Movies that freaked you out as a kid

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Movies that freaked you out as a kid

Post by katied »

My big one was Poltergeist. I watched it at my friend Maria's slumber party as a kid and it Maria's sisters were a lot older than her and couldn't believe their parents were letting a bunch of 11 and 12 year old girls watch such a movie!
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Re: Movies that freaked you out as a kid

Post by Kristatos »

I was never allowed to watch horror fims as a kid. One movie that freaked me out, though, was The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour. When an older school friend explained to me exactly why the film was so incoherent and weird, it "scared me straight", as they say, so you can credit that film for keeping me off drugs!

Funnily enough, the only other time I remember being freaked out as a kid was by a Tex Avery cartoon called Jerky Turkey. I must have been about 5 or 6 when I saw it and found the ending strangely disturbing, despite it being played for laughs. I won't spoil it, but you can watch the cartoon here if you want to know what I'm talking about. Just goes to show that you can never predict what's going to upset very young children.
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Re: Movies that freaked you out as a kid

Post by katied »

There's stuff in a lot of the Disney cartoons that scares kids!
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Re: Movies that freaked you out as a kid

Post by Kristatos »

katied wrote:There's stuff in a lot of the Disney cartoons that scares kids!
Yes, but they're meant to be scary. This was meant to make the audience laugh, but as a tiny tot, I was upset by the idea of a cartoon ending with
it's two lead characters being eaten
, despite the fact that
they were clearly shown to still be alive
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Re: Movies that freaked you out as a kid

Post by katied »

OK, what you mentioned *is* scary.

Another scary one for me was the decapitation scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark and the melting Nazis(also from Raiders)
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Re: Movies that freaked you out as a kid

Post by FormerBondFan »

The Last Crusade where the group Nazi leader ages rapidly.
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Re: Movies that freaked you out as a kid

Post by Blowfeld »

Mine is a similar story to Katied's. A bunch of nine to ten year olds trying to stay away until daylight. There was a late night horror movie about a girl that was dead in a well and her ghost was haunting some people. Kept me awake for weeks. Strangely it was not a show we intended to watch there was another show on the scheduled, why we didn't flip it when it became obvious it would not be on, I can only say I think we were tying to show how tough we were.

The other movie that bothered me was Disney's 'The Black Whole'
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