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And you thought Craig was bad...

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:25 pm
by Captain Nash
Just been looking at some of the possibe actors to take on the Bond role over the years.
According to IMDb some of the possibles were :
Oliver Tobias

Antony Hamilton

Rupert Friend

Lambert Wilson

And Hrithik Roshan

If anyone would like to add to this list. Please feel free.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:43 pm
by carl stromberg
A bit on Oliver Tobias from the alternative007 site:

In 2003 a poster told this story on the Brit Movie Forum:

"About twenty odd years ago I was working near Pinewood and used to sneak in and use the canteen. Over a sunny week I watched James Brolin and Oliver Tobias do screen tests for James Bond. Directed, it looked like, by the stuntman Martin Grace. It involved beating up Clive Curtis on a lavish room set.

Due to the hot weather, tables and chairs were out on the patio and the french windows of the bar opened out onto the garden. As I sat taking in the "life of the stars" with a coke and packet of dry roasted peanuts I noticed a lonely person sitting quietly under a Skol Lager brolly having a light ale. It was Oliver Tobias. After a while he was joined by a middle-aged lady with a metal cash box. The lady sat down opened the box a counted out sum cash. She gave him the money and he signed a page of foolscap. She then left. The whole thing took about a minute. He then got up went to the bar whare Martin Grace and the rest of the Crew were drinking and started chatting. I went past the restaurant and as I left I could see, through the window, James Brolin sitting with some suits having a meal."

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:47 pm
by Skywalker
It's amazing who seems to get associated with the role. It would be interesting to know how many have been close to getting the part.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:13 pm
by James
Those actors are a lot easier on the eye than Daniel Craig IMO. Tobias was a heart-throb in the seventies, Hamilton looks like a more square-jawed handsome version of Craig. Wilson was considered twenty years ago and he still looks very good now. I have no idea who Hrithik Roshan is. He looks like an ice-skater.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:59 pm
by Kristatos
James wrote:I have no idea who Hrithik Roshan is. He looks like an ice-skater.
He'd probably kick an a$$ or two. That's what Brian Boitano would do.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:34 pm
by James
What would Daniel Craig do,
If he was here right now,
He'd run through a wall or two,
That's what Daniel Craig'd do.

When Daniel Craig was in the alps,
Fighting a grizzly bear,
He pursed his lips and shunned any quips,
And wobbled a drink in the air.

So what would Daniel Craig do
If he were here today,
I'm sure he'd run through a wall or two,
That's what Daniel Craig'd do.

And what would Daniel Craig do,
He'd call all the kids in town,
And tell them to run through a wall or two,
That's what Daniel Craig would do.

And when Daniel Craig built the pyramids,
He beat up Kubela Kong,
He wobbled his drink in front of a mirror,
and turned down Barbara's suggestion of a sarong.

So lets all get together,
And unite to stop Eon,
And we'll save The Sweeney and Captain Nash too,
Cos that's what Daniel Craig'd do.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:08 am
by Captain Nash
Very poetic Jim. :wink:
Any reason to move this carl?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:10 am
by Captain Nash
And I don't need saving thanks.
But thanks for the mention. :wink: