Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond Film

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by ml94 »

ml94 » 08 Oct 2015 05:27 pm
cregg is D#CK, we need BOND 7... :007:
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by bjmdds »

bjmdds » 08 Oct 2015 05:46 pm
Cr-egg has exposed himself now to the minions EON cherishes. We knew this in 2005. The silence from Broccoli is so deafening you could not wake up MGW with an explosion :!:
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Omega »

Omega » 08 Oct 2015 06:44 pm
Drudge has a headline "Craig won't play 007 again: I'd rather slash my wrists "

This may be what finishes him.

Even if they try to spin this away millions of people have this image of him that's not going to go away anytime soon

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by bjmdds »

bjmdds » 08 Oct 2015 06:47 pm
In an honest interview in which the actor admits that he "begged" director Sam Mendes to return after 2012's Skyfall, Craig says that playing the British secret agent was "a drag." ("The best acting is when you're not concerned about the surface," he explains, "and Bond is the opposite of that. You have to be bothered about how you're looking.") Craig added that he hadn't given a potential return to the role any real consideration so far.

"For at least a year or two, I just don't want to think about it," he says. "I don't know what the next step is. I've no idea. Not because I'm trying to be cagey. Who the f - knows? At the moment, we've done it. I'm not in discussion with anybody about anything".
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by dirtybenny »

dirtybenny » 08 Oct 2015 06:50 pm
I don't want us to gloss over the fact that Craig is getting $60million for this movie! Also conceder Sammy boy Mendes would need a similar payday to be wooed away from his "principled" and "dedicated" career in the theater to participate in this farce. Let's imagine for the sake of math he only pulled in $40 mil. That's $100mil. on those two individuals alone! A third of the budget! Now factor Waltz' payoff which would have to be dear figuring his contempt for the series, and it's no wonder the budget is so bloated and out of control!
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by bjmdds »

bjmdds » 08 Oct 2015 06:54 pm
Above all, he said he was looking forward to sleeping in on Sundays, switching his brain off and enjoying a few drinks.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Omega »

Omega » 08 Oct 2015 07:21 pm
Switching his brain off? How will we know the difference ?

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by James »

by James » 08 Oct 2015 07:25 pm
Kristatos wrote:
James wrote:I wonder what £39 million is in dollars.
As a general rule of thumb, $1=about 60p.
Ah. I got a D in GCSE maths. Absolutely hopeless with figures.
Blowfeld wrote: Close to $60 million usd.
Unbelievable. :shock: It sounds like you could make an entire film for that let alone pay one actor.[
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by James »

James » 08 Oct 2015 07:30 pm
A selection of views from MI6/Cbn. Some think it's a storm in a teacup of course but some interesting stuff below...

"The issue is by saying "If I did another Bond movie, it would only be for the money.’ we know his heart isn't in it. It changes our perspective. It makes us feel he has no passion for the role. Is this the sort of actor - the sort of view from an actor - we want playing James Bond? I don't think so. He should have kept quiet about the money. No matter how well SPECTRE does, we know a fifth Craig Bond film will feature Craig doing it "only for the money." It's a shame we all know that. An ungrateful 'I'll do it if you pay me enough' actor making one more James Bond film. I think it taints the franchise. Irrespective of his acting ability or how good/average/poor SPECTRE is, I feel he should go. He's crossed a line. No going back."

"The efforts of many to excuse Craig's comments and behavior is rather perplexing. As a professional making a multi-million dollar salary, and now as an executive working on the film (since he now has a producer credit), Craig should be expected to behave in a professional manner, period, end of story. His inability to act professionally when conducting interviews and the fact that he's held a certain disdain for the role since being cast is really very off-putting, to say the least.

"Just realised his comments on doing it just for the money and also the slash his wrist comment is making headlines everywhere. That's bad, really. I'm not even cross with Craig, but with EON, do they not have some kind of control over interviews, one should think so. It will be hard to convince all the people that now are reading that stuff that Craig will be back for a fifth movie. Furthermore if he is, this comment will haunt him indefinitely. That's sad, really. While this will not hurt Spectre's box office, it will hurt his reputation."

"I open my daily Digital Trends newsletter, and why they mention 007 I don't know, the story is non tech. But when the headline says 'Craig would rather kill himself than play 007 again,' that really bothers me. Maybe it was said jokingly, he says this at the end of each shoot, taken out of contest, whatever. That quote is now worldwide, oops, too late. "Did I really say that out loud? Sorry Barbara, just a joke." Check your macho Brit attitude at the door, Dan. You get paid a ton of money to play a truly iconic roll, no one held a gun to your head to do it. Saying such a thing with the new movie out in weeks (and yeah, you're tired, blah blah, we all are) only hurts the effort so many people put into it. The now-standard cliche DC "I don't give an F***" pose is tiresome. You don't want to do it, quit. I imagine there'll be a line waiting for the gig."

"I am pretty sure we will get some kind of apology in the next couple days."

"I'm angry now. They (EON, Craig) should have known better. This story is going global as we speak. A crying shame. I'm going to watch Thunderball now..."

"EON needs to step up and say something. Spectre is having an OHMSS feel right down to the star quitting. If that the way he feels so be it but I would be pissed to spend months and millions to have my lead spout off like that. DC is losing my respect and allegiance. Time to find an actor who wants it (not Elba)."

"Yeah, I actually feel a bit disapointed with him acting like this... Really sad..."

"I still think it's sad that he's talking the way he does aout the franchise. That's that. Without Bond, he wouldn't really be that big of a name. I can't remember who said it but "give it to someone who wants it" if he's so tired of it. He´s starting to loose the respect of many fans."

"I may be taking the comments wrong but this is souring me on Craig. He needs to suck it up. There are millions of people doing much harder work than he has put in and they can't retire tomorrow financially secure. In fact, they get to look forward to another 30-50 years of hard work to scrape by. Craig should be grateful and honored for the role of Bond. Not be a jackass."

"I wonder if the powers that be say anything to DC over such comments? It comes across like he hates the role, which I don't think is his intent. Most would read it that way. It is already on the headlines on Yahoo."

"I'm a huge Craig fan but I'm not worried about him walking away. I'm outraged by his disrespect for what he's got. If that's how he feels I say good riddance."

"Doesn't come across that well, though. I'm sure explanations and excuses can be made - and might be given - but all a smidge sour. Still, we comment on without knowing what really happens and the nature of the demands on him, and others."

"I have to admit that all of this talk from him that makes it seem as though he absolutely hates the role rubs me the wrong way. And it should rub EON the wrong way as well. Much like Bill Murray's recent actions regarding the GHOSTBUSTERS franchise, this is very poor form for Craig. My feeling at this point is if he really hates the role that much, then EON should move on. Give Rupert Friend a call and let's let him take the ground running and tackle whatever's next for Oberhauser and/or Blofeld and SPECTRE."

"One interview was fine, two was interesting, third and fourth is now disconcerting. I will obviously wait for the official words and news regarding Daniel's future as Bond, but the amount of flippant and negative comments he has made in these interviews about the role, about his future and to some length the character himself is starting to get to me. Yes he's tired, exhausted blah blah blah but I never see Tom Cruise acting like this, and he's older and done just as much, if not more, in the recent 'Mission: Impossible' movies. I don't know if he's just messing with the media, which I think is a little un-professional, as it's the fans who read this and the fans who can get hurt by the comments of those they look up to. I very much doubt he'll go on camera saying anything like this, but it's just messed with my head a little. I don't know what to think of his attitude right now, and if he genuinely is worn out and can't see himself going on, contract or not, I just would rather he walk away than do it almost begrudgingly. The role of James Bond isn't an easy one, but the fans shouldn't have to be faced reading all these flippant remarks and negative reasons about not wanting to stay on. I can only defend actors for so long before it starts to bother me seeing so much of the same thing over and over, which makes me thing there's more truth in it than I want to believe."

"Tired or not, this wasn't a curse; it was a role he chose to play knowing how it would be. Reading comments like he would prefer to "slash his wrists" or he's "done with Bond" may not bother the casual fan, but I think that's something he doesn't need to say. I don't know. Pains me to say all that and just leaves me feeling a bit...meh."

"It puzzles me why actors and people who take on high-calibre roles like this always turn on themselves after a few years and resent the choice. If you didn't want to take on a, at the time, 44yr old franchise and character, then don't sign the deal. This has just really riled me up and I don't think anything ever has before since DC took over in 2006!"

"I agree that it's not very professional of him - Cruise's conduct is a good comparison. I wonder how much his co-producer credit let him feel more free to express himself..."

"Either way, I don't mind. I'm encouraged that he put so much into Bond that he feels so exhausted. I'm sad that he may be positioning himself to leave the role before number 5. I'm disappointed he doesn't seem to appreciate the massive wealth and comfort provided to him as a major Hollywood star, even with his injuries and creative work. I'm surprised he does feel that way, given his expressions of gratitude in the past."
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Omega »

Omega » 08 Oct 2015 07:39 pm
Wow! If they are reacting this way the more moderate fans have already given up on Craig

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Daltonite Toothpaste »

Daltonite Toothpaste » 08 Oct 2015 07:45 pm
bjmdds wrote:Cr-egg has exposed himself now to the minions EON cherishes. We knew this in 2005. The silence from Broccoli is so deafening you could not wake up MGW with an explosion :!:
"Hey, phrasing!"
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Kristatos »

Kristatos » 08 Oct 2015 07:49 pm
Omega wrote: Even if they try to spin this away millions of people have this image of him that's not going to go away anytime soon
I fear you overestimate the attention span of Joe Q Public.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Omega »

Omega » 08 Oct 2015 07:56 pm
Kristatos wrote:
Omega wrote: Even if they try to spin this away millions of people have this image of him that's not going to go away anytime soon
I fear you overestimate the attention span of Joe Q Public.
i fear you are right but they only have to remember it for 3 weeks for it to have impact

I'm not going to get on it. but if anything does happen to affect bo Craig wrist slash will be blamed above all else hacks included

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Atticus »

Atticus » 08 Oct 2015 08:27 pm
Well, well, so old man Daniel is having his public meltdown. Nice of him to do it just as they're in hype mode for Spectre. I've read this interview in Timeout London (the full text) twice now. Yeah, I know, I had nothing better to do. But it's fascinating to get a glimpse of what a profound moron this guy is. Wait, he's been a moron from the get-go, but now he's let his guard down to let his true colors surface. Obviously, he's got nothing but revulsion for the Bond role. And this business of doing a fifth one strictly for the money--well, he's done it completely for the money for the last four. This is the loony tune who ranted from the beginning that he was trying to get out of the role from the moment he got it. So he obviously did the other films strictly for money but had no passion to make them. When he says, "Look, I don’t give a f**k" about who takes over the role, the implication is that he doesn't give a shite about the role, or these films, period, and so he doesn't give a hoot who takes over, or what happens to the series, when he leaves. This is what all the Craig fanatics who worshiped him outright got in the end--somebody with zero respect for the role AND the series.

The other bizarre thing about this interview is Craig's tone. He's angry, frustrated. There's more here, of what happened behind the scenes that's fueling his mood. We all know about the troubled production. And maybe the finished film is lousy and it's left him with bitterness and regret of doing a fourth one.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Atticus »

Atticus » 08 Oct 2015 08:43 pm
Blowfeld wrote: What a touchy profane actor. He has never like the role, the character, the accompanying fame, perhaps the people he is forced to work with, always been a nasty git however this is too much. Beyond biting the hand that feed him, I can't fathom why he is still has a "opened ended contract" in EON's mind.
I don't think he truly has an open ended contract with Eon. That's what Eon would like us to think. There's an interesting line in Craig's lunatic interview:

Did you always plan to play Bond for a fourth time? It's been ten years now.

Craig: ‘Well, I was contracted to do another one. That was all set up."

Just after Skyfall's release, Eon/Sony announced that Craig was signed up for two more films. Now here he is saying he was contracted for just one. So they all came to an agreement just as Skyfall was released to do another but exaggerated to the world he was signed for two, not surprisingly since they were all dragging out the circus-like hoopla for the 50th anniversary of the series.

Just days ago, there was a report from (I think) the Daily Mail that Craig was signed for two more (which I never believed, most likely part of the hype for Spectre). Yet here he is, stating "I’m not in discussion with anybody about anything" concerning another Bond film. No, this is it. In the here-and-now, he doesn't have another deal with Eon so far. Now that I think about it...maybe this is why he's got such an angry tone in this interview. Did the studio brass already show him the exit door?
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by dirtybenny »

dirtybenny » 08 Oct 2015 09:12 pm
It's some what ironic that his minions are turning on him now when he's been saying this sort of thing for years, in fact it started almost immediately after taking the role!

These interviews give great insight as to how Bond became so "EMO" during Craig's tenure. It's exactly what Craig himself is!

Craig: "Whoa is me I play a beloved character in a long running blockbuster film series and get paid millions to do it while adoring fans prostrate them selves before me! Whaaaa!"

Craig's Bond: "Whoa is me I'm a super secret agent who travels to far off exotic locations where gorgeous women literally throw themselves at me and I get paid to do it! Boo Hoo!"
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Veronica »

Veronica » 08 Oct 2015 09:28 pm
dirtybenny wrote:I don't want us to gloss over the fact that Craig is getting $60million for this movie! Also conceder Sammy boy Mendes would need a similar payday to be wooed away from his "principled" and "dedicated" career in the theater to participate in this farce. Let's imagine for the sake of math he only pulled in $40 mil. That's $100mil. on those two individuals alone! A third of the budget! Now factor Waltz' payoff which would have to be dear figuring his contempt for the series, and it's no wonder the budget is so bloated and out of control!
This is all hilarious. I just remembered how they were saying they fired Brosnan because he asked more money and they couldn't afford it.
I swear,Barbara's middle name should be nepotism.
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by Omega »

Omega » 08 Oct 2015 09:39 pm
Veronica wrote:
dirtybenny wrote:I don't want us to gloss over the fact that Craig is getting $60million for this movie! Also conceder Sammy boy Mendes would need a similar payday to be wooed away from his "principled" and "dedicated" career in the theater to participate in this farce. Let's imagine for the sake of math he only pulled in $40 mil. That's $100mil. on those two individuals alone! A third of the budget! Now factor Waltz' payoff which would have to be dear figuring his contempt for the series, and it's no wonder the budget is so bloated and out of control!
This is all hilarious. I just remembered how they were saying they fired Brosnan because he asked more money and they couldn't afford it.
I swear,Barbara's middle name should be nepotism.
To be fair only $24 million is out of the production budget .

But they did say Brosnan wanted too much and they take out a loan to keep Craig happy wtf.

Interesting a lot of he should leave comment in my normal haunts

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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by bjmdds »

bjmdds » 08 Oct 2015 10:09 pm
Usually Cr-egg is forced to go on late night tv shows in the USA 1-2 weeks before the film is released. I hope whoever interviews the dolt grills him over his latest verbal tirade statements and puts the jackass on the hot seat on live tv :!:-----------Naomi Harris: "Sam Mendes loves strong, multidimensional women; that's incredibly important to him. Barbara Broccoli is at the helm of the franchise too, and she's a strong woman who has a big say in how the characters are developed."
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Re: Craig:"I’d Rather Slash My Wrists" Than Do Another Bond

Post by FormerBondFan »

FormerBondFan » 08 Oct 2015 10:22 pm
Either Babs leaves with DC or it's time to consider that anyone or anything can be Bond.
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