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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Work on the first section of the Trump border wall was started on federally-owned land in South Texas, according to a media report. :up:

Anonymous federal officials closely associated with the project confirm that discreet planning has been in-progress for over six months, and construction could commence in January of 2018 on a nearly three mile stretch of barrier that would run through the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge near McAllen, Texas, which was a hotbed of illegal crossings during the Obama administration.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Despite Democrats' doomsday message asserting America is on the brink of disaster with President Trump at the helm, new data reveal that we're actually in the throes of a four-month high in U.S. consumer confidence. Yes, Americans' outlook on jobs and the economy is positive, according to data from the New York-based Conference Board. Bloomberg reports that "with unemployment near a 16-year low and U.S. stocks reaching record highs, consumers remain upbeat, which should continue to support the household spending that accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. gross domestic product."

The outlet adds these key points:

Share of respondents citing “good” business conditions rose to the highest level since early 2001; the proportion expecting them to improve over the next six months also increased Labor differential, measuring share of those saying jobs are plentiful minus the share saying they’re hard to get, widened to 16.1 percentage points, the most since August 2001.
Confidence index rose to 121.1 (est. 116.5) from a revised 117.3 in June

Present conditions measure rose to 147.8, a 16-year high, from 143.9
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

President Donald Trump will announce Wednesday that Apple-supplier Foxconn Technology Group will open a new factory in Wisconsin.

The Taiwan-based electronics manufacturer was one of the first companies to announce a plan to invest billions to create jobs in America following the Trump’s election. :up:
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Re: President Trump?

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Japanese automakers Toyota and Mazda plan to announce Friday that they will build a new $1.6 billion vehicle assembly plant in the U.S. that would create 4,000 jobs, a person familiar with the plans said. :Happy: The announcement is likely to be viewed as a victory for President Trump who has been pushing foreign automakers to make more vehicles in the U.S. With the capacity to produce about 300,000 vehicles annually, the plant will be operational by 2021 through a new 50-50 joint venture, the person told USA TODAY. The person requested anonymity because they were not authorized to reveal the information prior to the formal announcement. The move carries significant political implications following Trump's verbal assault on Toyota and other companies that sell foreign-made cars in the U.S. It was not immediately clear whether Trump's threats factored into the decision. :Happy: U.S. employers hired more workers than expected in July and raised their wages, signs of labor market tightness that likely clears the way for the Federal Reserve to announce next month a plan to start shrinking its massive bond portfolio. The Labor Department said that nonfarm payrolls increased by 209,000 jobs last month amid broad gains. June's employment gain was revised up to 231,000 from the previously reported 222,000. :up: :Happy: :clap: :cheers: Trump's ALL Trump :!: The biased news organizations buried all of these stories :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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Zogby: Trump approval at 45%; Support among Hispanics, western and union voters jumps double digits :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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Thank Trump :!: North Korea backed down Monday from a threat to fire missiles at the U.S. territory of Guam, according to a North Korean state media report cited by the Wall Street Journal. Dictator Kim Jong-un had decided against the missile attack, according to the report, after making preparations to launch it. Clinton, Bush, Oh-bama did NOTHING :!: :Happy:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reports that Jason Kessler, the organizer of last Saturday’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is rumored to be a former Occupy Wall Street activist and supporter of Barack Obama :!: :shock:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

Wouldn't surprise me. Thing about trump is if you are a real white supremacist he's not your guy, way too tolerant of everybody. Yeah his rhetoric in the campaign lends it self to misinterpretation but Trump is not about white power. Color he cares about is green.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

Omega wrote:Wouldn't surprise me. Thing about trump is if you are a real white supremacist he's not your guy,
Tell that to David Duke.
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President Trump?

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Kristatos wrote:
Omega wrote:Wouldn't surprise me. Thing about trump is if you are a real white supremacist he's not your guy,
Tell that to David Duke.
good come back!

Doubt duke was a obama guy or Hillary supporter so he voted for the orange guy with jewish grandchildren. What is it when the greater of two evils can still vote for you?
Hillary had jihad Dads.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Julian Assange told a U.S. congressman on Tuesday he can prove the leaked Democratic Party documents he published during last year’s election did not come from Russia and promised additional helpful information about the leaks in the near future.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican who is friendly to Russia and chairs an important House subcommittee on Eurasia policy, became the first American congressman to meet with Assange during a three-hour private gathering at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder has been holed up for years.
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Re: President Trump?

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[video][/video] :up:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called for the removal of all Confederate statues in Congress, calling them a "reprehensible" reminder of this nation's racist past. It turns out, however, that Pelosi has a strange kinship with Confederate statues because her father once dedicated one to Robert E. Lee.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi woke up from her 30-year slumber last week and suddenly decided to be outraged by the Confederate statues standing in the halls of Congress. She finds them “reprehensible” and is demanding House Speaker Paul Ryan have them removed.

Red Alert Politics reports that "Pelosi’s father, Baltimore Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., spoke as the mayor at the dedication of a monument to Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson in 1948."

In a statement commemorating the statues, Pelosi's dad also called the two generals an "inspiration."
“Today, with our nation beset by subversive groups and propaganda which seeks to destroy our national unity, we can look for inspiration to the lives of Lee and Jackson to remind us to be resolute and determined in preserving our sacred institutions,” D’Alesandro, Jr. said.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Liberal website poll on MSN: Which are you most likely to vote for in the 2018 midterms?---media would have you think otherwise :!:
38% Democrat
45% Republican
10% Another party
7% I’m not planning to vote
Total responses: 340,394 vote
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

The U.S. economy rebounded sharply in the spring, growing at the fastest pace in more than two years amid brisk consumer spending on autos and other goods. The Commerce Department says the gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic health, grew at an annual rate of "3 percent" in the April-June quarter. It was the best showing since a 3.2 percent gain in the first quarter of 2015 :!: :up: Now you're talking :!: Big O, we knew it, and the media is not running with this news :!:
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Re: President Trump?

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Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray to inform him that the committee found in unredacted parts in transcripts that former FBI Director James Comey decided to write a statement to exonerate then-presumptive Democrat presidential candidate before the FBI finished its investigation into her emails.

Grassley wrote:

According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in early April or early May 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. This was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts :!: ---------big O, get that :!:
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President Trump?

Post by Omega »

Not surprised he was never going to challenge those in power. His whole statement exonerating her showed he was clueless about how average people viewed his good ol boy exoneration.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Did the FBI use the memo as the basis for their investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia?

And was Steele on the FBI’s payroll?

If the answer to both of these questions is “yes”, then the investigation is a fraud and should be shut down immediately with Mueller issuing a report proclaiming Trump’s innocence.

Senator Chuck Grassley – chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is trying to obtain an answer to these questions.

But the FBI is stonewalling efforts to get at the truth.

Byron York wrote in The Washington Examiner:

“Senate investigators have had problems getting the FBI to reveal information about the Trump dossier. They’re not the only ones. Outside groups filing Freedom of Information Act requests are running up against a stone wall when it comes to the dossier.

On March 8, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request for documents regarding the bureau’s contacts with Christopher Steele, the former British spy who dug for dirt in Russia on candidate Donald Trump in the months before the 2016 presidential election. Steele’s effort was commissioned by the oppo research firm Fusion GPS, which at the time was being paid by still-unidentified Democrats who supported Hillary Clinton. Just weeks before the election, the FBI reportedly agreed to support Steele’s oppo project — an extraordinary action in the midst of a campaign which Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said raised “questions about the FBI’s independence from politics…

… The idea was that the records would shed light on the basic questions regarding the dossier. Just what did the FBI do? Why? And — this is very important to Grassley — did the FBI ever use the “salacious and unverified” (the words of former FBI Director James Comey) information in the dossier as a basis for applying for warrants to put Americans under surveillance?”

The FBI claims they can’t release the information in response to a Freedom of Information Act request because it would force them to confirm or deny the existence of an investigation.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

ESPN host Jemele Hill took to Twitter Monday evening, and called President Trump a “white supremacist.” On Tuesday, the cable sports network responded with the equivalent of slap on the wrist, for the SportsCenter host’s comment.

On September 12, ESPN released a statement revealing that Hill will not be punished for her statement.

“The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the President do not represent the position of ESPN,” the network said in its statement, “We have addressed this with Jemele, and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate:”
ESPN Statement on Jemele Hill:

— ESPN PR (@ESPNPR) September 12, 2017

This light slap on the wrist came after Hill’s September 11 tweet attacking the president. “Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.” She tweeted:

Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.

— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) September 11, 2017

Hill’s tweet is a serious charge. Indeed, ESPN and other sports networks have fired conservative employees for political speech. Mike Ditka, Curt Schilling, Craig James, and other conservative employees were almost instantly fired for far less inflammatory statements.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Politico: Teflon Don confounds Democrats: Democrats have attacked the president every which way, but polling and focus groups show none of it's working. :Happy: Data from a range of focus groups and internal polls in swing states paint a difficult picture for the Democratic Party heading into the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election. It suggests that Democrats are naive if they believe Trump’s historically low approval numbers mean a landslide is coming. The party is defending 10 Senate seats in states that Trump won and needs to flip 24 House seats to take control of that chamber.

The research, conducted by private firms and for Democratic campaign arms, is rarely made public but was described to POLITICO in interviews with a dozen top operatives who’ve been analyzing the results coming in.

“If that’s the attitude that’s driving the Democratic Party, we’re going to drive right into the ocean,” said Anson Kaye, a strategist at media firm GMMB who worked on the Obama and Clinton campaigns and is in conversations with potential clients for next year. :Happy: Worse news, they worry: Many of the ideas party leaders have latched onto in an attempt to appeal to their lost voters — free college tuition, raising the minimum wage to $15, even Medicare for all — test poorly among voters outside the base. The people in these polls and focus groups tend to see those proposals as empty promises, at best. :Happy: Pollsters are shocked by how many voters describe themselves as “exhausted” by the constant chaos surrounding Trump, and they find that there’s strong support for a Congress that provides a check on him rather than voting for his agenda most of the time. But he is still viewed as an outsider shaking up the system, which people in the various surveys say they like, and which Democrats don’t stack up well against. :Happy: “People do think he’s bringing about change, so it’s hard to say he hasn’t kept his promises,” said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. In focus groups, most participants say they’re still impressed with Trump’s business background and tend to give him credit for the improving economy. The window is closing, but they’re still inclined to give him a chance to succeed.

More than that, no single Democratic attack on the president is sticking — not on his temperament, his lack of accomplishments or the deals he’s touted that have turned out to be less than advertised, like the president’s claim that he would keep Carrier from shutting down its Indianapolis plant and moving production to Mexico.

Voters are also generally unimpressed by claims that Trump exaggerates or lies, and they don’t see the ongoing Russia investigation adding up to much. :Happy:
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