The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

General Bond discussion from Sean Connery to Pierce Brosnan
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry » ... -1-3924651

AT times clumsy and ponderous, Daniel Craig’s fourth outing as James Bond frequently undermines itself despite flashes of inspiration, writes Alistair Harkness

AFTER the artistic and commercial success of Skyfall, Sam Mendes was always going to have his work cut out following the biggest Bond film of all time. For the briefest of moments with Spectre, though, he looks like he might have succeeded. Kicking off the 24th official film with a cracker-jack opening featuring 007 (Daniel Craig) hunting down a target amid the chaos of the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico City, the swooping Birdman­-like camera moves he deploys as buildings collapse and Bond becomes embroiled in a collateral damage-threatening tussle in a helicopter help set a breathtaking pace. Unfortunately, the ensuing film can’t really sustain it as the plot struggles to bring closure to the overarching hodge-podge saga with which Craig’s run on 007 has variously flirted.

The problems emerge early and are weirdly symbolised by the title. Though it is indeed the name of the global terrorist network first introduced by Ian Fleming in Thunderball (and in the movies in Dr No), it has no alternative acronymic meaning here. Its use is more thematic, hinting at the myriad ghosts haunting Craig’s run on Bond. But like the title of Sam Smith’s dismally bland ballad Writing’s On The Wall that plays over the laughable opening credits sequence, such on-the-nose cutesiness backfires somewhat as it becomes readily apparent Spectre is at best a ghost of Skyfall, needlessly regurgitating large chunks of its plot.

The double-O programme, for instance, is once again under threat. Bond’s actions in Mexico don’t help M (Ralph Fiennes) cope with the pressures of a merger with MI5 and a new boss called Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott) intent on streamlining the security services under one central, Big Brother-style organisation. Max goes by the code name C – the true meaning of which becomes a running gag for Bond and M, particularly as his snide and ruthless approach to Bond’s position forces 007 to once again go rogue – though naturally he enlists some covert help from Q (Ben Wishaw) and Moneypenny (Naomi Harris), the latter now thoroughly settled into her secretarial role after proving her incompetence as a field agent in Skyfall.

Bond’s first stop is Rome, where he seduces Monica Bellucci, cast here as the widow of his target in Mexico. Bellucci is the sole recipient of the iconic “Bond, James Bond” line in the film, but depressingly she’s swiftly discarded – the only thing more objectionable to Bond than a stirred vodka martini is, apparently, a beautiful woman his own age. Instead he’s soon united with the 20-something Léa Seydoux, whose character, Madeleine Swann, is some sort of Sorbonne-educated psychologist hiding out in a remote clinic in the Austrian Alps. She jokes about daddy issues and falling into Bond’s arms, but her competence with a firearm doesn’t offset the pathetic damsel-in-distress role she’s been assigned in the action, which at one point is so depressingly retrograde it’s a wonder Mendes didn’t just tie her to some railway tracks.

As for Craig, his recent “I’d rather slash my wrists than reprise the role” comments not withstanding, he’s clearly having some fun with the role. Always a more muscular presence than his predecessors — his fight sequences bloodier and more bruising — he’s now bringing a slyness to what had previously seemed like a bad case of Bourne-envy. In one of the film’s best moment, he floors a security guard with a thunderous punch and orders his about-to-spring into action colleague to “stay” like an obedient puppy – a nifty symbol of Craig’s command of 007, the mix of insouciance and playful self-awareness just right for a character still trying to find his place in the modern age.

Unfortunately, the film repeatedly falls back on lazily preposterous storytelling. That may seem like a churlish complaint for what has always been a traditional Bond trait — and to be fair, Spectre does occasionally get things right. The conclusion to an early car chase through the deserted night-time streets of Rome functions as a smile-inducing throwback to the days when a Lotus Esprit could turn into a submarine, or an Aston Martin could eject its passengers from something other than its side doors. But, elsewhere, the action is too reliant on Bond being able to magic a plane or a speedboat out of thin air, or break his fall on a well-placed couch or – literally, at one point – a safety net.

Even worse, the reveals are obvious and anticlimactic – and the methods to get us there are nonsensical. Why send an Odd Job-style henchman (Dave Bautista) to kill Bond on a train, for instance, when you’ve apparently already laid on a chauffeur-driven vintage Rolls Royce to pick him up at the end of the line and bring him to your desert lair? As the villainous Oberhauser and head of Spectre, Christoph Waltz can’t really do much here to live up to he menace promised by that bad-ass “author of all your pain” line that was all over the trailer. A shadowy figure in the early parts of the film, his beef with Bond is blown with some clumsy foreshadowing long before their big confrontation. Denied the playful malevolence of a Quentin Tarantino script to exploit his off-kilter delivery, Waltz also slips all too easily into the role of a panto bad guy, cackling his way through metaphorical speeches about cuckoos and meteorites as he outlines his diabolical masterplan.

And to quote Bond on the latter, this plan – a mundane riff on the NSA abuses – is “not exactly complicated”. Indeed, as Bond needlessly reiterates it for the benefit of anyone in the audience who hasn’t already figured it out (probably an hour earlier), it becomes all too apparent that the film is racing to keep pace with us, rather than us with it. This makes Spectre frequently ponderous and actually quite boring in places, taking an age to get us to where we all know it’s going. At least Quantum of Solace had the decency to be short and fast-paced. By the time this film’s drawn-out conclusion arrives, the writing really is on the wall for Bond (he literally follows it to find the bad guy’s hiding place). The final shot, meanwhile, is little more than a cheap bit of nostalgia designed to make you go out with a smile on your face rather than think about what that aforementioned “C” might really stand for.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Veronica »

"He literally follows it to find the bad guy's hiding place"...and then they say classic Bond movies are ridiculous...
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by shaken not stirred »

Veronica wrote:"He literally follows it to find the bad guy's hiding place"...and then they say classic Bond movies are ridiculous...
Remember to some of these people they probably think this is what fleming would've done with bond (facepalm) and following that to the bad guys lair...what the hell is this scooby doo? :lol: :lol: :lol: . Blofelt: and I vould've votten avay vith it if it vasn't for zat pezky bond and dis q ans monzeypenny, bond: heh heh heh heh bondy bondy dooooo.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by The Saint 007 »

Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:But like the title of Sam Smith’s dismally bland ballad Writing’s On The Wall that plays over the laughable opening credits sequence
Someone on MI6 made this comment in regards to the title sequence: "It's like a sorta Daniel Craig softcore porn film involving an octopus and loads of fire. Like I said it's mega weird and not entirely successful."

I've also noticed quite a few reviewers are keeping up the comically redundant tradition of deeming Spectre as the film where Craig finally becomes the James Bond we know and love.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by shaken not stirred »

The Saint 007 wrote:
Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:But like the title of Sam Smith’s dismally bland ballad Writing’s On The Wall that plays over the laughable opening credits sequence
Someone on MI6 made this comment in regards to the title sequence: "It's like a sorta Daniel Craig softcore porn film involving an octopus and loads of fire. Like I said it's mega weird and not entirely successful."

I've also noticed quite a few reviewers are keeping up the comically redundant tradition of deeming Spectre as the film where Craig finally becomes the James Bond we know and love.
God how many films have they said that already, it's like when you're a kid and you ask are you there yet and keep saying yes when're not and this is how it goes to he bond yet, yes (no he isn't then, next film) he bond yet, yes (watches no he isn't, next film, etc, etc).

So they ditched the naked women in silouettes again for something you put the gun barrel back in....but then get rid of the silouette women that were a staple in all the bond films, what was it the gunbarrel or the silouette women?, shouldn't it be both.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Goldeneye »

OK we ave a reviews section up in the main spectre forum, if the moderators could please copy anything appropriate to them proper thread I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Goldeneye »

Skywalker wrote:Sat in my hotel room last night following a pretty tiring day on-site and turned the TV on, mainly for background noise rather than for a specific program. After a few seconds, I recognised the voice emanating from the TV and it was none other than BB’s finest ‘Craig’. Now I’ve not kept abreast of all things Bondian for some time and haven’t watched a Bond film since Craig’s last venture which I actually enjoyed (shame on me). However, before my eyes was quite possibly (IMO) the worst Bond film ever in ‘Quantum of Solace’. If anyone needs reminding how awful Craig can be you need only watch that turd of a film. Despite QOS being dreadful it has intrigued me to start watching Bond films again to no doubt rid me of the painful experience of seeing Craig don the tuxedo.

Anyway, hope you boys and girls are all keeping well.
Hi Skywalker! Hope you are well!
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Alessandra »

bjmdds wrote:Frances Lai, The Upcoming:
"Unfortunately, Waltz’s limitless talents as a commanding character actor are wasted on Franz Oberhauser,
the nebulous figurehead of SPECTRE
, who turns out, inevitably, to have a personal vendetta against Bond. The characterisation of Bond’s nemesis proves to lack depth and substance. Ultimately, Spectre is barely suitable as a mindless action flick, and a long way from becoming a classic in the James Bond franchise. After more than 20 films, it is of course difficult to fashion a Bond film that will last the ages. Nonetheless, modern audiences are still waiting for a simply satisfactory one in recent memory." Verdict: 2 out of 5 stars
I'm shocked to see there are still honest critics in this world.
This speaks exactly of things as they are.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by shaken not stirred »

Alessandra wrote:
bjmdds wrote:Frances Lai, The Upcoming:
"Unfortunately, Waltz’s limitless talents as a commanding character actor are wasted on Franz Oberhauser,
the nebulous figurehead of SPECTRE
, who turns out, inevitably, to have a personal vendetta against Bond. The characterisation of Bond’s nemesis proves to lack depth and substance. Ultimately, Spectre is barely suitable as a mindless action flick, and a long way from becoming a classic in the James Bond franchise. After more than 20 films, it is of course difficult to fashion a Bond film that will last the ages. Nonetheless, modern audiences are still waiting for a simply satisfactory one in recent memory." Verdict: 2 out of 5 stars
I'm shocked to see there are still honest critics in this world.
This speaks exactly of things as they are.
I think a critic should always be honest, it sickens Me though that a lot don't seem to be, if something is bad then it should be said, you can't give a film 4 out of 5 if the first half was good and the other half was disappointing a 3 or 3.5 would've made more sense (ign gave it 7.2 and that's got a lot of people mad for some reason).
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Goldeneye »

I'm struggling to recall the MGW quote about after a Bond actor makes his best Bond movie he should move on.
He was essentially saying Brosnan, Moore, Connery all had their moment, after the high watermark it went downhill. He was saying this before Skyfall so he was implying Craig had not had his moment yet, maybe looking it back at this it could be said judging form the early SPECTRE reviews Craig had his moment with Skyfall and should leave.

Of course MGW is ignoring the reality each movies fluctuation between well done and hack job is his responsibility and not the actors. :roll:

From my POV there is something different about this release that none of the others had. Almost anticlimactic as if this experiment is done and we are just walking though the remains of it. I know there will be a lot of people excited for any movie branded Bond, from where I sit it feels off as if their is something missing in the reactions. Then again I'm a fool who is still here after 9 years. :wink:
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Veronica »

I definitely agree with what Goldeneye said.. There is just something anticlimatic about this whole thing.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by English Agent »

The thing is with the rest of us they come from all walks of life.........some like Bond and some don't, and that shows in their reviews.

I wasn't amused that one or two critics have potentially given away some spoilers!

Anyway, as i live in the UK i will be seeing the film next week...............its very unusual for a film to open on a Monday........though from my local multiplex, Monday is just having evenings viewings, but from Tuesday onwards its full out release, and my local is showing the film a staggering 15 times a day, though obviously on a few screens.

I do hope the film is very good, coz we do have to wait quite a while nowadays in between Bond films..........and i will post an unbiased review here, without spoilers!
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Omega »

English Agent wrote:The thing is with the rest of us they come from all walks of life.........some like Bond and some don't, and that shows in their reviews.

I wasn't amused that one or two critics have potentially given away some spoilers!

Anyway, as i live in the UK i will be seeing the film next week...............its very unusual for a film to open on a Monday........though from my local multiplex, Monday is just having evenings viewings, but from Tuesday onwards its full out release, and my local is showing the film a staggering 15 times a day, though obviously on a few screens.

I do hope the film is very good, coz we do have to wait quite a while nowadays in between Bond films..........and i will post an unbiased review here, without spoilers!
look forward to it EA!

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The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Omega »

Craig has a interview where he brags about going in to a rage when some guy pinched his girlfriends butt. First I thought he was married , second what do you expect in a French bar?

But he brags about lifting the guy up which makes me think it recent history because before the steroid bond treatment Craig couldn't lift his lunch and since cr he has been on the war path when ever anyone takes a photo or buts him a drink

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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by bjmdds »

From what I am seeing the overall verdict is the film is tolerable for the first half because Cr-egg is obscured by the non-stop action paced scenes. Once the psychological enhancements kick in, the film tails off to sheer boredom and stupidity the second half. I still predict an UNDER $1 billion total box office and possibly now even under $800 million worldwide based on this being a totally front loaded box office entity. Broccoli cannot buy off all of the critics and there is so much more buzz for SW now to boot that ECH-TRE could be a faded film by weekend three. FBF, you can now get off that ledge :!: ECH-TRE won't top SF and Cr-egg is one step closer to expulsion :!: :yay:
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Daltonite Toothpaste »

The Saint 007 wrote:
Capt. Sir Dominic Flandry wrote:But like the title of Sam Smith’s dismally bland ballad Writing’s On The Wall that plays over the laughable opening credits sequence
Someone on MI6 made this comment in regards to the title sequence: "It's like a sorta Daniel Craig softcore porn film involving an octopus and loads of fire. Like I said it's mega weird and not entirely successful."

I've also noticed quite a few reviewers are keeping up the comically redundant tradition of deeming Spectre as the film where Craig finally becomes the James Bond we know and love.
Hasn't that een the case at the end of each film? The less said about the "How James became Bond" trailers of CR, the better.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Veronica »

I can only laugh at their "Bond becoming Bond" excuses that they are serving every single time all over again.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Daltonite Toothpaste »

Veronica wrote:I can only laugh at their "Bond becoming Bond" excuses that they are serving every single time all over again.
It just goes to show how ill thought out the reboot was. Bond written as being in his mid 20's, being played by an actor pushing 40. Then they can't decide when he is supposed to become the cinema icon James Bond, as opposed to rookie Bond.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by Veronica »

Daltonite Toothpaste wrote:
Veronica wrote:I can only laugh at their "Bond becoming Bond" excuses that they are serving every single time all over again.
It just goes to show how ill thought out the reboot was. Bond written as being in his mid 20's, being played by an actor pushing 40. Then they can't decide when he is supposed to become the cinema icon James Bond, as opposed to rookie Bond.
In my opinion it was always quite obvious Barbara doesn't quite know what to do with the franchise. So she and her co. try to appear smart with the quasi-psychological depth and what not...
That's the one key difference between her and Cubby. Even after TMWTGG didn't do so well he still had the guts and the witts to make one hell of a Bond movie. TMWTGG didn't do very well financially either. DAD at least did that. They should have tried to make better movies or bring someone who really had the will to do that instead of just throwing away 40 years of cinematic history.
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Re: The BJMDDS General Discussion Thread......

Post by FormerBondFan »

bjmdds wrote:From what I am seeing the overall verdict is the film is tolerable for the first half because Cr-egg is obscured by the non-stop action paced scenes. Once the psychological enhancements kick in, the film tails off to sheer boredom and stupidity the second half. I still predict an UNDER $1 billion total box office and possibly now even under $800 million worldwide based on this being a totally front loaded box office entity. Broccoli cannot buy off all of the critics and there is so much more buzz for SW now to boot that ECH-TRE could be a faded film by weekend three. FBF, you can now get off that ledge :!: ECH-TRE won't top SF and Cr-egg is one step closer to expulsion :!: :yay:
Even so, who cares about James Bond anymore?
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