Craig Says Writer's Strike "Fucked" 'Quantum Of Solace'

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Craig Says Writer's Strike "Fucked" 'Quantum Of Solace'

Post by Blowfeld »

Rare air? I really do not think he gets that he is growing to be more and more of the problem. Cubby woudl nave have allowed an actor get bigger than the series. To sum it up QOS was a mess and nobody postponed it to make a better movie, a movie that Daniel was proud of until bad reviews came in. SInce it was a commercial success he was very gratified
... followed up quickly with "Quantum of Solace" two years later, and to put it kindly, it was a much lesser effort.

Written by director Marc Forster, Michael G. Wilson and finally Paul Haggis, the script literally arrived two hours before the the start of the 2007/2008 Writer's Guild strike. And according to Daniel Craig in a recent interview with Time Out London, that left the production in the lurch as nothing else could be done to fine tune the script.

[glow=Blue]"On 'Quantum,' we were fucked," he said plainly. "We had the bare bones of a script and then there was a writers’ strike and there was nothing we could do. We couldn’t employ a writer to finish it. I say to myself, 'Never again,' but who knows? There was me trying to rewrite scenes – and a writer I am not.’"[/glow]

Pressed about his involvement on writing scenes for 'Solace,' Craig reveals that there was really no other option, and[glow=blue]adds an interesting tidbit that originally, the film wasn't supposed to connect to "Casino Royale" much at all. "Me and the director [Marc Forster] were the ones allowed to do it. The rules were that you couldn’t employ anyone as a writer, but the actor and director could work on scenes together," he explained. "We were stuffed. We got away with it, but only just. It was never meant to be as much of a sequel as it was, but it ended up being a sequel, starting where the last one finished."[/glow]

It's all about the script for Craig, who says it was the material that got him to sign on as Bond in the first place, and [glow=blue]he continues on in the franchise, he's taking a bigger behind the scenes role, which has lately included hiring Sam Mendes to direct "Skyfall.[/glow]"

"I did, yes, I did," Craig says about landing Mendes. "He’s English, he’s Cambridge-educated, he’s smart. He’s lived with Bond all his life, he grew up with Bond the way I did. We grew up at exactly the same time, and I said to him, 'We have to do this together, we have exactly the same reference points, we both like the same Bond movies and we both like the same bits in the same Bond movies we like.' We sat down and we just rabbited for hours about 'Live and Let Die' or 'From Russia with Love,' and talked about little scenes that we knew from them. That’s how we started talking about it. That’s what we tried to instill in the script. He’s been working his arse off to tie all these things together so they make sense – in a Bond way."

With the great talent behind "Skyfall," Craig thinks they've got a great shot of knocking out a solid entry. [glow=blue]"Sam got involved and then we got Roger Deakins [the director of photography], for f**k’s sake, who’s shooting it. The air is rare, and we’ve had the chance to employ some brilliant people. Win or lose, we’ve done the best we can because we’ve put the right people in the job. Pool the best talent you can, give them a good time and do the best we can – now I sound like a f**king politician!"[/glow]

We'll soon see how it all pays off. "Skyfall" hits theaters in Europe on October 26th, 2012, with a U.S. release following on November 9th.

Apparently he assume nobody else can remember 4 years ago. He was supposed to be making a 'trilogy' or so we were told by him and others. Bond 22 was always supposed to follow up CR, there were rumours Eon had filmed the intro of Bond 22 at the same time the filmed the last scene in CR.
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Re: Craig Says Writer's Strike "Fucked" 'Quantum Of Solace'

Post by Thunderpussy »

Craig should get his Name before the titles. He's so involved :cry:
What gets me is they said QOS was to continue the story from CR, so I would of guessed they would of had an outlined script
ready to go, But as seems to be the way with Eon now. They appear to of beeen taken completely by suprise
at doing another Film.
So rushed ahead with a Pile of Old Crap, Causing some to praise QOS as a great step forward in the series ,close to a work of art.
How silly they must feel now ( although I doubt any will admit to being fooled) reading it wasn't a professional thought out piece,
But rather a cobbler together written on the run piece of Filler.
Still the Producers seem to like the direction, and all Craigs Great ideas for the Character and his choices for Directors as the last
one worked out so well.
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Re: Craig Says Writer's Strike "Fucked" 'Quantum Of Solace'

Post by carl stromberg »

It's nice to see he's admitting now that QoS was crap. His interviews long after he's left the role will be interesting. I bet he says he never wanted to be Bond in the first place.
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Re: Craig Says Writer's Strike "Fucked" 'Quantum Of Solace'

Post by Kristatos »

Daniel Craig wrote:Mendes... grew up with Bond the way I did.
Oh great, the director loves Bond as much as Craig does :->
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