller ran the bureau for 12 years and is fast friends with Mr. Comey, whose firing by Mr. Trump triggered his appointment as special counsel. The reluctance to cooperate with a congressional inquiry compounds doubts related to this clear conflict of interest."
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President Trump?

Post by Omega »

On the court ruling the had to rule that way, the way the law is written is very clear and surprisingly uncomplicated. The fact any judges disagree show they have a activist mindset.

Mueller, man his good week blew up in his face. I wonder how much of this is Trump, trump supporters, possibly Wall Street backers starting to like trump policies and how much of this is natural dissemination of information and truth leaking out by whistle blowers.

The fact Mueller has 3 people (possibly 4 if we count Comey) involved in this investigation which we know are extremely prejudice is very bad for Mueller. Ken Starr was Tarred and feathered on much less.

If the Podesta brothers don’t face similar charges to Manafort it’s going to be a sham prosecution. Since the Cold War ended Washington has been flooded by foreign money, there are a lot of people who make their living when they get out of government service working for foreign governments trying to influence Washington, like that jackass general Flynn he and his boy were quick to sell out, if Mueller could clean some of this up it’d be a big step. Next would be the wiki leaks claims of that young man who was murdered, if he was the source it would turn the Russia narrative even more on its head. I could see him or any idealistic young democrat believing wiki leaks was the way to go with all we now know about how Hillary improperly took over the DNC and rigged the primaries with her chosen henchwoman in the leadership role of the dnc.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Surge in manufacturing jobs causes private payrolls to rise more than expected in November
Private payrolls increased by 190,000 in November, ahead of analyst expectations of 185,000 but less than the 235,000 in October.
Manufacturing had its best month of the year with 40,000 new jobs. Service-oriented industries grew by 155,000.
Moody's economist Mark Zandi says the jobs market is "red-hot" and there's a danger it could "overheat" in 2018 :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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U.S. employers added a substantial 228,000 jobs in November, a sign of the job market’s enduring strength in the economy’s ninth year of expansion, and the unemployment rate held at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent.

Friday’s jobs report from the government made clear that the U.S. economy is on firm footing and is likely benefiting from more resilient global growth, with all major economies across the world expanding in tandem for the first time in a decade.

Over the past six months, U.S. economic growth has exceeded an annual rate of 3 percent, the first time that’s happened since 2014. Consumer confidence has reached its highest level since 2000. And employers have added jobs for 86 straight months, a record streak.

“It’s a surprisingly strong report given the age of the recovery,” said Jed Kolko, chief economist at the job listing website Indeed. “After 86 months, we’re still seeing strong payroll gains.”
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Re: President Trump?

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AT&T Inc., the phone carrier locked in a battle with the U.S. government over its Time Warner Inc. acquisition, lauded President Donald Trump and Congress for their tax-cut bill and said 200,000 U.S. workers will get a special $1,000 bonus to celebrate.

The payment will go to union-represented, non-management and front-line management employees, AT&T said Wednesday. The Dallas-based telecommunications giant also reiterated its plan to invest an additional $1 billion in the U.S. next year. :clap:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Seventeen percent of Americans surveyed named Obama as the man they admire most, while 14 percent named Trump, the Gallup poll said.The poll was, however, largely split along party lines as Republicans were far more likely to name Trump than Obama.-------I thought Trump was the most hated person in the world??????????? I guarantee you that more Democrats were polled than Republicans too :!: ---------Thursday, December 28, 2017: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.-----he won with 46% of the popular vote, so there is no change at all despite the fraud media's reporting, or lack of.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

FACTS: BLACK Unemployment rate under Trump is 7.3% (december 2017), the LOWEST it's been in 17 YEARS :!: ... since the end of the Clinton administration :!: -----The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped to 4.7% - the LOWEST in the history of the United States :!: This Administration is working hard to create opportunities for all Americans! :clap:
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President Trump?

Post by Omega »

I don’t think James Comey yes what a joke he is.
He’s everything wrong with the justice dept.
obama should have fired him, Hillary would have, trump did.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:Image
To his credit, Krugman was man enough to admit that he was wrong. Many in his position would have doubled down, or pretended they never said it.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

I thought he said that on election night after the establishment was surprised by trumps win . Markets did crash in the early morning hours but caught on fire a few hours later. Only a few predicted a quick turn around, now the market is so in love with trump they get the jitters if anything threatens him.
I don’t like the stock markets just cause I don’t feel the values necessarily relate to real world value of the product, assets or holdings. I feel it’s still a big bubble since the fall out never truly happened returning to real world values. But the Feds have propped up the markets to try to keep them stable, maybe with real growth they will stabilize making the artificial value the real value. Part of the obama economist theory but it never really happened because growth was slow.

I remember people predicting gold and silver skyrocketing during obama. Mostly those guys were the ones over promoting gold and silver causing the price of those metals to crash a few times. Don’t know how it’s legal for these guys to creat market bubbles by advertising.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT OF CONSTRUCTION FIRMS PLAN TO EXPAND HEADCOUNT IN 2018, CONTRACTORS ARE OPTIMISTIC ABOUT STRONG ECONOMY, TAX & REGULATORY CUTS :!: :Happy: :up: “This optimism is likely based on current economic conditions, an increasingly business-friendly regulatory environment and expectations the Trump administration will boost infrastructure investments.” :up:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Just look at what this president, who liberals think has a diminished capacity, has been able to accomplish:

Led Congress to pass tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealed oppressive Obamacare mandate.
Fuel economic growth moving GDP above 3 percent.
Boosted economic confidence, causing the Dow Jones index to grow to record highs and at a record pace.
Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one, boosting economic growth.
Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending one-sided environmental regulations.
Withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership which had terms unfavorable to the US.
Began renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement for the same reason.
Convinced companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn to announce plans to open new plants in the U.S.
Ended Obama’s job-killing Clean Power Plan.
Allowed military professionals freedom needed to win the war on terror, as a result, kicking ISIS butts.
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