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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

FDU released another of its PublicMind polls touting that “this nationwide survey confirms initial findings” of ill-informed FNC viewers, and an FNC spokesperson blasted the findings and turned the tables on the university, pointing out that its own students don’t exactly measure up academically. (FDU was No. 585 on a Forbes ranking of 650 U.S. colleges.)

“Considering FDU’s undergraduate school is ranked as one of the worst in the country,” said the FNC spokesperson, “we suggest the school invest in improving its weak academic program instead of spending money on frivolous polling – their student body does not deserve to be so ill-informed.” The first study also came under fire for asking questions where the correct answers may have been ambiguous, and Cassino (one of the professors of political science at FDU who authored the two studies) acknowledged that that may have been the case for one question, though not others. (I live about 30 miles from this school and it is NOT recognized as anything special relating to academia in our region whatsoever.)
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Kristatos »

That's a very Murdochian response. Why bother refuting the findings when you can attack the messenger instead? I'm surprised Rupe didn't order the researchers' phones hacked in order to try and dig up some dirt on them.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Under President Obama’s new program to protect millions of illegal immigrants from deportation, many of those affected will be eligible to receive Social Security, Medicare and a wide array of other federal benefits, a White House official said Tuesday.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Kristatos wrote:
bjmdds wrote:You think they fabricated their story Kris? By the way, MSNBC creates an alternate reality to the facts of life, so feel free to watch them with Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz for the truth or with CNN and that shmuck Wolf Blitzer. Kris, explain to me specifically how POLL after POLL rates Fox news more reliable than ANY other news organization in existence right now, more so than ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, or CNN.
I've not seen the polls. I have seen one which suggests that Fox News viewers are less well-informed than people who watch no news at all.
Most surveys regarding cable news channels focus on ratings and the opinions of their viewers. However, a recent poll conducted by the Brookings and Public Religion Research Institute sought the views of all Americans toward all news sources in the nation.

A mere 5 percent of the respondents called the left-wing MSNBC cable channel their “most trusted” TV news outlet. On the other end of the spectrum, the Fox News Channel was named by 25 percent of the people surveyed, surprisingly more than the 23 percent who pointed to the “mainstream media” broadcast networks and the 21 percent who said they trust the Cable News Network.

Demonstrating just how far the “Lean Forward” network has fallen, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central drew 8 percent of the positive responses, three points more than MSNBC. Independent voters also choose Fox News first, over MSNBC with a 26 percent to 4 percent margin. The broadcast networks came in at 17 percent, while CNN draws a total of 16 percent from those viewers.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Kristatos »

"Trusted" and "trustworthy" are not synonyms. That same 25% would probably tell you that the Book of Genesis is a more trustworthy account of the origins of the Earth than a university science textbook. It doesn't make it true.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

US debt has increased by 70% under Obama, from $10.625 trillion on January 21, 2009 to $18.005 trillion most recently.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

President Obama reportedly is using a unique form of executive action known as the “presidential memorandum” at a historic pace – a tactic that allows him to, technically, claim he’s not over-using executive orders while still pursuing high-level policy changes without involvement from Congress.

A review by USA Today, published Wednesday, shows that, in fact, Obama has issued more memoranda than any U.S. president in history. He’s issued 198 – more than the 195 executive orders from his White House.

The executive action is strikingly similar to an executive order, with only slight differences. But by using the memos, this is how Obama and his advisers have claimed the president is not over-using executive orders.

According to USA Today, when the memos and executive orders are combined, Obama is on pace to issue more “high-level executive actions” than any president since Harry Truman.

As noted in the review, Obama’s most controversial executive action of late – an overhaul of the U.S. immigration system including de facto legal status for up to 5 million illegal immigrants – was done through memoranda.

Those actions already have led to legal challenges – and one judicial rebuke. On Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Arthur Schwab, in Pennsylvania, issued an opinion claiming some of Obama’s actions were unconstitutional.

The opinion, though, was delivered in a case not directly related to those actions, and the Justice Department downplayed Schwab’s opinion as “unfounded” and “flatly wrong.”

According to the USA Today review, Obama has used memoranda to take a number of other actions, including directing the Labor Department to collect salary data from federal contractors to see what they’re paying women and minorities, and directing federal law enforcement agencies to trace firearms that are part of federal probes.

The differences between an order and a memorandum are slight. According to the USA Today review, executive orders are numbered and memoranda are not. Executive orders have to cite the law they’re based on, and memoranda do not. Both actions can be used for similar purposes, though.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

MIAMI — The Obama administration overturned a ban preventing a wealthy, politically connected Ecuadorean woman from entering the United States after her family gave tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic campaigns, according to finance records and government officials.

The woman, Estefanía Isaías, had been barred from coming to the United States after being caught fraudulently obtaining visas for her maids. But the ban was lifted at the request of the State Department under former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton so that Ms. Isaías could work for an Obama fund-raiser with close ties to the administration.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Physician Praveen Arla is witnessing a reversal of health care fortunes: Poor, long-uninsured patients are getting Medicaid through Obamacare and finally coming to his office for care. But middle-class workers are increasingly staying away.

"It's flip-flopped," says Arla, who helps his father run a family practice in Hillview, Ky. Patients with job-based plans, he says, will say: " 'My deductible is so high. I'm trying to come to the doctor as little as possible. … What is the minimum I can get done?' They're really worried about cost."

It's a deep and common concern across the USA, where employer plans cover 60% of working-age Americans, or about 150 million people. Coverage long considered the gold standard of health insurance now often requires workers to pay so much out-of-pocket that many feel they must skip doctor visits, put off medical procedures, avoid filling prescriptions and ration pills — much as the uninsured have done.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ ... ar-AA84MEF "CNN's" Jake Tapper said that "as an American," he was "ashamed" that high-ranking officials did not attend. The French press also questioned why neither Obama nor Kerry attended the rally.
"There was higher-level Obama administration representation on this season's episodes of 'The Good Wife'" on CBS," Tapper wrote.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

Was being nagged that I had to make sure to keep my healthcare even after I'm kicked off my plan this summer took another look through BCBS it was worse then I thought, for one month they want my premium for 2 months with a $6000 deductible. My current deductible is max out of pocket $2500, $6000 I can tell you I'd never be able to use the plan.
As Admiral Ack-Bar would say "It's a F'ing trap!". The government forces us to buy then their pals the insurance companies say great now you are no longer a "free rider" but be sure to pay $6000 when you get sick. Having no healthcare is better than a deductible I can't afford, if the plan was $10 a month I'd still be screwed because of the deductible, but legally we have to buy the approved plan we can never use so the insurance companies can collect our money for nothing.

At least my current plan is good until summer when they will not renew me even though the president himself said it was a grandfather policy.

I think its the same for most people nobody in my family could afford a $6000 deductible, and forget the family deductible. It's like the law was written to force people not to use the healthcare system. They were talking about people should not have to choose between heath care and going bankrupt, yea, now there is no choice. Use you healthcare policy and declare bankruptcy at the same time.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Big O you nailed the reality :!: I only wish everyone had to deal with this issue outside of being hired by corporate America, where their deductibles have not gone up as much as your's and mine. NOBODY who pays for their own premium will UTILIZE it because of the massive deductibles, but the Medicaid expansion is giving UNLIMITED coverage to the so-called poor and illegals. It helped the poor but screwed the middle class workers BIG TIME :!: I hope more Americans realize what you and I have. Justice Roberts' court can correct this in June by overturning the provision of state vs. federal subsidies for the NON-affordable care act Oh-bama passed, but I don't trust him one bit :!: :twisted:
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Kristatos »

People with health insurance being bankrupted by medical costs isn't something that started with Obamacare. It happened to me and my wife (who both had insurance), and was the main reason for us moving back to the UK.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

Now the deductibles are outrageous and insurance is basically a catastrophic policy. I have been purchasing my own insurance for decades and I never saw anything like these deductibles or premiums. Also, there are NO out of network plans for people who work for themselves and only HMOs are offered which restricts where a person can seek treatment.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Omega »

Kristatos wrote:People with health insurance being bankrupted by medical costs isn't something that started with Obamacare. It happened to me and my wife (who both had insurance), and was the main reason for us moving back to the UK.
Sorry to hear it kris.

I'm just po'ed my police is being killed off.

The way the new policies look to me it shifting a huge burden on to the backs of people who can't afford it. People like me will avoid going to the doctor unless they have to, will knowing they have a 6k bill coming will absolutely avoid it, and that just going to make us sicker, more seriously ill and cost even more.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

That's the lunacy of Oh-bama's law as written. It screws those who actually pay the full premiums and rewards those who get the free rides. It may help 20 million but it will screw 130 million more :!: It's the Kobayashi Maru in reverse: the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the majority :!:
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Kristatos »

Omega wrote: The way the new policies look to me it shifting a huge burden on to the backs of people who can't afford it. People like me will avoid going to the doctor unless they have to, will knowing they have a 6k bill coming will absolutely avoid it, and that just going to make us sicker, more seriously ill and cost even more.
Sorry to hear that, but from what I recall, insurance policies for the self-employed have always been expensive. There was a period when I was between jobs and my wife's private piano teaching business was our sole source of income. We looked into insurance policies, and they were way beyond what we could afford. Fortunately, my wife got a classroom teaching job and I got an administrative job with the State of South Carolina. We had good insurance coverage, but when both of us got sick at the same time, it still crippled us financially. That's why I get very defensive about our National Health Service here in Britain, and get very angry when propagandists for the health insurance lobby take a few extreme cases and try to portray them as typical. I got tired of having to tell people that most of us here don't have to wait 6 weeks for a doctor's appointment and aren't left to die on hospital trolleys when we get admitted to hospital. One hears about such cases, of course, but it is a long way removed from my own experience of NHS care.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Dr. No »

BJ Omega, if you can qualify for the subsidies take them to get the best policy with a lowest deduct you can. Don't risk it!
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by Dr. No »

Problem with this law is everybody's insurance is effected the way the law is written all policies have to change to met new standards as they do it is treated as a new policy so its not grandfathered in.
The one thing about the NHS is it does not bankrupt the people who use it. I rather support something like that over the quasi free market system (medicine has not been free market for 50 years), yes NHS has problems, so does Canada, so do we. I'd rather have problem where the citizens are fine and the problems are heaped on the hospitals and governments.
Here healthcare cost have been out of control for all my life. Blamed on people not having insurance, lawsuits and people not paying, if we are honest its because the medical system has the same problem government and industry had with generous contracts with great benefits. A big part of the costs it's law suits/Lawsuit insurance and IMO sprawling hospital bureaucracy.

Some good things in Obamacare too bad the bulk of obamacare will never work. Most poorly informed people assume the day Obamacare went became law they get free healthcare, nobody told them they have to pay for the policies, and co/pay, and so on.
If the supreme court guts the law then all it does it collapses it faster, it can't last their are no price controls and the cost for medical care keep climbing, nothing addressing only the insurance part of the problem can stop this.
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Re: Oh-bama

Post by bjmdds »

CEO of Gallup calls jobless rate 'big lie' created by White House, Wall Street, media: The chairman of the venerable Gallup research and polling firm says the official U.S. unemployment rate is really an underestimation and a “big lie" perpetuated by the White House, Wall Street and the media.

What CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed in his blog Tuesday about how the Labor Department arrives at the monthly unemployment rate is no secret -- including that Americans who have quit looking for work after four weeks are not included in the survey.

The department's current rate of 5.6 percent unemployment is the lowest since June 2008, with President Obama using his State of the Union address and campaign-style stops across the country to tout an economic recovery.

“Our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999,” Obama said in the opening lines of his January 20 address before Congress.“Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis.”

Clifton says the “cheerleading” for the 5.6 number is “deafening.”

“The media loves a comeback story,” he writes. “The White House wants to score political points, and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.”

Since the start of the Great Recession, which economists largely agree began in late 2007, the unemployment rate peaked at 10 percent in October 2009 and finally got under 6 percent in September 2014.

Clifton says Americans out of work for at least four weeks are “as unemployed as one can possibly be” and argues that as many as 30 million of them are now either out of work or severely underemployed.

He points out that an out-of-work engineer, for example, performing a minimum of one hour of work a week, even mowing a lawn for $20, also is not officially counted as unemployed.

In addition, those working part time but wanting full-time work -- the so-called “severely underemployed” -- also are not counted.

“There's no other way to say this,” Clifton says. “The official unemployment rate … amounts to a big lie.”
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