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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Here they go again.

The anti-Trump media in its typical pack fashion has begun criticizing Rasmussen Reports in recent days. Why? Because President Trump likes the job approval numbers we’re reporting.

It’s true that our Daily Presidential Tracking Poll often finds Trump’s public job approval several points higher than other national pollsters do. The same thing was true during the latter years of Barack Obama’s presidency, but for some reason the big media didn’t have a problem with that.

Now it’s true that if we only surveyed the newsrooms of The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN, Trump’s job approval ratings would be lower than low. Fortunately for our readers, however, we survey the real America outside the newsrooms and beyond the Beltway that girdles the nation’s capital. They give the president higher marks for his job performance out there.

The criticism from the anti-Trumpers is nothing new. Rasmussen Reports was constantly criticized throughout the 2016 election cycle for showing that Trump and Hillary Clinton were in a neck-and-neck contest much of the time. We were branded “outliers” because our findings didn’t show Clinton leaving Trump in the dust on a fast train to the White House.

Two days before the election, a prominent Democratic operative sent us an e-mail asking when we were going to apologize for being so wrong all year. But a funny thing happened when Americans actually got to vote. Trump defeated Clinton in perhaps the greatest electoral upset in U.S. history, and our polling nailed the exact margin between the two candidates.

Who got it right? The three daily tracking polls – Investor’s Business Daily, the Los Angeles Times and Rasmussen Reports. We’re the ones who were taking the temperature of the electorate every single day, not dropping in for a handful of days like the others – usually after a controversy - for a snapshot of popular opinion.

The rest of the polling industry was way off on the 2016 election results and spent the next several weeks apologizing for its worst performance since Dewey-Beats-Truman. Despite all the mea culpa-ing and public breast-beating, though, nothing much changed in the way they count their numbers.

The Democratic operative who wanted an apology from Rasmussen Reports, by the way, neglected to follow up the election results with an apology of his own.

The big media quickly shifted from trying to stop Trump’s election to sabotaging his presidency, and the polling industry quickly fell in step. At Rasmussen Reports, we shifted some of our demographic margins based on the election results, but it also largely remains business as usual: The difference is, we were right in 2016.

So the anti-Trumpers counting on voters to have a short-attention span are attacking Rasmussen Reports once again for being an outlier and leaning Republican. This is the same stuff we heard two years ago.

Just as we’ve done in previous administrations, we ask pointed questions about most of the major comments and actions of the president and the GOP-led Congress, and quite often the results are not what they’d like to see. But Trump is doing better in our Daily Presidential Tracking Poll than other surveyors say he is.

Why? Well, for one thing, since Gallup left the field earlier this year, Rasmussen Reports is the only public opinion organization that is tracking the president’s job approval on daily basis. The rolling number we post every morning at 9:30 Eastern is based on the responses of 1,500 Likely Voters. We pick up 500 new responses every night Sunday through Thursday and drop the oldest 500 off at the other end.

We go through additional screening questions to survey Likely Voters for the obvious reason that they’re the ones whose responses count: That’s where the electoral rubber hits the road. These people intend to vote. Many other pollsters survey registered voters, but think how many Americans don’t bother to vote in every election. A survey of registered voters doesn’t really tell you much about how an election is going to turn out.

Other companies poll an even wider field by surveying “Americans” which is basically anybody over 18 who answers the telephone. A survey like that on an upcoming election is largely worthless, although it often spawns a big headline.

Then there’s the whole issue of so-called “robocalls.” Rasmussen Reports is often criticized for using an entirely electronic surveying method. We record our questions, and then everyone we call hears that exact same question in the exact same voice with the exact same inflections. Many of our competitors use human callers and think that gives them an edge. But especially in an age as politically mean-spirited and divisive as ours, our results suggest that people are more likely to privately tell the truth to an automated voice than to a real person, especially one who asks the question in a little different tone of voice each time. Maybe respondents are more likely to tell the truth if they don’t think they’re being judged by someone on the other end of the line.

Interestingly, Rasmussen Reports did a survey in late August of 2016 in which we asked Likely Voters: Compared to previous presidential campaigns, are you more likely or less likely this year to let others know how you intend to vote? Or do you feel about the same? Seventeen percent (17%) of Republicans – nearly one-in-five – said they were less likely in 2016 to tell someone how they intended to vote. That compared to just 10% of Democrats. If you’re looking for why Trump was the upset winner contrary to the pollsters, this is a good place to start.

Like many other pollsters, we now draw a sizable percentage of our survey results from special demographically balanced Internet panels to capture the growing number of Likely Voters who no longer have landline telephones. These panels are increasingly important because they both reach younger Likely Voters and do so while maintaining their personal privacy – just like in the voting booth.

Unlike many of our competitors, there’s a link to each survey’s questions within the first two or three paragraphs of every analysis we post. We don’t load the questions at Rasmussen Reports, so we have nothing to hide.

Each pollster brings their own analysis to the number crunching, what we refer to as our own “special sauce.” We tried to explain this to voters just before the 2016 election in a piece we called, Why Pollsters Disagree .

So it’s 2018, and the forces that oppose Trump are calling us “outliers” again. The president, not surprisingly, likes our numbers and boasts about them which makes our competitors even angrier. We’re not on the Trump team; we’re not on the anti-Trump team. At Rasmussen Reports, we’re just trying to do an honest job telling you what America thinks.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

11 House Republicans call for prosecutions of Clinton :clap: , Comey :clap: , Lynch :clap: , and others :clap: :!: Nearly a dozen Republican members of Congress on Wednesday sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department and FBI seeking an investigation of former bureau boss James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Hillary Clinton in connection with 2016 campaign controversies.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions already announced last month he had assigned a federal prosecutor to review some of those broader issues, while resisting calls for a second special counsel. But the referral represents an escalation of Republican pressure to probe top Democrats and Trump critics.

Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., and 10 other lawmakers want an investigation into potential violations that cover everything from the handling of the Clinton email probe to the anti-Trump dossier’s funding to the Uranium One controversy. They made their case in a letter sent Wednesday to Sessions, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and U.S. Attorney John Huber, whom Sessions named to lead the previously announced evaluation.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein assured President Trump last week that he is NOT a target of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, Bloomberg News reported Thursday :!: The revelation came as Rosenstein met with Trump at the White House. Rosenstein was the one to raise the issue, according to why is this nonsense still going on :?: :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:11 House Republicans call for prosecutions of Clinton :clap: , Comey :clap: , Lynch :clap: , and others :clap: :!:
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by bjmdds »

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared he will suspend nuclear and missile tests starting Saturday, and that he will shut down the site where the previous six nuclear tests were conducted :!: :clap: :cheers:
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by kater23 »

bjmdds wrote:North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared he will suspend nuclear and missile tests starting Saturday, and that he will shut down the site where the previous six nuclear tests were conducted :!: :clap: :cheers:
H ell has frozen over! :Happy: :Happy:
I have no time for No Time To Die :lol:
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Omega »

kater23 wrote:
bjmdds wrote:North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared he will suspend nuclear and missile tests starting Saturday, and that he will shut down the site where the previous six nuclear tests were conducted :!: :clap: :cheers:
H ell has frozen over! :Happy: :Happy:
if he actually does it. Amazing. Only took the world 30 years to do it, 60 years after the Korean War

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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by bjmdds »

Omega wrote:
kater23 wrote:
bjmdds wrote:North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared he will suspend nuclear and missile tests starting Saturday, and that he will shut down the site where the previous six nuclear tests were conducted :!: :clap: :cheers:
H ell has frozen over! :Happy: :Happy:
if he actually does it. Amazing. Only took the world 30 years to do it, 60 years after the Korean War

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It took Trump only '15 months' big O :!: ----------------next week, it's Chiller Theatre time once again :!: We have reservations in a restaurant right near the hotel that we possibly could see some of the guests there for dinner. After, we head over to the hotel for their usual Saturday night concert shindigs. Guests:
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry »

bjmdds wrote:
Omega wrote:
kater23 wrote:
bjmdds wrote:North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared he will suspend nuclear and missile tests starting Saturday, and that he will shut down the site where the previous six nuclear tests were conducted :!: :clap: :cheers:
H ell has frozen over! :Happy: :Happy:
if he actually does it. Amazing. Only took the world 30 years to do it, 60 years after the Korean War

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
It took Trump only '15 months' big O :!: ----------------next week, it's Chiller Theatre time once again :!: We have reservations in a restaurant right near the hotel that we possibly could see some of the guests there for dinner. After, we head over to the hotel for their usual Saturday night concert shindigs. Guests:
Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. That would annoy a lot of people!
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

CNN star reporter Jim Acosta is doing damage control after he was accused of taking personal shots at Trump supporters in a recent interview with Variety when he said “their elevator might not hit all floors.”

Acosta, who has emerged as a key member of the anti-Trump media, took to Twitter to defend his comments that he claims were “twisted by some outlets.”

Acosta made the comments during a panel discussion with fellow White House correspondents April Ryan and Ashley Parker about what it’s like to cover the Trump administration and the president’s habit of referring to certain media outlets as fake news.

“The problem is that people around the country don’t know it’s an act. They’re not in on the act and they take what he says very seriously. They take attacks from Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders, and what they do to us on a daily basis, very seriously,” Acosta said. “They don’t have all their faculties and in some cases their elevator might not hit all floors.” :fight: ------this is why Republicans will retain both the House and the Senate in November :!: :fight:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

An Indiana GOP lawmaker is actively working to nominate President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize as talks between North and South Korea progress.

Rep. Luke Messer announced on Friday that he is gathering support from his congressional colleagues to formally nominate Trump.

"We are seeing unprecedented progress toward peace, and it's a direct result of President Trump's strong leadership," Messer said in a statement. "Following this historic announcement, President Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Our peace through strength strategy is delivering never before seen results."

Messer said last month that Trump "should be well on his way" to winning the Nobel Peace Prize if North Korea disarms its nuclear capabilities as a result of his actions.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Friday also said that Trump deserves the award if he is able to successfully negotiate North Korean denuclearization.

North and South Korean leaders on Friday signed a declaration committing to work for "complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula" and to formally bring an end to the decades-long Korean War :!: :!: :clap: And last week, North Korea agreed to stop its nuclear and missile tests ahead of an upcoming meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un..............15 months is all it took Trump :!: In 8 years Oh-bama the crumb did nothing :!: The middle east has a fragile peace as well with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the UAE as well :!: THIS is how you lead :!: I wonder how the unfortunate Ale will handle this on her pathetic twitter feed :?: :ROFL:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

He's no less worthy than Obama.
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:He's no less worthy than Obama.
sad but true.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

A poll taken on April 22, 2018 had Trump’s approval rating among black men at 11 percent, while the same poll on April 29, 2018 pegged the approval rating at 22 percent. Trump experienced a similar jump in approval among black people overall, spiking from 8.9 percent on April 22 to 16.5 percent on April 29. :up:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Kristatos »

bjmdds wrote:A poll taken on April 22, 2018 had Trump’s approval rating among black men at 11 percent, while the same poll on April 29, 2018 pegged the approval rating at 22 percent. Trump experienced a similar jump in approval among black people overall, spiking from 8.9 percent on April 22 to 16.5 percent on April 29. :up:
The Kanye factor?
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Maybe, but NO Republican EVER got that high with the black community :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

A federal judge in Virginia on Friday sharply questioned Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s authority to bring tax and bank fraud charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

“I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” said US District Judge T.S. Ellis III of the Eastern District of Virginia. :Happy:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by Omega »

If he were looking into foreign interference most of Washington was doing the same thing as what’s his face including Hillary’s campaign manager. If they don’t go after democrats or investigate the source of Wikileaks which lead back to the democrats it’s easy to demonstrate a bias and goal to subvert the election.

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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

A poll shows that President Donald Trump’s approval rating has spiked since April 27 — prompting the Reuters/Ipsos polling team to quarantine their data. :hair: :hair: :hair: :!: The spike shows Trump getting 50 percent support from swing-voting independents, 80 percent support from the GOP supporters and 20 percent support from Democrats, with very few people declaring themselves “not sure.” The spike in apparent support leaves Trump with 57 percent support on the economy, 60 percent support on employment and jobs, 51 percent support on immigration, although he gets only 43 percent on the high-priority issue of healthcare. :!: :!: :!:
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Re: President Trump?

Post by bjmdds »

Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general who rose to prominence as an antagonist of the Trump administration, abruptly resigned on Monday night, hours after four women accused him of physically assaulting them in an article published by The New Yorker.

“It’s been my great honor and privilege to serve as attorney general for the people of the State of New York,” Mr. Schneiderman said in a statement. “In the last several hours, serious allegations, which I strongly contest, have been made against me."
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